wooly baba
Wish i had some edibles. Gonna scoop some bubble from my boy in a minute. got a zip of some sour smelling OG just for today.
sooo... i been high has fuck all day and aint cover that plant....... i look at it like this.... if it dont make it it wasnt ment to be........ only the strong survive...... and if it dies a sourkush bubba will def. takes its place..... fuckityeah you doooo
for sure......
man my water has been out for days now...thi sshit fucking sucks balls. I hate hauling water and I hate not being able to shower or wash dishes easily....fuck.
only reason I'm not going out of my mind is because of the cannabis....
25 dallar halfs? damnI don't have enough SK to sell except the diesel. and bro you have no fucking conception of how flooded it is out here. people are selling 25 dollar halfs.
I'm lucky to find someone who's even willing to buy an oz... and that's IF I'm even willing to sell at that moment...
my pump is broken is what I"m saying bro. already replaced the control box, theres the pressure switch that might be fucked... or the $400 dollar pump itself.....