the chitown sourkush thread


Well-Known Member
lol... da water is wet over there i hear... hahaha i dont fucking know yet bro.. id imagine its from some river or some shit has its in the high desert.. i donno if they have wells in the desert?
yeah it's prolly on a water system from the city.

put a buncha plants outside today. 5 sour kushe females, 2 lush females, the 4 tahoe og x bubba kush seedlings (unsexed so far) , and 2 desert valley kushes. I only have one more lush female inside, one more desert valley kush female, 2 cheesequake females, and I'm waiting on one pure tahoe og to sex (hope it's female...) , the rest are males. I think I have 3 lush males, 2 pure tahoe og males, 1 cheesequake male, 2 dvk males, and 2 sk males.


Well-Known Member
Lol, you always come around right around fight time man. I got Jones by knockout in Second round. I have a feeling he is going to fuck rashad evans whole head (mentally) up when he starts throwin the strikes he's working on. I like Rashad i just dont feel good about his chances this time, plus Bones is my boy! Who you pickin? some other good fights on that card.


Well-Known Member
ima have to lean on jones to win... 60% jones 40% evens... evans has quick hands, and jones a suspect chin.... evens could win by decission or knockout.. but most likely jones will win by tko


Well-Known Member
i wanna see who dos santos is gonna fight.. he will be fighting dana says.. i really wanted too see jds knock out the reem in a round... the reem knew it was comming.. thats why he tried to bulk up too much with roids.. i mean comone alistar.. u been doing roids for over 3 years nigga i know u know how/when to cycle off em before a piss test.. jds just had that nigga scared.. he had to weigh like 275 and cut down to 265 to fight cigano... it dont matter how big he comes in that chump still getting foo fopped....


Well-Known Member
this thread is lame as fuck lately, wher ethe fuck are the sour kush pics. shit is lame as fuck. I mean I thought this was teh sour kush thread not the KUSH LOVERS I wont post on that kush lovers thread if it's gonna kill all the traffic from this thread, fuck that. thisi thread is way the fuck more legendary adn I wont let it die.


Well-Known Member
Well poplars, its not that the kush thread is taking away from this thread. Chi-town is busy so he can't flood us to the top with vidz, and only like 5 people have sk, and half of them dont post pictures, chitown included. The kush thread is in no way compromising this one they are even in different parts of the forum. Nobody wants to come in and watch a strain they will never grow.. so its just us.