The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

I don't mean to piss off patriotic Americans, I'm Canadian, but I seem to like America more than a lot of Americans I see in the news, including the president! My country has multiple defense agreements with the US NATO and NORAD are a few, we even share sports leagues like MLB, NBA and NHL (we have our own football CFL), so you could say yer cousins have a passing interest in the Affairs of Leviathan. The fact that a complete psycho has weaseled his way into the presidency tends to get our attention too!
don't forget motorcycle racing. I still pine over those rz' s that Canada leaked into the us.
I don't have any sig graphics, I made two attachments in a single post related to the quote I responded to and it will only take one post in your precious thread.

my sig has two conversational quotes, both very short. trump loves the uneducated, now that you know the difference between post attachments and a sig I feel you are better armed in your endeavors.

you're welcome.
I see them a bit too much, not a big fan of graphic in sigs. Glad you don't make a habit of using them, some are ok, but scrolling through them is a bit much.

You can have different political opinions, but this is not about politics, left vs right is not the issue here, right vs wrong is and it's been that way for awhile. Something blinds Trump supporters to his dangerous faults as a human being and his fatal ones as a president. This is serious business, not a game that morons play about pissing off the liberals, Trump was in bed with Vlad and had help with the election, that's literal treason. The legal definition is in the constitution, but a state of war has existed since the attack, according to the precedent set by FDR after pearl harbor. In the modern age America got poleaxed by russia and it's an equivalent situation, but in a cold war type setting.

This game is a little longer than you think, it wasn't over with the last election, but just begun, trials and time will tell. A good old fashioned landslide like ya never seen in years is in the offing, America still has it in it. I figure the republicans will have to take a knife to Trump before the election and it won't be pretty. The next elected GOP president will probably be black.
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Trump supporters and enablers are gonna be just like Trumps investors and business partners, fucked. Standing there in public with astonished looks covered in the most vile smelling shit imaginable. It won't be possible for the GOP to wrap itself in the flag and robes of Jesus anymore, it would just look too ridiculous to the majority of voters. Their demographic is aging and the younger generations are shuning them in droves and that will take a generation to get over. They are headed for regional statues as a political party.

If the democrats ran a blonde haired blued eyed male in 2020 the republicans would be finished for good, it would rip the base to shreds. I don't think they should choose a candidate like that though, but if they did, they would win the WH for sure! A dog could run against Donald and win in 2020, but Donald will have other things on what remains of his mind by then.

He'll get his wall, he'll exercise next to it every day for an hour, it's purpose will be to keep him in, not others out.
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I think I'll revise my estimate of Trump's D day back a bit, I think Mueller wants the drama closer to the midterms, this is political too since impeachment is on the table. The trials and possible pardons are gonna come at the worst possible time for the GOP, election season. There's also no enemy to unite the right and focus energy, Hillary is history as is Obama, no "Epstein" for a 1984 type 2 minute of hate moment. Who ya gonna chant lock em up, or hang her about, who's gonna get em all lathered up this time? If the GOP is gonna run against Mueller in the midterms, they'll lose badly.

They are gonna try and time this one perfectly and yes it will be deliberate and they should make no bones about it, the people get to weigh in on this one. Go fuck yerself ya treasonous bastards etc. should be the attitude, "locker her up", we'll hang ya bastards by the box carload might be a better response. Put the fear of Jesus into them cause they got a lot to be scared about, which is why thy are.
I see them a bit too much, not a big fan of graphic in sigs. Glad you don't make a habit of using them, some are ok, but scrolling through them is a bit much.

You can have different political opinions, but this is not about politics, left vs right is not the issue here, right vs wrong is and it's been that way for awhile. Something blinds Trump supporters to his dangerous faults as a human being and his fatal ones as a president. This is serious business, not a game that morons play about pissing off the liberals, Trump was in bed with Vlad and had help with the election, that's literal treason. The legal definition is in the constitution, but a state of war has existed since the attack, according to the precedent set by FDR after pearl harbor. In the modern age America got poleaxed by russia and it's an equivalent situation, but in a cold war type setting.

This game is a little longer than you think, it wasn't over with the last election, but just begun, trials and time will tell. A good old fashioned landslide like ya never seen in years is in the offing, America still has it in it. I figure the republicans will have to take a knife to Trump before the election and it won't be pretty. The next elected GOP president will probably be black.

You can turn sigs off in account settings. I love it.
If Trump fires Mueller too soon, he could probably pick off a GOP senator in the midterm election by running as a democrat. Where do ya wanna move to Bob? He'll have Trump's nuts one way or another, though he might have to share a nut with senator Romney!
If Trump fires Mueller too soon, he could probably pick off a GOP senator in the midterm election by running as a democrat. Where do ya wanna move to Bob? He'll have Trump's nuts one way or another, though he might have to share a nut with senator Romney!
how much are you getting paid to post these walls of utter bullcrap?
thanks for not denying @OneStonedPony isn't banned.

neither is greenthumb.

but yeah illegal immigration is way down. sorry that disappoints people like you to know that the cyotes will have less murder and rape victims.

sucks to suck.
there is a word for "libertarians" who do not believe in giving humans the liberty to move around legally and safely.

they're called "racist republicans".

anyhoo, have fun raising another redneck's child, cuckold. and please stop taking videos of small boys sucking on popsicles and defending pedophiles like roy moore.

let me know when mexico pays for that wall.
there is a word for "libertarians" who do not believe in giving humans the liberty to move around legally and safely.

they're called "racist republicans".

anyhoo, have fun raising another redneck's child, cuckold. and please stop taking videos of small boys sucking on popsicles and defending pedophiles like roy moore.

let me know when mexico pays for that wall.

even libertarians will acknowledge that the constitution only applies to citizens. there's no getting around that.

I guess me and you fell out when I pointed out how much of a hypocritical libertarian you are with weed, that's about when you started all this racist shit.

it was in a thread you started where you said sagging pants laws were targeting black people therefore racist and I pointed out that sagging is a cultural phenomenon not a racial one.

you've been a super douche ever since. that's where you got your purples shit from and the rest was just made up shit from there.
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even libertarians will acknowledge that the constitution only applies to citizens. there's no getting around that.

I guess me and you fell out when I pointed out how much of a hypocritical libertarian you are with weed.

"i'm a libertarian!"

"ok, so give people the liberty to cross imaginary lines on a map to improve their lives"

"no no no no, not THAT kind of liberty. they are brown"
that's about when you started all this racist shit.

it was in a thread you started where you said sagging pants laws were targeting black people therefore racist and I pointed out that sagging is a cultural phenomenon not a racial one.

you've been a super douche ever since. that's where you got your purples shit from and the rest was just made up shit from there.

nice edit!

several lines crying about how i call you a racist, because you are racist.

say, wasn't that the same thread where you said civil rights were "not a good idea" because it would just make white racists like you "hate em more now"?