The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

Yeah, Mueller needs to get off his ass and produce something quick. Too bad he's so fucking thorough. If this shit has legs, a big if, the probe is over.
trump has unilateral powers to declassify the memo at any time you idiot. why do you suppose he isn;t doing so?

god you fuckers are stupid as shit.
goddamn the stupidity is just too much.
There's a reason there are almost as many lawyers on CNN as reporters these days, they are building out their legal bench, all the news networks are. There's gonna be sports in the courts and yer gonna need color commentators and legal experts on the sidelines. This summer and fall are gonna be a real old fashioned 3 ring circus, multiple trials going at once, maybe they might charge a bunch under RICO too. Muller and team are getting more motivated by the day, they've had a real close look at these assholes already and they don't like what they see, I can imagine what the likes of Mueller think of Trump.

This stuff is a slam dunk as far as the legal pros are concerned, the money has a trail and there is much paper for the rest. They were even stupid (or arrogant and ignorant) enough to communicate by email and text message, this bunch ain't too bright. They've also got a few key players by the nuts with prospects for a few more squeal deals too, besides, this bunch would cut each others throats in an instant. A perfect storm is brewing and it's coming this summer and fall, just before and during election season. I don't know if it was timed this way, but it sure is gonna be sweet with all that talk of treason and Trump in the news come voting time. The republicans will be finished as a force in national politics for a generation and like I said before, the next GOP president will be black and or transgender!
One thing is for sure, after the Sessions war on pot bullshit, the GOP lost the pot vote, at least among the ones with brains, but then again I don't suppose they had too many to begin with.
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The happiest man in America is now George Bush, he just got out of the worst president in history slot, though if there's worse than Trump to come, he'll be the last president of the US. Ya might not survive Trump, imagine if he had a brain and a plan how much more dangerous he would be. If he had any talent or brains the GOP would have made him the great leader for sure, goodbye democracy, hello concentration camps. All hail Trump the perfect one, the great leader...

I expect when they martar the sonofabitch there will be a Church of Trump where dumb cunts can worship golden idols and donate money to a perpetual legal defense fund.
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The happiest man in America is now George Bush, he just got out of the worse president in history slot, though if there's worse than Trump to come, he'll be the last president.

isn't that the truth. as much as i still hate DumYa, i would take him back right now.

and something just made perfect sense to me just now. most trump supporters love him, because he pisses off the people they hate. i guess i kinda saw that before, but just now Sour Diesel made it more clear to me.:shock:
isn't that the truth. as much as i still hate DumYa, i would take him back right now.

and something just made perfect sense to me just now. most trump supporters love him, because he pisses off the people they hate. i guess i kinda saw that before, but just now Sour Diesel made it more clear to me.:shock:
Dubya was merely stupid, Trump is both stupid and evil a lethal combination.

"something just made perfect sense to me just now. most trump supporters love him, because he pisses off the people they hate."
Yep, it's the one true bond he has with the base, he delights in the constrination and suffering of those he hates. Cut yer nose off to spite yer face is a truism among the white trash types of the GOP base, it's one of the main reasons ya poor bastards don't even have single payer health care. They would burn their own house down if they thought it would piss off the liberals who live next door.
Kushner's effort to sway Trump on prison reform is smart

Considering how much time they are gonna spend there, they might want to renovate the other federal government residences where they will be spending quality time together. Private cells with free condoms etc, perhaps a putting green in the courtyard?

Put em all in the same cell block and videotape the result for a new reality TV show, let the backbiting begin! Anybody think of a good name for the show?
Trump's Traitors?
Putin's Playthings?
The Losers?
West wing of the jailhouse?
Whitehouse to Jailhouse?

Are ya tired of winning yet?
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trump has unilateral powers to declassify the memo at any time you idiot. why do you suppose he isn;t doing so?

god you fuckers are stupid as shit.
Those memos will become public one way or another and either prove repubs claims or show they are frauds.
On a sad note:
When trump goes to jail and is no longer on the scene, comedy writers will actually have to work for a living again, manna will no longer fall from heaven.:cry: No fear, the morons won't go away with Trump, there will still be a GOP and it will still be filled with racist morons, Trump 2.0 awaits.
On a sad note:
When trump goes to jail and is no longer on the scene, comedy writers will actually have to work for a living again, manna will no longer fall from heaven.:cry: No fear, the morons won't go away with Trump, there will still be a GOP and it will still be filled with racist morons, Trump 2.0 awaits.

oh, there are still a dozen morons in our legislature that are easy to make fun of with their neanderthal thnking
Trump managed to shut the government down by his first year in office, they had a deal, but Trump fucked it up because of incompetence. Wonder if it will still be down for the state of the union speech?

President deadbeat should give a dandy, if the government is still shut down, the democrats might as well not attend, he'll just use the speech to blame them for the shut down. The republicans own the government and any shutdown though.
probably out right after the whole bigger than Watergate fisa/dossier thing lands a bunch of fucks in prison and ends the mueller probe.
probably out right after the whole bigger than Watergate fisa/dossier thing lands a bunch of fucks in prison and ends the mueller probe.

why do you suppose trump isn't releasing it since you claim it vindicates him? he has the unilateral power to do so ya know.

god, it just hurts to see anyone be as dumb as you are.
why do you suppose trump isn't releasing it since you claim it vindicates him? he has the unilateral power to do so ya know.

god, it just hurts to see anyone be as dumb as you are.

has to be declassified first. would be nice if it was in hillys email server then we all would have read it.