The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

people don't think, they react. i not only think enough people hate trumps guts to vote him out next election, i see a massive democratic win in response to the republicans massive fuck ups.
theres a cycle i've seen not only in my lifetime, but ever since ww1. people like to think they're socially conscious, and they will vote for democrats, who usually have a platform that focuses on social issues. the democrats get in office for 2, maybe 3 terms, then people start to realize that all this social awareness cost money and time, and that their taxes are slowly going up. then they vote for republicans, because they want someone in office that will make them some money, make some jobs.....till they start to realize that its going to cost them all of the social "progress" they just made.....
the length of time the cycle takes depends on how extreme the situation i'd say this will be a pretty quick cycle.
trump supporters will vote for him again, and probably a straight republican ticket, but Trump has mobilized the left against himself like no one ever has before, and they'll turn out in record numbers to vote him out, no matter who runs against him
If the house and senate stay the same after november and the past year's events have no impact, I'll be sponsoring American refugees up here in Canada. To anybody with a brain the country would be considered finished, ungovernable and a failed state. With Trump and a compliant congress in power for 8 years you'd be pretty well fucked, Putin would own ya and folks would be living hard. I don't think the stock market would continue to perform and a financial crises and screwing that would make 2008 look like a picnic, wouldn't be long coming.

Not God bless America, but God help America. With a bit of distance ya tend to see the bigger picture, but I'm sure everybody figures they got a good grip on things, time will tell.

Hate and fear makes ya stupid and strong emotions distort our perception of reality and allow us to selectively filter things. Donald Trump is not so much a person, as a collection of bad traits and he has a few talents like tainting whoever he touches and bringing out the worst in good people, me included.

Come next election remember what one of your better presidents, FDR said, "The only thing required for evil to triumph, is for good people to do nothing". Do something, vote, volunteer, donate and hit the streets if ya gotta, fight like Hell for the future of your country, ya gotta live there till ya die in most cases and it's either fight like Hell or end up living in it..

The price of liberty stuff, I don't need to go into it with Americans, they should know...
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As a side note: How many here support the republican tax plan? It was the only thing they got done and a giveaway to the 1%, ordinary folks would have to have shit for brains to support it. We have a word for such people in Canada, we call them suckers, though I understand they are called republicans south of the border.:p
As a side note: How many here support the republican tax plan? It was the only thing they got done and a giveaway to the 1%, ordinary folks would have to have shit for brains to support it. We have a word for such people in Canada, we call them suckers, though I understand they are called republicans south of the border.:p

in america a lot of people have shit for brains.

republicans, especially low and middle class repubs consistently over the years vote against their own economic interests because they the believe the republican party has morals.

fucking retards !!!!!!!!!!!!!
in america a lot of people have shit for brains.

republicans, especially low and middle class repubs consistently over the years vote against their own economic interests because they the believe the republican party has morals.

fucking retards !!!!!!!!!!!!!

As President Lyndon B. Johnson said in the 1960s to a young Bill Moyers: “If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.”
The republican party the political home of racism in America went nuts when Obama was elected, it was almost like ole Abe Lincoln was reincarnated to many, they drove whatever moderates were left in the party out (RINOs) and looked for the most extreme loony they could find to channel their rage, Trump. A cold civil war 2 has ensued with the battle of the birthers, etc CWII will end like CWI, ironically only the political parties have changed sides! Once again treason is also afoot and among the same types too.

"These are the times that try men's souls", as Thomas Paine put it 250 years ago during the American revolution, the battle for the soul of the nation is underway. Unfortunately many are being weighed in the balance and found to be unworthy of the name patriot, some might even earn the label of traitor.
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people don't think, they react. i not only think enough people hate trumps guts to vote him out next election, i see a massive democratic win in response to the republicans massive fuck ups.
theres a cycle i've seen not only in my lifetime, but ever since ww1. people like to think they're socially conscious, and they will vote for democrats, who usually have a platform that focuses on social issues. the democrats get in office for 2, maybe 3 terms, then people start to realize that all this social awareness cost money and time, and that their taxes are slowly going up. then they vote for republicans, because they want someone in office that will make them some money, make some jobs.....till they start to realize that its going to cost them all of the social "progress" they just made.....
the length of time the cycle takes depends on how extreme the situation i'd say this will be a pretty quick cycle.
trump supporters will vote for him again, and probably a straight republican ticket, but Trump has mobilized the left against himself like no one ever has before, and they'll turn out in record numbers to vote him out, no matter who runs against him
This current cycle began when Obama was elected to be president, so, 8-9 years half-cycle to peak of right wing reactionary politics from 2009 to today.. Agree that the decline is going to be pretty sharp. Rather than a sinusoidal wave, it looks more like a sawtooth wave.

The republican party the political home of racism in America went nuts when Obama was elected, it was almost like ole Abe Lincoln was reincarnated to many, they drove whatever moderates were left in the party out (RINOs) and looked for the most extreme loony they could find to channel their rage, Trump. A cold civil war 2 has ensued with the battle of the birthers, etc CWII will end like CWI, ironically only the political parties have changed sides! Once again treason is also afoot and among the same types too.

"These are the times that try men's souls", as Thomas Paine put it 250 years ago during the American revolution, the battle for the soul of the nation is underway. Unfortunately many are being weighed in the balance and found to be unworthy of the name patriot, some might even earn the label of traitor.

parties switched sides when LBJ passed the civil rights act of '64. racists fled the democratic party and became republicans.

lbj said, “We have lost the South for a generation.”

he was wrong, it's been 2-3 generations
parties switched sides when LBJ passed the civil rights act of '64. racists fled the democratic party and became republicans.

lbj said, “We have lost the South for a generation.”

he was wrong, it's been 2-3 generations
Woody Harrelson did a great job as LBJ in the movie, watch it to see how a real president operates. LBJ was a crude dude in private, but it was his dream to go to the moon and he had the guts to do the right thing on civil rights. The interests of the country came first, he also had an eye for history and greatness. He was a victim (and responsible) of the Vietnam war, so were tens of thousands of other Americans, mostly young men. LBJ knew the south, he was from there and was a streetwise politician for years.

If anything is gonna break the solid south it will be Donald, dunno how the born yesterday, I mean, again Christians are gonna live down Donald and preach family values and morals at anyone. If yer gonna sup with the Devil tis best to use a long handled spoon...

All Trump's troubles have been self inflicted, if there is a real problem in the world America will have trouble, nobody trusts Trump, so getting allies is gonna be though and if wise men fuck up on the job, Trump will be a disaster. God forbid a 911 scale attack, war, or 2008 type financial crises happens on his watch.
Woody Harrelson did a great job as LBJ in the movie, watch it to see how a real president operates. LBJ was a crude dude in private, but it was his dream to go to the moon and he had the guts to do the right thing on civil rights. The interests of the country came first, he also had an eye for history and greatness. He was a victim (and responsible) of the Vietnam war, so were tens of thousands of other Americans, mostly young men. LBJ knew the south, he was from there and was a streetwise politician for years.

If anything is gonna break the solid south it will be Donald, dunno how the born yesterday, I mean, again Christians are gonna live down Donald and preach family values and morals at anyone. If yer gonna sup with the Devil tis best to use a long handled spoon...

All Trump's troubles have been self inflicted, if there is a real problem in the world America will have trouble, nobody trusts Trump, so getting allies is gonna be though and if wise men fuck up on the job, Trump will be a disaster. God forbid a 911 scale attack, war, or 2008 type financial crises happens on his watch.

i hate to admit it, but i've already told my christian trump voting parents they no longer hold any moral high ground on me and don't think of ever criticizing anything i say or do.

i have a hard time believing these fools in the south voted for a new yorker

This current cycle began when Obama was elected to be president, so, 8-9 years half-cycle to peak of right wing reactionary politics from 2009 to today.. Agree that the decline is going to be pretty sharp. Rather than a sinusoidal wave, it looks more like a sawtooth wave.

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Trump is a somewhat unique phenomena in recent American politics there was a lot of Russian help and a very bad democratic opponent who still beat him badly in the popular vote, something that still burns his asshole bigly. I'd look for a real big spike in the graph a real anomaly come next election. They only need a majority in both houses to impeach Trump, 50% of the house to impeach and 2/3 of the senate to convict. After the next election the remaining republican senators might be inclined to throw ole Donald under the bus, he's already pissed off most of them bigly. I don't figure the guy who will preside over the trial, Chief Justice Roberts, will have much love for the cocsucker either. Remember more convictions, possible pardons and much new evidence is gonna become public during the election and after, remaining republicans might want to distance themselves from Trump.
i hate to admit it, but i've already told my christian trump voting parents they no longer hold any moral high ground on me and don't think of ever criticizing anything i say or do.

i have a hard time believing these fools in the south voted for a new yorker

YEP, a God Damn yankee city slicker elitist from NEW YORK CITY and a democrat to boot! How do ya say HYPOCRISY!
Wanna bet Donald doesn't fuck up a government shutdown compromise? The republicans control everything, so they can't blame the democrats for anything. Someone should tell Trump that it will slow down the flow of government money to his businesses, that should motivate him to do his job. Unless he personally feels the effects of a shutdown, he won't care, if he was doing his job and had two clues to rub together, he'd be the most concerned person in the government. Too stupid to comprehend the responsibility that has been placed in his tiny hands, no clue as to how the government or constitution works. Phoney, loser, arsehole, idiot, fool, moron, tratior, criminal, the list of descriptive nouns and adjectives is long, so is the list of enemies.
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What's the best guess as to when Donald Trump will leave office, either by resignation or impeachment? Bonus points if ya guess either obstruction of justice or conspiracy with the russians and get it right too.

I'll go with March 15th, figure things should come to a head about then. In spite of the best efforts of the republican congress to obstruct justice, coddle and protect him.

The first or second day of the new congress after the midterm elections, might be a good choice too, provided the country survives and the republicans are half as stupid as I think they are.

"D" is for Donald and Downfall, "D" day traditionally marks a turning point in the fight against fascism.

Natural causes. April 23, 2019.
He might blow a gasket before then, self control is not his strong point. I figure when faced with jail and being labeled a loser he's gonna go nuts (right now he's just an asshole) soon he'll be a ravining loonie.

I hope he's present for his downfall too. A quiet natural death would be much too good for him.
Christ! just looking at the news, Gen John Kelly said Trump's wall idea was "uninformed" in public,Trump is gonna shit when he hears it, these assholes are gonna implode! DACA is gonna fall through and the government will shut down. No fucking way can they keep up this pace of shear madness, all emanating from Trump.

Well, America got the ultimate reality TV show, crazy president, what a fucking circus, the neighbors are wrestling drunk and naked on the front lawn again, there goes the neighborhood!:wink: Jesus what a show, CNN has gotta be doing very well these days. Seriously, game of thrones ain't got nothing on this shit.
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