The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

Poll: 47% of Americans think Trump is mentally unstable and there are a lot of republicans who are not gonna run next election and their numbers are increasing daily. Part of the base is peeling away and the younger generations have written off the GOP for a generation, this shit will leave scars for a long time. The next GOP president will be black.:lol:

Everybody says that "ya can't make this shit up" already on multiple occasions and for multiple reasons concerning the Trump fiasco, so nothing is really out of the question... Truth is stranger than fiction etc.

Watch this moron shut the government down, mostly all on his own! ya can't make this shit up...
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A typical day at the oval office... A good example of Classic Trump in action, why would Kelly say this? He had a conversation with Trump and cleared it, then Trump pulled the rug out from under him hours later... Art of the deal? or Can't make a deal and stick to it. The guy is completely useless to himself or others, fails the most basic tests of common sense and humanity on a daily basis.

What are the republicans waiting for, USMC Gen John Kelly to shoot the sonofabitch out of disgust and service to the nation?
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The state of the union speech during a government shutdown should be interesting!
President deadbeat will say, "The state of the union is broke & broken...".

Looks like Trump is a physical superman of 72, who eats junk food, doesn't exercise and who the doctor says will live to be two hundred. He's 6'3"(really 6'2") and weighs 239 pounds (my ass!). Don't believe your eyes though, he's doesn't look a pound over 275. Life in prison will be a long time if he lives to be 200 years old, especially when he loses his marbles at 73, it'll be an eternity in a rubber room.
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I guess Donald figures one way to end the Mueller probe would be to shut the government down, starve them of funds. A plan for Donalds personal salvation!:roll: That'll show those pesky FBI agents! No paycheck outta bring em around to Donalds way of thinking! On the other hand it might piss em off even more, though I don't think that's possible. It must be a Helluva feeling knowing that every FBI agent alive will want yer ass so bad they are drooling.
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The state of the union speech during a government shutdown should be interesting!
President deadbeat will say, "The state of the union is broke & broken...".

Looks like Trump is a physical superman of 72, who eats junk food, doesn't exercise and who the doctor says will live to be two hundred. He's 6'3"(really 6'2") and weighs 239 pounds (my ass!). Don't believe your eyes though, he's doesn't look a pound over 275. Life in prison will be a long time if he lives to be 200 years old, especially when he loses his marbles at 73, it'll be an eternity in a rubber room.

i cannot figure out why the doctor would lie, unless he was paid some ungodly amount of money, but there is no fucking way trump weighs 239. i agree, 275 is closer to reality. i hope he does live to 200, in prison, after all of his children and grandchildren are dead and gone. jared should die in prison with him. and sloppy steve, but sloppy steve is about RAT him out. steve better watch his back, he's making enemies.
I guess Donald figures one way to end the Mueller probe would be to shut the government down, starve them of funds. A plan for Donalds personal salvation!:roll: That'll show those pesky FBI agents! No paycheck outta bring em around to Donalds way of thinking! On the other hand it might piss em off even more, though I don't think that's possible. It must be a Helluva feeling knowing that every FBI agent alive will want yer ass so bad they are drooling.

agree, i think the entire Mueller team at this point would work pro-bono for the american citizens.

FBI is gonna fuck him so hard !!!!!!!!!!
agree, i think the entire Mueller team at this point would work pro-bono for the american citizens.

FBI is gonna fuck him so hard !!!!!!!!!!
Most of the senior members of Mueller's team including Mueller left lucrative law partnerships to work on this, they are really working for free or even at a loss already. They will owe a lot of pissed off FBI and secret service agents a lot of back pay. Don't overestimate Trump's current base, or underestimate the growing opposition, those against Trump are far more motivated and numerous than those who support him. He loses support with each new trial, fuckup and revelation, by november he won't have much of a base and not too many who will go to bat for him, much less take to the streets. If they did hit the streets, I think they would be praying for police protection, lot's of folks are pissed off at them too.

I really believe the republicans should rethink this stuff... NOT! Thinking isn't their strong suit.
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i cannot figure out why the doctor would lie, unless he was paid some ungodly amount of money, but there is no fucking way trump weighs 239. i agree, 275 is closer to reality. i hope he does live to 200, in prison, after all of his children and grandchildren are dead and gone. jared should die in prison with him. and sloppy steve, but sloppy steve is about RAT him out. steve better watch his back, he's making enemies.
Sloppy Steve ain't going to jail for Trump, he'd miss his nightly 5th of whatever he's drinking. Now I'll bet that's a topic that might get ole Donald excited, Stevie knows where some of the bodies are buried. Mueller won't have to squeeze Steve's balls too hard to get him to roll over on Kush and Jr! Stevie might be a real song bird, though Flynn is singing the loudest, but in private for now. Manafort has yet to learn the joy of song and I don't think Mueller needs to hear him croke, bye Paul, you is gone forever and ever, amen.
Trump hasn't given Mueller a nickname yet! Might I suggest Ball Buster Mueller or perhaps the Nutcracker! When Mueller finishes with Trump they should give him Trump's balls, bronzed and mounted on a wooden plaque, so he can hang it over his fireplace!

And acting like the gentleman he is, he will present them to Hillary on bent knee in a public ceremony, where upon they would be placed in the Smithsonian on public display for posterity!

Though for anybody to get a hold of Trump's nuts, they would first have to pry Putin's hand off them, he appears to have a mighty grip on the first balls.
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I'm wasting my time here, I should be writing for Colbert or Bill Maher!:wink:

Ya can either laugh or cry about the situation, alternating between laughing at the sheer stupidity of it and being terrified at the prospects
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Trump hasn't given Mueller a nickname yet! Might I suggest Ball Buster Mueller or perhaps the Nutcracker! When Mueller finishes with Trump they should give him Trump's balls, bronzed and mounted on a wooden plaque, so he can hang it over his fireplace!

And acting like the gentleman he is, he will present them to Hillary on bent knee in a public ceremony, where upon they would be placed in the Smithsonian on public display for posterity!

Though for anybody to get a hold of Trump's nuts, they would first have to pry Putin's hand off them, he appears to have a mighty grip on the first balls.

Deep State Mueller :bigjoint:
It's been a year of Trump now, how'd he do?:p or maybe it's Putin's Howdy Doody!
Over 2000 lies in the first year!
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Deep State Mueller :bigjoint:
Yep, the legend will grow, deep state Mueller crucified Cheeto Jesus, and thus the Church of Trump came to be... Move over mormons! Church of Latter Day Saints my ass, The Church of Trump is the true path to salvation! Wonder if senator Romney will lead the impeachment for the mormon cause.

All across the south, born yesterday evangelicals will convert in droves to the church of Trump, Hail Cheeto Jesus the great white hope... They will burn their crosses, wait, they already have and the white robes they are wearing must be their new heathen priesthood...
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America is gonna go through Trump withdrawal! It's kinda like being on speed or coke with Trump, all the excitement and stimulation. Life is gonna seem dull and flat without the Donald to stir shit up, admit it America yer hooked, Game of Thrones has been topped in the ratings! Life will be dull without Donald!

Don't believe me, have a look at this typical tale of Trump

Looks like Donald wasted his hush money.
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America is gonna go through Trump withdrawal! It's kinda like being on speed or coke with Trump, all the excitement and stimulation. Life is gonna seem dull and flat without the Donald to stir shit up, admit it America yer hooked, Game of Thrones has been topped in the ratings! Life will be dull without Donald!

we need dullness and decency back. rednecks can still act like fucking treasonous fucks. they talk about seceding all the time. one ass kicking wasn't enough for the rural Einsteins around here.
If you guys wanna have this kind of fun ya gotta take the nukes away from him, it's entertaining and all, but far too dangerous. I'd feel much better if nukes were off the table...