The Daily Blow by Blow Impeachment Hearings and Trial of Donald Trump

Bolton Revelations Put Pressure On GOP To Allow Witnesses In Trump Impeachment Trial

U.S. Senators presiding over Donald Trump's impeachment trial are increasingly under pressure to allow witnesses after leaks from John Bolton's upcoming book contradict the defense presented by the President's lawyers.
Trump's impeachment trial could use a secret ballot

“The President … shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.” So reads Article II, Section 4 of our Constitution. President Donald Trump is charged with “abuse of office” and “obstruction of Congress,” crimes that professor Alan Dershowitz, a member of his legal team, has called too vague to be a charge equal to treason or bribery.

In the context of the Civil War-era impeachment of President Andrew Johnson, Justice Benjamin Robbins Curtis argued for the necessity of a crime proven beyond a reasonable doubt. There are difficulties with crediting this view. It has been settled by the great weight of authority that conviction of a crime is not a predicate to impeachment. Impeachment is concerned with treachery, the use of presidential power that betrays the Constitution or that elevates the personal interests of the president over those of the nation.
How can anybody take seriously arguments regarding the legality of the impeachment proceedings from a criminal gang?

Trump's gangster party has it's followers citing what happened a hundred fifty years ago as if Trump had not just recently held public funds intended for promoting US national security hostage in order to squeeze an ally for a personal political favor. An earlier post containing a clip from "a beautiful mind" was spot on:

After reciting Will's previous legalese gobbledy-gook, judge says:

"you punched a cop, you're going to jail"

Paul, for his part, could be seen and overheard expressing his frustration on the Senate floor during a break in the proceedings. "If I have to fight for recognition, I will," he was heard telling a Republican staffer.
Damn, I think Schiff just missed an opportunity on the FISA troll Graham asked.

He should have pointed out it was the 2 applications that were submitted after Trump's minions took control of the FBI that had issues with them. And not the first two under Comey.

Thanks @Bugeye for pushing that troll so hard here that it got picked apart in such detail that nugget popped out.
These guys are only one source of Russian money funneled into the GOP, there the is also NRA and lots of others too.
New video shows indicted Giuliani associate with RNC chief Ronna McDaniel
The recording is the second video Lev Parnas' attorney has released this month.

New video released by the attorney for Lev Parnas, the indicted associate of President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani who worked to drum up an investigation of Joe Biden out of Ukraine, appears to show Parnas and his business partner Igor Fruman mingling with Trump and GOP officials at a donor event in April 2018.

The recording appears to have been by Fruman, who was indicted along with Parnas on campaign finance charges last year, and is further evidence that Parnas and Fruman were invited to several events with Trump—who has since claimed not to know them—and other high-ranking GOP officials.

The video shows RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel greeting Fruman with a hug and saying, “I’m so glad you’re here,” before asking whether he’s ever been to Trump’s Florida estate Mar-a-Lago.

The encounter suggests a level of familiarity with Fruman, who along with Parnas donated more than $600,000 to 26 federal candidates, all Republicans, in 2016 and 2018. Most of the then-candidates who are now sitting members of Congress and plan to run for re-election in 2020, including House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, pledged to return the donations shortly after the indictment was made public.

“On a given day, the chairwoman greets hundreds if not thousands of people at events across the country,” an RNC spokesperson said in response to the video. “This is nothing more than that.”

The rest of the video, which was recorded on April 20, 2018, features Trump speaking to donors about the 2018 midterm elections and other issues including Syria and ISIS. At the end, the video shows Parnas having his photo taken with Trump.
Sen. Lamar Alexander shares his decision on witness vote

Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN) announces that he will vote against including witnesses in the impeachment trial of President Donald Trump. CNN's Manu Raju has more.
Damn, I think Schiff just missed an opportunity on the FISA troll Graham asked.

He should have pointed out it was the 2 applications that were submitted after Trump's minions took control of the FBI that had issues with them. And not the first two under Comey.

Thanks @Bugeye for pushing that troll so hard here that it got picked apart in such detail that nugget popped out.
Also, probably the same motherfucker that told Rudy they were reopening the Hillary investigation in the fall of 2016.
Jeffrey Toobin: This means impeachment trial was a sham

A CNN panel discusses Sen. Lamar Alexander's (R-TN) announcement that he would oppose calling witnesses in the Senate impeachment trial of President Donald Trump.
Fat Donnie beats the rap
It looks like Mitch and the GOP are gonna ride the tiger right up to election day, the thing about riding tigers is you dare not fall off lest the savage beast consume you.They are no longer free, they will be chained to Trump and all he does until the election and perhaps after, if they go down it will be together. Hopefully Mitch is gonna ride the tiger right over the cliff and down into the abyss come november, the house is about to crank up the heat until they catch on fire and burn on the way down too. I hope Mitch is gonna enjoy the ride that Donald is gonna give him right up to election day.
Impeachment trial to end but its aftershocks will rock America

(CNN)America's latest "national nightmare" will not end when Republicans vote to acquit President Donald Trump of high crimes and misdemeanors, possibly as early as Friday.
A mere four months after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi ordered an impeachment inquiry and six after Trump's now notorious "do us a favor" call with Ukraine's President, Trump will get on with his term as the third US President to be impeached by the House of Representatives and not removed by the Senate.
Given Trump's political temperament, and the impending battle between the parties for control of the White House, it seems unlikely there will be a healing voice to help reconcile a divided country -- such as President Gerald Ford's, when he declared that "our long national nightmare is over" in the wake of Watergate.
The President will skip free despite strong evidence to suggest that he abused a public trust by trying to coerce a foreign power -- with millions of dollars in taxpayer cash -- to play a role in a US presidential election. The many unresolved storylines and loose ends of this divisive episode will ensure that the political significance of his off-the-books diplomatic scheme in Kiev may only become more corrosive with time.

Thanks to the estranged political realities of the age, Trump is likely to interpret his latest escape, in a business and political career that has often flirted with disaster, as an inducement to broaden his crusade to expand his personal power and shake off remaining constitutional guard rails.
Still, the side effects of the showdown will reverberate for years and subsequent political eras. It will claim short-term victims — maybe even including the President or those who pursued him with elections only nine months away. But the dramatic events at the turn of 2019 and 2020 could also change how future generations understand presidential power and the process of purging its abuse by the use of impeachment itself.
Unknown consequences for November
Most immediately, the unsuccessful effort to oust Trump will help shape November's election that may partially be framed around whether Republicans pay a price for saving him or Democrats get a backlash for impeaching him.
Democrats hope that months focusing on apparent abuses of power by Trump will have soured crucial swing-state suburban voters irrevocably against him. But they'll worry they electrified Trump's base.
Fat Donnie beats the rap
It looks like Mitch and the GOP are gonna ride the tiger right up to election day, the thing about riding tigers is you dare not fall off lest the savage beast consume you.They are no longer free, they will be chained to Trump and all he does until the election and perhaps after, if they go down it will be together. Hopefully Mitch is gonna ride the tiger right over the cliff and down into the abyss come november, the house is about to crank up the heat until they catch on fire and burn on the way down too. I hope Mitch is gonna enjoy the ride that Donald is gonna give him right up to election day.
Impeachment trial to end but its aftershocks will rock America

(CNN)America's latest "national nightmare" will not end when Republicans vote to acquit President Donald Trump of high crimes and misdemeanors, possibly as early as Friday.
A mere four months after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi ordered an impeachment inquiry and six after Trump's now notorious "do us a favor" call with Ukraine's President, Trump will get on with his term as the third US President to be impeached by the House of Representatives and not removed by the Senate.
Given Trump's political temperament, and the impending battle between the parties for control of the White House, it seems unlikely there will be a healing voice to help reconcile a divided country -- such as President Gerald Ford's, when he declared that "our long national nightmare is over" in the wake of Watergate.
The President will skip free despite strong evidence to suggest that he abused a public trust by trying to coerce a foreign power -- with millions of dollars in taxpayer cash -- to play a role in a US presidential election. The many unresolved storylines and loose ends of this divisive episode will ensure that the political significance of his off-the-books diplomatic scheme in Kiev may only become more corrosive with time.

Thanks to the estranged political realities of the age, Trump is likely to interpret his latest escape, in a business and political career that has often flirted with disaster, as an inducement to broaden his crusade to expand his personal power and shake off remaining constitutional guard rails.
Still, the side effects of the showdown will reverberate for years and subsequent political eras. It will claim short-term victims — maybe even including the President or those who pursued him with elections only nine months away. But the dramatic events at the turn of 2019 and 2020 could also change how future generations understand presidential power and the process of purging its abuse by the use of impeachment itself.
Unknown consequences for November
Most immediately, the unsuccessful effort to oust Trump will help shape November's election that may partially be framed around whether Republicans pay a price for saving him or Democrats get a backlash for impeaching him.
Democrats hope that months focusing on apparent abuses of power by Trump will have soured crucial swing-state suburban voters irrevocably against him. But they'll worry they electrified Trump's base.

we'll never be able to trust our votes, now..when impeachment doesn't work, we are back to revolution and assassination.
we'll never be able to trust our votes, now..when impeachment doesn't work, we are back to revolution and assassination.
States vote and big margins are difficult to cheat, close calls is where they usually steal it, along with voter suppression and gerrymandering, but gerrymandering won't help in the senate and POTUS races. Everybody in the GOP (except Trump) should be careful about taking Russian money this time around too. Trump might be above the law, everybody else, not so much.
States vote and big margins are difficult to cheat, close calls is where they usually steal it, along with voter suppression and gerrymandering, but gerrymandering won't help in the senate and POTUS races. Everybody in the GOP (except Trump) should be careful about taking Russian money this time around too. Trump might be above the law, everybody else, not so much.
He will not leave office on his own accord
States vote and big margins are difficult to cheat, close calls is where they usually steal it, along with voter suppression and gerrymandering, but gerrymandering won't help in the senate and POTUS races. Everybody in the GOP (except Trump) should be careful about taking Russian money this time around too. Trump might be above the law, everybody else, not so much.

kind of like 2016 presidential race?

I helped with Florida governor re-count and thousands of mail-ins were never counted because they were sitting in the OpaLocka distribution center 'ran out of time' which means they were never part of the original number which could've put Gillum over the top.

additionally, thousands upon thousands of minority dem voters were turned away because signature match- not that they didn't have ID..poll worker didn't like that persons signature.
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if the senate lets us down and we vote him out in November, he's going to call 'rigged'..he doesn't plan on ever know that right?
Absolutely, he isn't leaving. After all, if it's in the good of the country, he can do what ever he wants. The only thing stopping this self proclaimed dictator is the power of the purse strings. If he circumvents that, it's over. RIP democracy.