Well-Known Member
Really Calling My Light's A Budget Build. Like They Are Inferior To Cree's I Believe Robincnn Did A Comparison to Where The Vero Ran At Lower Current Performed Within A Few % Points Of The Cree. Its Just Like Saying Ford Is Superior To Chevy. It Really Comes Down To On What The Grower Perfers And His Grow Philosophy.
Now As Far A My Heat Is Concerned I Pay Attention To All Details All The Time. I Control my Ambient Which Controls My Grow Room Environment. Most Growers Wouldn't Bat An Eye When Temps Are In The Upper 80's. I Prefer Mine Not To Get Above 82
Don't misunderstand, I meant it as a compliment. (Almost) any idiot can build something on an unlimited budget. REAL engineering starts when the purse strings get tight!
Vero chips are quality, you didn't hear me say different. You chose a great chip to run hard.
A lil defensive about this project? Don't be; you're showing the way forward with a COB LED panel built to a price point that's getting down into the range of high quality HID. That's great stuff! And, don't forget you yourself were trumpeting the low cost of the build. So the term 'budget' fits. Wear it with pride! Big difference between budget and just plain cheap. If I was gonna bash your build, I'd call it a Mars wannabe... But Mars doesn't use quality components, tho- so much for their reputation.
Your build runs hot because you deliberately ran the chips harder. That's not a 'flaw', it's a design choice made to reduce cost. My comment was merely about the consequences and how they're relatively unique compared with the usual designs seen here.
THEN, I went on to discuss my own heat issues and how I'm dealing with them. I was hoping you'd have something to say there.
Finally, I don't think I know of any serious indoor growers who would be sanguine about temperatures spiking into the upper eighties. That don't make you special. Building killer panels on the cheap does!
Jury's still out on your taste in music, tho. lol j/k!