The Debate: Thursday, June 27


Well-Known Member
Me either!

I’ve been reading some usually-reliable people talking about how the debate is a farce, a tragedy, a set-up, shouldn’t happen, etc.

I’ve watched or heard most all the presidential debates since (including) Nixon v Kennedy. Honestly, few have been worth seeing or hearing. This time, though, is different.

Never before have the differences between the candidates, the parties, the red/blue aspects of the eligible voters been so stark - or so vast. Never before has a national party presented a raft of frankly anti-American & unconstitutional plans & policies.

NEVER has a demagogue roped in enough of the heedless & gullible to threaten the actual fabric of our government and society.

This has been building up for decades, getting more intense & urgent w/ every turn of the screw. After 28 years of hiding, GOP greeted Obama like Gandalf greeting the balrog in Moria. They went all in on McConnell vow to make Obama a one-term President; as things went less well for them than they wanted, their urgency began to catch up w/ their commitment, and they began to over-reach more & more - eventually tipping their hand w/ TFFG, #45 & the “Will be wild!” crowd

As a result, the stakes have never been higher: BOTH sides will see an accomplished president square off against a corrupt & criminal president…and some viewers, hopefully, will see or hear something that shakes their confidence in their choice, while others mayonly see/hear what confirms their faith.

I’m expecting Trump have a problem with the lack of peanut gallery: he rules people up, then feeds on their excitement like a ghoul; without that, I expect him to get very nasty very quickly

But there’s another level to this: sacred kingship. “The King and the Land are ONE!” went the cry long ago, when a good king meant a good (or at least better) life for the people - and a bad life meant a bad king. Many kings got replaced in many regions as a consequence, and it did as much good as harm over the centuries. But it is WHY we revere royalty, even here in the supposedly class-free, everyone is equal USA, and rich people of all sorts. Easier for me to be okay with Taylor Swift’s success than Marvin Schrecklich the ‘pharma-bro’ pissbucket, or Colin Kaepernick over Aaron Rogers, but that me.
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Well-Known Member
Can Biden get his message out clearly? Can trump say anything at all of any substance? Will the voters be able to hear anything over their own bias? Stay tuned!
The Convict will shout as loud as possible to get his noise into Joe's microphone.


Well-Known Member
Trumps actually justifying Jan6…there’s no moderation here: this is all trump rally-speech, all attack, all offense - and all bullshit. I knew this guy was a bullshit artist, but…Joe’s got to slap him down hard


Well-Known Member
Joe seems to know what he wants to say, but seems to be too nervous, and is tying himself up. Donald's just saying, this guy sucks, everything about him sucks, he's the worst ever, I'm the best, nobody's ever seen someone so good as me. Probably not going to change any minds with this one.