The Debate: Thursday, June 27

That is what happens when one’s “news” is curated by Murdochs, Zurg and Musk. My opinion.

Biden failed that debate in all media... around the globe. Not one media outlet on the planet thinks he's in any shape to be president. I'm not saying he's a bad guy, but he cannot be president again.

Look, the democrats put all their eggs in a basket that was not going to last 2 terms. Instead of listening to the American people and working on the next presidential hopeful, they spent the whole term yelling everyone down and now they're fukt. You can have a convention, but people feel lied to. You told them he was "sharp". A trust has been broken.

People care about the economy, interest rates, stability and inflation. What happened to all of that under Biden? You are printing 1 trillion dollars every 100 days to pay your credit card bill and are involved in 2 wars that are guaranteed to go nuclear if pushed. Stability isn't on uncle Joe's side. You can say what you want about Trump, you won't catch me with hurt feelz as I'm no fan, but we are where we are in the world because Joe Bden has been a weak president. People saw that in this debate. It's over for Joe Biden.
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All this shit about Biden masks the inability of Lump to just answer the question and his blatant lying. He's eclipsing Henny Youngman and his take my wife, please. Youngman was not a convicted criminal.

Lump did exactly what Lump does. He's a reality TV star, not a politician. He does his shtick to elicit an emotional response from people feeling the pinch of today's America. He blamed Biden, and Biden was too weak to even put up a fight. He didn't reach you, but you should be scared about how many people he did reach. Trump didn't have to win, he just had to let Biden hang himself. And it was a job well.done.
I can't believe anyone is still defending the old man. Even the mainstream media like CNN and MSNBC are freaking out and finally admitting their guy is obviously not fit for office. They've been trying to hide it from the public and now they've been caught. I'm sure having a good time watching them all panic.
I think lots of Dems would be open to somebody else, but regardless, Biden's still better than trump. It is what it is, Biden and trump... my money's on trump losing again. He's just always the worst choice... no matter what... If Republicans would drop him for someone sane, they'd probably win, but they just can't accept he's a loser. Maybe after this election they'll get it. Probably not though... talk about a defending a guy who's not fit for office...
Putin, who is blatantly trying to take over the world

Lol, really? That's a concern for you? A country with a population of 130 million is gonna take over the world? You really think you will be Russian some day? Ridiculous!! They don't even want to be in Ukraine, they were quite happy with its neutrality.

Americans really are the most heavily propogandized people.on the planet.
We have come to the point in time where it's not who you're voting for it's who you're voting against.
I think that statement speaks for itself.
I'm a lot less concerned about Kamala Harris having to step in than Trump and his group of religious zealots and Nazi wannabe's taking over. Fuck that!
And by the way Kamala Harris is an ambitious, intelligent and courageous woman, get over it.
Thank you, Tim Apple
Marillyn Lock heed
Hello to a place we've done very well, Sioux Falls
Just think of it. We would be in World War Two very quickly
Saudi Arabia and Russia will re be do aah.
There's my African American
We had H2O
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Republican Crystal Myers-Barber said it was "painful to watch", but added that she thought "Trump came across very level-headed and presidential and Biden came across very weak."


Let’s hope the man gets a good night of sleep before the second debate Sep 10 — and puts in solid performances like his SOTU addresses.