The Democratic Party Autopsy Report


Well-Known Member
I'm just waiting to see what EU countries you'd consider "socialist" is all.

You said it, not me.
you brought up the eu. I was talking about how the Democratic party sung facist italy, lenins Russia and Nazi Germany's praises...and how they still praise socialism as a viable model today.

obviously there was no Eu in my examples, but you need an Eu get to it.


Well-Known Member
That doesn't make them deplorable

I'm guessing you don't know very many Trump supporters. The Trump supporters I know are really good people, they're hard working and they love their family, just like the Christians I know. It's so hard for you to accept and so important for you to protect that the Democratic alternative wasn't offering them anything better so you have to pin it on racism or whatever to avoid analyzing what the Democratic party, namely Hillary Clinton, did wrong in 2016.

Like raising the minimum wage to a living wage, free college, universal healthcare, legalizing drugs, paid vacation time and maternity leave, infrastructure spending, getting out of unnecessary war, closing criminal prisons, decreasing American imperialism, taxing corporations and wealthy people more, ending corporate entitlements, protecting the environment and affecting climate change

You don't support many of those things, and I doubt there is any other issue where you come out more progressive than I do on
Anyone who supported that fat lying thieving racist rapist Trump are also a POS. Who votes for a man who wants to grab women by the pussy when they meet. What type of person would vote for a racist ? What person would vote for some one who seemingly lies when the truth would do ? Who votes for a person to be POTUS who can't even run his business without filing bankrupt. Who votes for a person to be POTUS who has to have 3 wifes because he divorces so often while cheating on current wifes.
Says a lot about you and your fucking judgment of people. I told anyone who supports Trump to not even bother fucking with me, we obviously think too differently


Well-Known Member
you brought up the eu. I was talking about how the Democratic party sung facist italy, lenins Russia and Nazi Germany's praises...and how they still praise socialism as a viable model today.

obviously there was no Eu in my examples, but you need an Eu get to it.
None of those countries were socialist.

I was trying to get an idea of what your preconceived notion of socialism is.


Well-Known Member
I have faith he can come around, seems to be an intelligent guy who just got his head filled with right wing bullshit for too long.
I personally think he is an idiot who lies. He also is a borderline bigot.
Ask him about his views on civil rights and how his daughter has perfect credit at 16


Well-Known Member
lol yeah, they were. we've done this many times.
the nazi party was further right than the german conservative party shit for brains.

you are dumb.

next thing you know you'll be trying to convince yourself that the south never switched from democrat to republican after civil rights were signed into law.


Well-Known Member
the nazi party was further right than the german conservative party shit for brains.

you are dumb.

next thing you know you'll be trying to convince yourself that the south never switched from democrat to republican after civil rights were signed into law.
Further to that when I say the Nazis "nationalized" things I mean brought under the direct control of the state.

They were generally put under personal control of high level Nazis.

So it was even less "Socialism" and more Right Wing Authoritarian Oligarchy than any sort of left wing affair.


Well-Known Member

fdr loved him some russia and italy. modern dems love them some Cuba and Venezuela.

lincoln: "I believe that every individual is naturally entitled to do as he pleases with himself and the fruits of his labor, so far as it in no way interferes with any other men’s rights."

yep, sounds like every modern Democrat there dog; way to go.
Wow, you went off the rails. Are you just randomly pulling words you don't like out of your ass as if they mean anything to me?

yeah, progressives like fdr. now is the part where you tell me the parties switched and fdr would be a Republican today....
I pointed out that FDR and Lincoln would both be Democrats in today's political world.

Tell me how Lincoln would approve of Republicans depriving black people of the vote. Tell me how Lincoln would approve of laws that make it legal to run down protesters with a car.

Right wing Republicans fabricated a myth that the civil war did more harm to blacks than good because slavery would have just gone away on its own.

You Trump lovers not only live in the past but a past that was invented by FOX news.

Democrats believe the right to do as one pleases ends at the point where their actions deprive that right from others. Republicans believe only white people's rights should be protected.


Well-Known Member
nationalization of industries

Marxists were literally one of the Nazis most hated enemies.
yeah yeah, puritans and protestants were both christian, Sunni and Shiite are both Muslim just as Marxists and Nazis were both on the left.

did you have some other point?


Well-Known Member
Anyone who supported that fat lying thieving racist rapist Trump are also a POS. Who votes for a man who wants to grab women by the pussy when they meet. What type of person would vote for a racist ? What person would vote for some one who seemingly lies when the truth would do ? Who votes for a person to be POTUS who can't even run his business without filing bankrupt. Who votes for a person to be POTUS who has to have 3 wifes because he divorces so often while cheating on current wifes.
Says a lot about you and your fucking judgment of people. I told anyone who supports Trump to not even bother fucking with me, we obviously think too differently