Will try to snap it for ya
yer man will try to post a pic when i can. Its a version of the standard COB design with a good solid heat sink, one constant current driver for each COB (running 1.05 amps at the moment, may up this if i need more light) and made a DIY duct attachment from the inline extractor fan inlet, to pull air through the COB heat sink so it cools it nicely. I am going to add a different fan to the heat sink soon so i can have the light running when i have the fan off (so i dont have to all ways have to have the low rumble of the inline fan and maybe only run it when things get smelly). I made this DIY LED the first part of my setup as the COB tech is what has enabled me to start my project. low watts low heat low stress good light spectrum

bit nervous about posting pics have not popped my cherry yet in terms of documenting online but i will post some pics in the future when i feel more at ease