the end is near for the USA

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Well-Known Member
stopped dead in his tracks.
Like driving into a large tree at 75 mph.
I'm sure he's all hyped up now lol


Oracle of Hallucinogens
I hate to rain on your party... but the U.S economy isn't as bad as the news portrays it IMO. The Euro and GBP have dropped pretty hard (within the passed year or so) compared to the USD.. if you guys remember a few months back, the CAD was a tiny bit over the USD (which I have never heard of before in my life), and now the USD is back to normal compared to it...

We may be in a recession, but our currency in FOREX and stocks is part of international trade.. if we get hit hard, in return, foreign markets will get hit hard. I think it's a lil' bit of a recession for the whole world, but I don't think it's the end of the world.

Maybe I'm a bit out of place speaking here.. as I am only 18, but this is how I see it.


Active Member
To much hate for Obama......I have to stay away from politics, even on this page because ignorance runs to rampid in this country...I am sorry but how can you not see that Republicans are the problem?! I will have many that argue but I tend to not even give a dicks shake of what they think. POLITICS SUCK!


Active Member
Yes he had a funny hat and a big nose and said oiu oiu oiu all the way home ..think hes a jew
I assume by your aborted French and comment about my race you are talking about me. First off, it's oui not "oiu." Second, I don't think I know I'm a fucking Jew you cunt. Third you need to get a life and smoke some weed.
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