the end is near for the USA

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Well-Known Member
that would not work with me im an ex navy seal delta rambo big ass knife slicing mother fucker

Yeah right. I'll bet you're a 14-15 year old pansy, still on his mothers tit. Jim thorpe the 2nd, what an ass.
yeah. a navy seal would never associate himself with delta.
you are a poser, mr..


Well-Known Member
Are you the guy who claims to have a 180 IQ?
mine's like 130-135.
high average, i guess.
and i know of what i speak.
not just some geek, straight out of school. there has been some life lived in this skin o' mine.
so yeah...


Well-Known Member
mine's like 130-135.
high average, i guess.
and i know of what i speak.
not just some geek, straight out of school. there has been some life lived in this skin o' mine.
so yeah...
Yea, max is the guy I'm thinking of...
Could have skipped the bio.


New Member
Hey dipshits im back! Its a fucking joke you assholes are still talking about me, that post was a joke, Now that is HOW stupid ALL you dipshits are. .padawon, tiny, med, F.U.!!!! Hey tiny did you call dave? My balls are on all your chins right now! except jopro and crackerjax.


New Member
Did you guys see the bit where Hillary is in Russia and gives a pin to the russian leaders that says reset in Russian? She tells them they worked very hard to get it right... (this is difficult?). She is corrected that she has actually said the word "recharge" and not "reset". How can they make such a mistake? I'm just assuming that people in her entourage who can speak Russian. No one checks these very simple things? The russians must have laughed their arses off after she left. Laughters of derision I'm sure. So much for best foot forward, never mind the capitulation which was also quite evident.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Did you guys see the bit where Hillary is in Russia and gives a pin to the russian leaders that says reset in Russian? She tells them they worked very hard to get it right... (this is difficult?). She is corrected that she has actually said the word "recharge" and not "reset". How can they make such a mistake? I'm just assuming that people in her entourage who can speak Russian. No one checks these very simple things? The russians must have laughed their arses off after she left. Laughters of derision I'm sure. So much for best foot forward, never mind the capitulation which was also quite evident.

out. :blsmoke:
Imagine that, an idiot like Obama 30 years earlier and we'd probably all be speaking Russian now, and the left would be worshipping a Soviet Chairman as God.


New Member
I think that button is very representative of the entire administration so far... they have worked very hard and have gotten it wrong.

The entire idea of bringing that silly button is sophomoric at best. I'm sure the bear is licking his chops now and smells fresh meat.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I think that button is very representative of the entire administration so far... they have worked very hard and have gotten it wrong.

The entire idea of bringing that silly button is sophomoric at best. I'm sure the bear is licking his chops now and smells fresh meat.

out. :blsmoke:
Button? What button are you talking about?


New Member
Clinton gave the Russian leaders a faux pas "get smart" kind of button that they can push. It says in big russian letters "recharge" instead of "reset". I mean we must look like a bunch of dumb arses to them...

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
Kind of makes me think of the gold card commercial where the guy whips out the superhero credit card in front of the German business people and they make fun of him in German.


Well-Known Member
This is great. I've been on this site for 2 years and am really just now getting around. I love this place. . . Like minded people.
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