Why is it "not gonna happen?" The man himself says he thinks it was a mistake and should be repealed.
Also it is profoundly disappointing that when discussing the one issue everyone on here should agree on, people just bring out the same tired partisan BS.
Are you that naive, or are you simply another political hack?
Here's how it works...
Worthless corrupt political party / politician "X" CLAIMS to be for / against issue "Y", HOWEVER, issue "Y" is pretty damn popular, so worthless corrupt political party / politician "X" rants and raves for / against issue "Y" but doesn't actually do anything about it so as not to incur the wrath of the people. All the worthless corrupt political party / politician wants to do is APPEAR like they are for / against issue "Y" to get / keep the votes of dumb ass naive voters that can't see through their bullshit.
That's why cannabis is STILL a schedule 1 drug despite 8 years of Clinton, and 8 years of Obama.
That's why medical marijuana programs STILL exist in states despite 8 years of Bush.
And that's why cannabis will remain legal in Colorado despite the rantings of an idiotic blow hard.