The End Of The Space Program/Giving Space to China?


Well-Known Member
Have we given space to China? will they militarize space? will the mine the moon for H3 and control the energy supply? Where will this leave Richard Branson? will he compete with China and Russia for control of the moon? Does George Soros have a space program?


Well-Known Member
I think the biggest problem is the fact that we're resorting to buying russian rockets now. Another outsourced job.


Well-Known Member
I think the biggest problem is the fact that we're resorting to buying russian rockets now. Another outsourced job.
And I heard we have to car pool with Russia to get to the space station and their charging us fifty million a ride.


Well-Known Member
And I heard we have to car pool with Russia to get to the space station and their charging us fifty million a ride.
let's put this a way that really explains what happens.

it costs the US something like 13,000 dollars per pound, to launch something into space using the space shuttle.

the russians are charging us 1/2 that.

keep cutting the governments budget and soon we'll need help deciding WHAT exactly it is we need launched into space.....


Well-Known Member
Privatize Nasa.
Sell it let the people who want to get to all that H3 buy stock.
This will make space flight cheaper and more targeted.


Well-Known Member
I thought odummie wanted NASA to tell the muslims how great they were, fuck the space program let china have it.


Well-Known Member
Finally, we can know if space is infinite or not? Yay!!!

The chinese are all knowing and will eventually prove everyone wrong... I mean everything