The First LED Grow Box

Al b Fuct , this is an LED experimental thread. Start your own thread so your followers can worship you there

Sorry, you don't have the ability to direct traffic over who can use 'your' parts of RIU and who can't. Only King GW Bush can have the protesters shuffled off public spaces to where he can't see them. You are not entitled to the same luxury. If you don't like the truth, you can leave. Go start your own board where you can throw people out at your leisure.

By all means, fire up your xmas lights and let the entertainment begin!
Simple but effective, cheers Al.

Yep, works. I do spray down the oscillation mechanisms with a silicone lubricant spray as they are not designed to operate inverted and the actuation arm rubs against the motor housing. Running inverted more than 6 mos now. I replace these cheapo fans yearly, so they're halfway home.

whats the box above the one light? homemade carbon filter?

heh, that's a high-tech recyclable cellulose fibre-based 3D geometric light trap (which SOME folks would call a 'box' :lol:) which used to cover the business end of the ozone generator, which has since been relocated such that all the UV that sprays out of it points up the exhaust blower, eliminating the need for it. It's just not been pulled down and chucked out yet. :D
so. i wanna see what happens in that there led box. this is like the perfect experiment i never had. put some seeds down and grow some weed.
After all this bullshit you better be posting pics at least every week if not every day.

Even though most of us don't believe that it will produce much, it would be good to see someone else spend their time on it instead of me.

Words and figures only do so much, Pics!
Zat, I never had a gripe with anyone, not even the lighting seller who is utterly convinced that the light that shines out of The Almighty's Arse comes from LEDs. You'll notice I haven't had to call anyone names, impugn their intelligence, etc. I go straight after bad information and hold it up as such, which is sufficient. The people, being anonymous, are largely irrelevant.

Indeed, the end game is growing buds. I've been asked countless times to write a grow book. I am very confident I can do it in 10 pages or less, if all I have to cover is the stuff that will grow dope for anyone, first time.

please post some pics al b, because with the arrogance and cockiness you better have one hellatious looking garden. It better be more than 100 plants too. Anyone can grow one plant and call themselves a guru, you have any experience with commercial grows?
please post some pics al b, because with the arrogance and cockiness you better have one hellatious looking garden. It better be more than 100 plants too. Anyone can grow one plant and call themselves a guru, you have any experience with commercial grows?

Listen, you go sell your shit some where else, nobody want to buy it.
please post some pics al b, because with the arrogance and cockiness you better have one hellatious looking garden. It better be more than 100 plants too. Anyone can grow one plant and call themselves a guru, you have any experience with commercial grows?
al b has a beautiful garden just go back a couple pages in this thread. Also I piss on your bags sir.
honestly i think there cool an all the light an coulors wooo hehe soz a lil excited den but i juss think there not really that efficent i reakon hps still the way 2 go when it comes 2 spectrum value yes i know led suppose to be pure spectrum juss the light value seem so low compared to hps 2
nah mines a red nose pitty named tyson (had part his ear ripped off by a pig so yea tyson sorta suited him) but he a lil bigger den ma avatar 2 but i want a blue pitty or silver would b sick