Al B. Fuct
once had a dog named
please post some pics al b, because with the arrogance and cockiness you better have one hellatious looking garden. It better be more than 100 plants too.
I take it y'all are joining us a bit late.

Anyone can grow one plant and call themselves a guru
Well, let's see... 23 x4 trays in flower, that's 92... plus 10 mother plants makes 102, then there's 60 cuttings in the clonebox... 162 all up at the moment. Is that enough for you?

And by the way, I've never once called myself a guru. That's something I actively discourage, but much to my dismay, lots of people do it anyway.
Aside from this one? Yes, as a matter of fact- I'm called upon to build & fix them rather commonly. Am I gonna tell you anything at all about them? have any experience with commercial grows?
And yeah, when you sign up to spam up a product, which you certainly appear to have, you can expect to cop a bit of shit. I don't know why admin hasn't booted you off or asked for payment of ad rates yet.