The First LED Grow Box

please post some pics al b, because with the arrogance and cockiness you better have one hellatious looking garden. It better be more than 100 plants too.

I take it y'all are joining us a bit late. :lol:

Anyone can grow one plant and call themselves a guru

Well, let's see... 23 x4 trays in flower, that's 92... plus 10 mother plants makes 102, then there's 60 cuttings in the clonebox... 162 all up at the moment. Is that enough for you? :lol:

And by the way, I've never once called myself a guru. That's something I actively discourage, but much to my dismay, lots of people do it anyway.

you have any experience with commercial grows?
Aside from this one? Yes, as a matter of fact- I'm called upon to build & fix them rather commonly. Am I gonna tell you anything at all about them? Nope.

And yeah, when you sign up to spam up a product, which you certainly appear to have, you can expect to cop a bit of shit. I don't know why admin hasn't booted you off or asked for payment of ad rates yet.
arent those bags hes selling just kitty litter box liners with a new name and a 20% markup because its hydro related ?
Sad how some kids have so much pride they're wiling to burn bridges to some of the best knowledge they may ever receive in their life when it comes to growing.
Nope, it's Fytocell. Fytocell is a resin foam medium, resembles crumbled foam rubber. It is 37% air and 60% water. It can be flooded fairly frequently compared to RW floc but not as much as pellets.

It has a couple drawbacks; it floats and it can fall out of the drain holes in the pots. I pack about 25mm of RW floc in the bottom of each pot to prevent the Fytocell from falling out. The saturated RW layer on the bottom reduces buoyancy of the pot so they don't float. I flood small plants 2x/lights on and larger plants (wk3 forward) 3x/day.

Fytocell is fairly cheap and very lightweight. 2x 100L bags, 2 mos supply for me, can be carried with one hand. It is very easy to dispose of in common rubbish or can be dug into the garden as a water-holding soil conditioner. It turns the same color as the soil in a week or two.
Just checking out the LED thread, disappointed to find no pics so I did a google search for LED grow. Here's pulled up up:



































yeah… not too impressive
what movie is playing ? ... all that popcorn is making me want to see a movie ... please pass the soda ... did that popcorn come with extra butter ?
seriously tho this guy said he cracked some beans . soooo ? where in fuk are the pics ? lets get this LED grow underway so we can see the proof in the pudding
well by golly i've been waiting on someone to knock that self indulgant aussie/american wannabe guru on his arse....good on ya!!!

grow dem nugs yo!
i think waiting on an LED grow to put Al B. in his place might take a while ... matter of fact we may never get there... guess ill pull up a chair
I think the spirit of experimentation is a good thing. Regardless of our opinions, watching someone do something new is cool.

I am a complete nub and have no opinion~but I like to see people try new stuff. I am running so lowbie style I just put my studio portrait light on my plants. They seem to like it lol, but I will get some proper lighting soon. I am very curious about LED and their future so please post prograssion, even if it is just because they look so STAR WARS =) I do like the idea of being able to put the lights up close
I think the spirit of experimentation is a good thing. Regardless of our opinions, watching someone do something new is cool.

This isn't something new, and we're not giving him opinions, we're letting him in on the truth before he loses the ability to return the equipment to the seller and get his money back.

I am very curious about LED and their future so please post prograssion, even if it is just because they look so STAR WARS =) I do like the idea of being able to put the lights up close

So far he hasn't posted any pictures of anything interesting.