The fishing thread ( not about fish fertilizer)


this is a spot on the Sac i used to frequent before the fire.
You have to wade out as far as you can. Cast as far as you can to bounce down the middle of the channel. You can’t see the line from the pic but there was prob a good 50people there that day. I caught and released 17 and pissed off a bunch of good ol boys. Pretty typical day there :-D for me in the middle of the season. People that don’t know how to catch but get pissed off because i’m constantly walking my fish down in front of them.

this is a spot on the Sac i used to frequent before the fire.
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You have to wade out as far as you can. Cast as far as you can to bounce down the middle of the channel. You can’t see the line from the pic but there was prob a good 50people there that day. I caught and released 17 and pissed off a bunch of good ol boys. Pretty typical day there :-D for me in the middle of the season. People that don’t know how to catch but get pissed off because i’m constantly walking my fish down in front of them.
Ya. Same round here lol. For some reason, people see you catch and they think the fish must be ONLY under your area so common sense dictates they move as close as possible to you then proceed to cast over you with a spoon. Fucking hate people
Oh hi, the fish ARE EVERYWHERE it's just you that sucks at catching them.
That's why I'm a grumpy cunt on the river. The more standoffish you are the least likely you'll get bird dogged

Get away from me biatch!
Ya. Same round here lol. For some reason, people see you catch and they think the fish must be ONLY under your area so common sense dictates they move as close as possible to you then proceed to cast over you with a spoon. Fucking hate people
Oh yeah dude, especially at that spot. Total re, i mean lames.
When they do hook something they back straight up and take out everyone fishing. And lose it. Or, my favorite, is as I’m walking down my fish saying fish on. Yelling fish on!!!! People are casting over me all mad and shit.
I rock 50 lb power pro main line :-) saw them right off lmao!
Oh yeah dude, especially at that spot. Total re, i mean lames.
When they do hook something they back straight up and take out everyone fishing. And lose it. Or, my favorite, is as I’m walking down my fish saying fish on. Yelling fish on!!!! People are casting over me all mad and shit.
I rock 50 lb power pro main line :-) saw them right off lmao!
Ya I rock 30#pp for casting. 12#mono floating and 15#pp for bouncing trout. I'll switch to 10# after -5° as the line is thinner and doesn't ice up as bad.
Ya I rock 30#pp for casting. 12#mono floating and 15#pp for bouncing trout. I'll switch to 10# after -5° as the line is thinner and doesn't ice up as bad.
I rock 17lb cxx for the salmon leaders. Unless i’m rockin the quickfish from boat. But always 50lb power pro main line Doesn’t cast as far as 30lb but rigs last allot longer. Obviously doesn’t get beat up as quick as 30.
I rock 17lb cxx for the salmon leaders. Unless i’m rockin the quickfish from boat. But always 50lb power pro main line Doesn’t cast as far as 30lb but rigs last allot longer. Obviously doesn’t get beat up as quick as 30.
Ya I use the 12#cxx for floating
But I'll go light with a 12-15# fluro leader. Rivers are deep and clear here. Fish see fish flee
But when I'm casting spoons I'm rocking 30#pp to 30# seaguar blue fluro. I just use it for the stretch. I set hard (used to muskie) and my rods stiff (hehe) so I need the extra bit of give and I just like having the 30# fluro on because rocks sticks etc bung up your pp and well ur fd