The flush "myth"

Said it before in another flush thread, I believe people flushed to allow the plant to feed from itself and reduce chlorophyll in the leaves which ment a lesser curing time. Almost all of us were illegal growers previously and those that did commercial grows did not want to spend the time to cure their harvests, it had to be dried and out of the door as soon as possible. Leeching out the chlorophyll creates a smoother taste, the harsher taste been wrongly tied to nutrients or salts in the plant.
So its a time saving exercise, or it was.

I dunno, might be on to part of something though. all you have to do is feed some nitrogen to your tomato plant the last couple weeks before you harvest. or some to your mj plants near finish too for big green leaves, not more trichomes, actually more vegetable matter now, so amount of active ingredients is less now per gram right?

you like the smell and flavor of ammonia? no prob though,.... with a good old fashion tobaccy like sweat cure the flavor seems to smooth out to normal eventually, burp. eat the weed, you'll taste it without the nasty inhale even. slick trick to test this, ....try it on everything you consume....same results here. isreal grows hydro like all get out. they also taper their nutrients as vegetable harvest approaches, same directions followed I bet. I feed my livestock apples and carrots only toward the end of their life, for the same reasons.
If throwing more scoops of pooh at end of flower made it better I'd be doing it for sure.

when a new patient asks me "wow, how long did you have to cure this weed to make it so smooth? mehh, harvested a few weeks ago, 125 days of wicked love growing is my answer.
For me, in my garden, I can't stress enough how important it is to use soil amendments that open up and lighten the soil and create a lot of airspace so that when you water, you can push a lot of water quickly through the soil and pull in that good oxygen through the roots. I love the chunky perlite...and even regular perlite helps. Whatever your soil blend happens to be -whatever guano and meals you have in there, you just gotta open it up for those roots to have lots and lots of space to breath and then push that water through the soil quick, fast and in a hurry so that the incoming water pulls that oxygen in behind it like a piston. I'm a believer in allowing the soil to dry out between waterings -not bone-dry, but dry...and then giving them a thorough watering.

I also am a new convert to Smart Pots just because they drain fast and allow more oxygen exchange.
smart pots are the best, use these when you use a smart pot for extra air flow and to dry your container more evenly.
This will not work properly!
If you have even one little bit of a feeling, one way or the other. That is how the "test" will go! Even if it's not the right answer!

It's called "confirmation bias" = google that and learn!/

I respectfully disagree. It would be easy enough to make it a blind study. I'd recommend again to the OP that he does a similar test, if not just to have fun with it. Experimentation is part of home grows, and having a hypothesis at the beginning of the experiment is normal.
I respectfully disagree. It would be easy enough to make it a blind study. I'd recommend again to the OP that he does a similar test, if not just to have fun with it. Experimentation is part of home grows, and having a hypothesis at the beginning of the experiment is normal.

I respectfully reply -

Science says that will fail. Some years ago, an advertising agency did a "blind" taste test on a food product. It failed, and they went to a College Psyc dept to find out why!

In a study done by an advertising agency. They gave people 3 different products. They mixed how they were given and were really confused by answers from the test panel, when given the same thing 3 times straight. The people would find differences - even though they did not exist!
When the brain is given a task - "Please tell us what you think of these 3 products" - it will find a difference! Even when one does not exist!

Combine that with confirmation bias and it's very easy to understand why this flush BS myth - still lurks.

Now then. If posed a choice for new information. The Brain will "default" to what it may believe, and basically not accept the new information given.....Chemmy has a big problem with that and the "Flush/fade" issue.....Confirmation Bias issue.

Read this -

"Blind" taste studies are not done anymore. They don't work.... The Products are in the open and your asked to compare! The people doing these tests. Are carefully picked to not have previous experience with either product!

So, how would you approach this problem we have?

I'm not arguing - only giving facts..
maybe your reality is bias (too?) and your reports of flavor, of three weeks drying time and tapered nutrients compared to non tapered nutrients in late flower with three weeks dry are simply not as I would report them?

what we have is our own realities, sounds about right, I see things differently than many people, its awesome. my experiences often differ than the next guys', its so cool. we're individulas, we deserve to create and manifest our own reality.
Science has told me many things along the way that just were not full truths, needed some fixin later even. if science once again said margarine was better for me than fresh butter I would not make the switch, I like butter better, some dont.

peace out
maybe your reality is bias (too?) and your reports of flavor, of three weeks drying time and tapered nutrients compared to non tapered nutrients in late flower with three weeks dry are simply not as I would report them?

what we have is our own realities, sounds about right, I see things differently than many people, its awesome. my experiences often differ than the next guys', its so cool. we're individulas, we deserve to create and manifest our own reality.
Science has told me many things along the way that just were not full truths, needed some fixin later even. if science once again said margarine was better for me than fresh butter I would not make the switch, I like butter better, some dont.

peace out
I like butter too :). And no it doesn't taste like butter :).
I had King crab yesterday and the restaurant had a really good smoked salt. I added it to my melted butter, but it was very heavy and didn't mix well. I ended up sprinkling the salt over the dipped crab, amazing... and yes, this does apply to the topic.
Like all these "same, same" discussions we have left "flushing" and are now talking about fading feedings.

Which is another controversial topic but IMO a different one. Lots of people water only for the whole grow.
I had King crab yesterday and the restaurant had a really good smoked salt. I added it to my melted butter, but it was very heavy and didn't mix well. I ended up sprinkling the salt over the dipped crab, amazing... and yes, this does apply to the topic.
Oh god now I'm very Hungry :(.
Said it before in another flush thread, I believe people flushed to allow the plant to feed from itself and reduce chlorophyll in the leaves which ment a lesser curing time. Almost all of us were illegal growers previously and those that did commercial grows did not want to spend the time to cure their harvests, it had to be dried and out of the door as soon as possible. Leeching out the chlorophyll creates a smoother taste, the harsher taste been wrongly tied to nutrients or salts in the plant.
So its a time saving exercise, or it was.
I'll bite.

so you reduced feed for the fade to reduce chlorophyll? What color were the buds? I'm guessing green. So yellow leaves and green bud. We smoke bud, which is green. How is it that removed chlorophyll?
I'll bite.

so you reduced feed for the fade to reduce chlorophyll? What color were the buds? I'm guessing green. So yellow leaves and green bud. We smoke bud, which is green. How is it that removed chlorophyll?

It`s not. The Chlorophyll remains.

Once you chop, the flow stops. Chlorophyll needs the fluids and movement to break down. You stop the flow, and it dries fast. Eventually, after a much much longer time it will break down, especially after temperature or humidity changes. While the plant is flowing, you can see colors change. Most plants break down the chlorophyll before shedding, that`s why you see color changes in the fall season.
It`s not. The Chlorophyll remains.

Once you chop, the flow stops. Chlorophyll needs the fluids and movement to break down. You stop the flow, and it dries fast. Eventually, after a much much longer time it will break down, especially after temperature or humidity changes. While the plant is flowing, you can see colors change. Most plants break down the chlorophyll before shedding, that`s why you see color changes in the fall season.
I was being a smart ass. That was my point that it remains.
so what i'm gathering is that I should "leach" but collect the extra water because it will be nutrient rich and apply it to my unharvested plants that are early to mid flower stage so as to not let any excess nutrients get wasted.
I'll bite.

so you reduced feed for the fade to reduce chlorophyll? What color were the buds? I'm guessing green. So yellow leaves and green bud. We smoke bud, which is green. How is it that removed chlorophyll?
I dont know,that the chlorophyll is removed i think,it just breaks down. Sound about right?
I read ur other post after i wrote this...should have read the rest of the posts first
I'm not going to get into this debate, My idea's and thoughts are just that, But I used to flush (leech) my plants out before harvest, I saw a grow-room where the guy didnt , I asked how long he flushed for and he laughed, We smoked some weed and it was great, his buds were bigger and healthier with the same basic setup. After the first run I realized it was some stoner myth and a way for nutrient companies to sell you even more shit you dont need.

Same strain same everything, but I didnt flush the plants the last two weeks , I ended up with almost 2 more ounces. It was dried and lightly cured and it tasted better then it ever had. It was perplexing at first until I realized that starving your plant of nutrients that dont readily get removed with water anyways in the last two (most important weeks) is almost an act of lunacy . I've not flushed anything since then and had better tasting and more robust yields.

Now I believe that a proper slow dry and cure contributes to the taste far more then anything else you can do to the plant. But starving it the last weeks of it's life is only killing the potential of better yield.

IMO , Flushing is for toilets . :) BB