The flush "myth"

^^^^^ ya your in the debate lol. I'm not sure how others harvest but I typically take them down after they've stopped growing, among other indicators. If I was to flush that's probably when I would, so I doubt I would lose much if anything. I don't flush as a rule so it's a mute point, I just don't get the whole, "your not feeding at the most critical time" thing. Perhaps people are flushing to early lol.
maybe your reality is bias (too?) and your reports of flavor, of three weeks drying time and tapered nutrients compared to non tapered nutrients in late flower with three weeks dry are simply not as I would report them?

what we have is our own realities, sounds about right, I see things differently than many people, its awesome. my experiences often differ than the next guys', its so cool. we're individulas, we deserve to create and manifest our own reality.
Science has told me many things along the way that just were not full truths, needed some fixin later even. if science once again said margarine was better for me than fresh butter I would not make the switch, I like butter better, some dont.

peace out

This post exemplifies simply struggling under the weight of actual reality...

Schrodinger's cat theory you point too. Is moot. The box is open and science knows the result. Now trying to get the rest of the world to understand is like attempting to get an evangelical christian to admit they elected the anti-christ!

There are not different realities, just differing beliefs.


A/B/X testing

fade to finish (I've been playing with k-sulfate only during the fade)

LOL, reminds me of a statement by a "master" grower in a national magazine.

"I stop nutrient use at 4 weeks left to go"
"I then use Botanicare Ca/Mg (2-0-0), Botanicare silica blast (0-0-0.5), and Microbe life photosynthesis plus (0-0.5-0.09) till the end"

Hmm, he was chiding the "use" of N in bloom in the piece he was writing. Well then, he didn't seem to understand he was feeding 2-.5-.59. The Photo plus was helping the soil bio's to process any remaining nutrients in that soil too.

To make it short. Not only was the soil still feeding the plant. He was adding NPK value (2-.5-.59) in his "only using minerals" to finish the plant. Not to mention the soils available and convertible nutrients.....He was still feeding!
I noticed his tested results as being 5-8 points lower in potency then I get too.

And people follow these guys and live on every word they spew as being gospel truth....

so we speak of soil vs hydro, tapering vs flushing vs feeding to the end? we should narrow this down at least?

I add composted dry nuggets of fertilizer nutrients to my bucket at day one of flower onset, and again mid flower, I add water only to the end. just for clarity. I stop adding fertilizers to my veggies a few weeks before harvest. they of course are still feeding in rich soil built over many years, just not getting more poop at the end.
we on the same page?

so we speak of soil vs hydro, tapering vs flushing vs feeding to the end? we should narrow this down at least?

I add composted dry nuggets of fertilizer nutrients to my bucket at day one of flower onset, and again mid flower, I add water only to the end. just for clarity. I stop adding fertilizers to my veggies a few weeks before harvest. they of course are still feeding in rich soil built over many years, just not getting more poop at the end.
we on the same page?

You betcha!

I don't add any ferts to my veggies......I amend the soil in the fall and in the spring. Once the little plants are up or in, established and happy. The whole area is sprayed with a basic bio tea......this aids in the organic breakdown of those amendments....The plants feed on their own....Naturally.

In cannabis. It's the same, except that at times I may supplement with some specific teas later.

On a side note (for the synthetic guys/gals)..

I have gotten samples from Botanicare of KIND and Pure Blend PRO..There has been some real well done grows around here with the KIND and in a talk with MichMedGrower, I found renewed interest in PB Pro...I intend to see what I can do with them. I have not bothered to start with that yet. I'll get to it. The process of expanding to my rotation limits has begun.....

Been seeing some REAL interesting things done with the base Hesi Grow and Bloom. The lady doing this is only using Extreme Nutrients "booster" (2-0-5) and (heaven forbid) AN Big Bud (0-1-3) with some of my home made Mg sulfate supplement. She's been getting some fantastic results...

So for me, ending a synthetic grow with those things.....I would stop nutrient feeding with 3 days (my estimate - not counting days) to go and water it out from there...

It would still get the proper dry and cure!

So maybe our pages aren't as far off as we like to talk about,,eh?
DWC food-removal from say 1-2 weeks out, no leeching chemicals or agents.

Water + k-sulfate is all at the end for now in the latest experiments (thanks Dr Who)

What ratio would you feed in DWC on the last week and with what scope of growth in mind? My plants are damn near finished when I start the "fade" with plain water.

Another thing to consider is WHEN people are harvesting. I see a lot of harvests with packs of white stiff hairs, I don't cut when they're this early. If you cut when they are still growing, then yes you might benefit to feed to this point (not done imo) whereas I'm more of an error on the side to dead on the stick, at which point they aren't doing much in the sense of "growing" that I can observe visually.
I'm not going to get into this debate, My idea's and thoughts are just that, But I used to flush (leech) my plants out before harvest, I saw a grow-room where the guy didnt , I asked how long he flushed for and he laughed, We smoked some weed and it was great, his buds were bigger and healthier with the same basic setup. After the first run I realized it was some stoner myth and a way for nutrient companies to sell you even more shit you dont need.

Same strain same everything, but I didnt flush the plants the last two weeks , I ended up with almost 2 more ounces. It was dried and lightly cured and it tasted better then it ever had. It was perplexing at first until I realized that starving your plant of nutrients that dont readily get removed with water anyways in the last two (most important weeks) is almost an act of lunacy . I've not flushed anything since then and had better tasting and more robust yields.

Now I believe that a proper slow dry and cure contributes to the taste far more then anything else you can do to the plant. But starving it the last weeks of it's life is only killing the potential of better yield.

IMO , Flushing is for toilets . :) BB

Keep in mind that indoor growers who cultivate special ways or do Hydro, know much more than most and more importantly know what they have added to the nutes. So some cases may be a requirement to flush. It`s not unheard of, it`s just that it may be a part of the grow. I don`t think growing in soil is needed to flush out anything.
You betcha!


It would still get the proper dry and cure!

So maybe our pages aren't as far off as we like to talk about,,eh?

I knew it all along.
I also use PB tea to half of my flowering girls, in addition to (some)Organicare and some just PB. If PB
performs as well as Organicare I'll stop the use of composted poop all together, at least this dried form.
so far so good here.

ok, so we really only differ on the cure. cool.

I of course do always have some head stash here, curing for longer periods. eventually though, after a few months or so I'm not interested in it. the effects have changed for me, the taste differs too. my weed is better for me less than a month old. Besides I enjoy fresher as better for me, my favorites are cycled in a manner that provides me with a fresh version often enough to not care for older material. literally, discarded sometimes.. my rolling tray is emptied with each roll of a different variety. dumped into the slush jar, to be processed if needed or discarded when full. I have more, fresh supply, many varieties to R&D, no time for the slush here. lol
My basil/thyme/sage/rosemary from last year is not as tasty as this year either, go figure.
maybe I cure poorly , maybe I have no taste buds, maybe my chemotype reacts differently to degraded thc than to fresher thc, maybe I have no clue what good taste is, or maybe its true what I say, you'll never know.

nitrogen in late flower is actually my peeve. everyone can smell and taste ammonia, in soil, in plants too, when its added in the end like commercial tobacco does.
Its not what you fed to your plant that you taste, its what your plant was/not allowed to do with it at the end of its life, thats what is tasted.
DWC food-removal from say 1-2 weeks out, no leeching chemicals or agents.

Water + k-sulfate is all at the end for now in the latest experiments (thanks Dr Who)

What ratio would you feed in DWC on the last week and with what scope of growth in mind? My plants are damn near finished when I start the "fade" with plain water.

Another thing to consider is WHEN people are harvesting. I see a lot of harvests with packs of white stiff hairs, I don't cut when they're this early. If you cut when they are still growing, then yes you might benefit to feed to this point (not done imo) whereas I'm more of an error on the side to dead on the stick, at which point they aren't doing much in the sense of "growing" that I can observe visually.

In hydro, I tended to feed till the last 5 days and split the res to 50/50 by adding plain pHed water. I haven't done hydro in about 5-6 years.....Been considering some possible RDWC with the Hesi as my friend does....

Ill stick to soils and organics for the most part.....
Keep in mind that indoor growers who cultivate special ways or do Hydro, know much more than most and more importantly know what they have added to the nutes. So some cases may be a requirement to flush. It`s not unheard of, it`s just that it may be a part of the grow. I don`t think growing in soil is needed to flush out anything.
For what purpose?
What does pouring copious amounts of water over a medium do except for leach the medium of salt buildup?

Something that most Hydro uses get around by their feed/ water (20% runoff) schedule during the whole grow cycle
The point is, that plant was fed plain water for the last month of it's life. No nutrients in coir DTW. And as you say there is still chlorophyll and anthocyanins in it.
So by my reasoning, no matter how long you flush there is still something that will remain in the plant when harvested. And I use natural processes of oxidation and fermentation ( dry and cure) to finish.
Keep in mind that indoor growers who cultivate special ways or do Hydro, know much more than most and more importantly know what they have added to the nutes. So some cases may be a requirement to flush. It`s not unheard of, it`s just that it may be a part of the grow. I don`t think growing in soil is needed to flush out anything.
I grow in hydro and aeroponic .
For what purpose?
What does pouring copious amounts of water over a medium do except for leach the medium of salt buildup?

Something that most Hydro uses get around by their feed/ water (20% runoff) schedule during the whole grow cycle

People experiment, try to flavor or add things to fight off diseases. Maybe things that are good for plants taste bad, I`m not really sure. I`m pointing out that it`s not unheard off and may be part of a grow process. I don`t do things like that but it seems if this myth don`t go away, there`s got to be something behind why.
I grow in hydro and aeroponic .

Never tried Hydro, but all I`ve read about and seen set ups, looks to be one long flushing grow from start to finish. You know, the roots hanging in the tub or in tubes, just looks like a flushing grow that you add food into to me.
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People experiment, try to flavor or add things to fight off diseases. Maybe things that are good for plants taste bad, I`m not really sure. I`m pointing out that it`s not unheard off and may be part of a grow process. I don`t do things like that but it seems if this myth don`t go away, there`s got to be something behind why.
Some people believe that its cheaper to leave a house room light on rather than switching it off and on again when you re-enter the room.
There is no reason for them to believe this but yet they do. There is nothing behind it at all. Its a Myth.
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