The Flying Circus

Got any new shots of the farm?

Uh Iv kinda let the garden run its course. After all my work from soil prep, planting, caring/tending, harvesting, and preserving Iv been totally beat! I think this year was a success though,,, I had a goal to find a system that worked so I can replicate it on a larger scale and I did that. Now I just need to implement finely tuned succession planting on all crops and Im up to the next level. I'll say its allot of work though,,,, I kinda dont want to do if for my main source of income now because it so physically taxing for what comes of it being just a few dollars ya know? I think Id rather run a large personal garden for my own needs... I dont want the business of it to ruin the experience for me. I want to pursue some other way to support myself financially beside ganja and veggies. I'll finally get these tea packs off the ground maybe... One thing I know is things will pan out eventually lol thats a fact.
I did have to move the veg plants though seeing as the given veg space ran out of head room. They are looking happy, will snap a pic here in a few.

I'd start a thread, but it'd be a boring waste of space for people to watch my failure as a grower.
Better to be thought a poor grower than to start a thread and prove it.
From what Iv seen you do just fine! Just gotta grow more/bigger plants to hold you over from harvest to harvest. No doubt youv achieved improvements from day one and Im sure you know much more now compared to when you just started. Also all of our mistakes are foundations for us and others to improve on and learn,,, its just as much of a part of getting better as anything else. Can you tell I just smoked a bowl? hehe... My bloods pumping good to, I just got done with a lil rope session.

Pics loading.
Temporary veg space. I'll get the new build done next week hopefully, and plan to continue to veg in the system until Im 99% sure its going to fill out the canopy space to satisfaction.

Cant exactly fit all the plants in one pic ;-) all under 1-600 :hump:
Some reveg signs from sexing but they are starting to grow five fingered leaves again.

On a mover of course ;-)

Most have grown quite a bit :-)

Nice and green.

Aaaaaaan some veg trichs :-) Im sure sexing nudged them towards trich production but still for them to start making oils that quickly has me excited for things to come. Nibiru will bring you to other worlds mwahaha.

Yeah, been experimenting with different techniques for a few years too many.
I should've went back to my tried & true methods, as I'm not really in a good position to mess around & risk so many low yields.
I keep forgetting I'm not just growing because I love botany & agriculture & gardening. My main goal is to provide myself with affordable meds, and as much as possible.
This current grow I'm getting back to my roots (Damn! What a clever pun!).
Flipping the photoperiod tomorrow to 12/12.
All plants are a 18" to 24" tall, and all but one is au natural (one Black Dynamite was topped), so they'll flower up real nice & big (for indoor stuff).
After we're in the new home and my grow space is built, I'm really going to let loose.
Might even have a steady supply of pics & vids like the old days, since it won't be embarrassing to show what's going on.
Me & jig had a rough year for our grows in 2013 so far.
But I'm back from the dead, and my girls are showing the love.
I'll have about 3 months to decide about my grow space, since I can't build it until the in-laws have visited and gone.
From then on, I should have found the groove I need to boogie in like Travolta, and will have stuff worth showing again.

Listen to the ground
there is movement all around
there is something goin' down
and I can feel it...

This may be what you need then! Or some other similar product ;-) I need to get my foot in this before its too late,,, I really want to perfect it first though and have several different recipes for different stages and maybe even brew kits too. I like being industrious but I need it to be as eco friendly as possible from packaging to sourcing raw ingredients that are obtained in an environmentally responsible manner. Unfortunately those may be my biggest hurtles,, nothing good comes easy though.

Well, I'm not sure of the name of it yet, but I DO know which teas I'll be buying when they do come onto the market.
(Hurry up, man!)
^^^^do it,cause ill tel you what..

ill be all over them, the stuff I use now at $50/10 pouches(each pouch makes 3 gallons),I use 1 red solo cup/to the base of each plant...then water as normal.

and dobbie,i have seen you post some dam good flower pics,id sure like to see what you would do with one big clone,under a 600.
Or how about a huge mama plant that's been picked at for clones for a couple of years and is bushy as a 70's porno flick, flowering under mixed spectrum dual 600's?
And in a 40-liter tub of highly active and properly amended soil?
Maybe even one that's had several strains grafted onto it.
A man can dream, can't he?
So $1.66 a gallon but that gallon goes a long way... Hmmm.... From the manufacturing research Iv done for my recipe (without packaging) I could def have some competitive pricing... And thats with likely a higher quality product, I cant say that for sure bc Iv never used any of these tea packs out there, but from what Iv gathered from lists of basic ingredients Id say my stuff can hang with the best of them. This would be much easier on me physically than running a fukin farm by myself lol what was I thinking!
That tea mix you sent me worked great.
Even with the under-powered air pumps I have, it was highly active, and the girls loved it.
If those chumps can bring in some coin off it, there's no reason you can't.
Get some cool graphics on it (way better than the Boogie Brew art), come up with a catchy name (market one name that the cannabis growers will dig, and market the same product with a conventional name so the veggie & flower gardeners will go for it, or come up with one cool name & art that works for both markets), get some vids on youtube showing how to use it and how well it works (controlled side-by-side grows), and you should be able to cut out a nice slice of the ever growing tea pie.
^^^that's real talk doobie,id def be down to help with some testing/side-by-side(pics) to help the movment of whodat.
By the time you're ready for it, whodat, I'll be set up & stable.
I'll pay for my own tea kits and post results on youtube to help get the word out, too.
You have a small army of growers who'd love to help out in any way we can.
Hell yeah, that sounds good to me. Id like to get into making vids and all that other stuff you mentioned, to document results and basically to show and tell... More R&D needed to make something Im 100% confident in stamping my name on.