The forbidden TRUTH

IMG_20130316_121056.JPG Look inside the blackness in the face, if you can't see half of that little Demon save, open in paint, click resize in large and or zoom in.. - Is this any of the trolls reading? Or do you know it? Thanks for reading

GOD will be here soon....

all you see around you and all you do is proof, darwin has given you no proof yet you believe him? If you want to directly communicate with God go on your knees and ask for redemption thru his sacrifice of his son Jesus and follow the laws in Deuteronomy and read his word and God WILL give you signs and reveal things to you.
how do u feel about the theory that jesus survived the crusifiction ,went on to have children w/ mary magdalyn, and also ive herd mary magdalyn had a part in the dead sea scrolls?? i would actually love to read them, i believe in God, am christian, however i see God diferently than i was taught, my cousin is even a priest..
View attachment 3336988 Look inside the blackness in the face, if you can't see half of that little Demon save, open in paint, click resize in large and or zoom in.. - Is this any of the trolls reading? Or do you know it? Thanks for reading

GOD will be here soon....

also doesnt it sat Noah lived to the age of 900 yrs old or near that? All people before the great flood lived much,much longer than today. some rulers reaghned hundreds of years prior to the flood.
Yes, this post above is very enlightened. I wish I could use most of it as my siggy to show people your true colors, but I can always point to it when necessary. You are blaming the US hungry children for the sins of their parents, that is disgusting. I was brought up in poverty my entire childhood, as were my family and most friends, so I have a pretty realistic perspective of how it goes first hand. You're right, I am ignorant about many things (although it doesn't seem nearly as much as yourself), but I am not the one claiming to teach enlightenment. Do you think any testimonials will be coming to us soon?
"You are blaming the US hungry children for the sins of their parents" Now where I come from and most probably where you come; putting words in another man's mouth is dangerous and at the very least deserves a knock, especially when those words are so bold.

I blame welfare recipients (excuse my ego) for teaching their children to leach off the system just as they do; it is a vicious cycle. I don't look down at the disabled and the low income earners but you have to admit that a lot of people do cheat the welfare system strictly out of laziness, it has a dragging effect on our economy. I respect all people but the fact remains that the economy would be in much better shape if these people could just get there act together.
how do u feel about the theory that jesus survived the crusifiction ,went on to have children w/ mary magdalyn, and also ive herd mary magdalyn had a part in the dead sea scrolls?? i would actually love to read them, i believe in God, am christian, however i see God diferently than i was taught, my cousin is even a priest..
It is completely possible that he could have survived. The Dead Sea Scrolls would be a Treasure to read, Jesus' exact words without the Roman propaganda. I have heard translations and it seems to speak of the same brand of enlightenment that I teach.
It is completely possible that he could have survived. The Dead Sea Scrolls would be a Treasure to read, Jesus' exact words without the Roman propaganda. I have heard translations and it seems to speak of the same brand of enlightenment that I teach.
i also wish i could read them scrolls,are they available in english to the public to buy? from what ive read, jesus's bloodline may still be alive today and his decendants are the kings and queens of england,true or false who seems the roman catholic church has the truth locked in the vatican away from the public,,why lie to us? what is the truth and why is it so important to keep from us??? its the lies that make so many of us wonder why so much was edited out of the bible and as for satin,lucifer what ever u may want to call it, he was a watcher along with many others cast out why? for enlightening humans of the truth? since when is the truth evil?
Can we transcend ego by way of conscience, can we stop focusing on ourselves and realize that there are people in this world who need our help, can we give without even the slightest desire to receive, can we give simply out of an honest caring and loving of other beings. I am not posturing myself as an advanced human being who is superior to others, rather I am able to rise above ego and self obsession and realize that the true Self in another is the same as my own true Self, and I do not want others to suffer just as I don't want myself to suffer, conscience.

Over the holidays let us be grateful for the tremendous abundance we and our loved ones have, let us not forget that there are children in the third world who need our help. It is only $30 a month to support SOS Children's Villages, a dollar a day falls out of my pocket, if you can afford it please give, give a little Love a lot. Who is willing to actually make a difference and actually change the world.
i am curently reading a book about ego, and how it is what you think u are or who u are. the ego feeds off being recognized by others not urself,as if u recognize your ego withinn u can escape its grasp...sounds so easy, but i know everyones ego is intact as everyone wants to be right wile others are wrong..being right makes the ego happy..a life based on what uve done, who u are, all ego..its only your self that can know what u really are, just as they say the truth of two people seeing the same thing can describe it differently based on their point of view,,is it their ego that changes their view? i cannot let go of my ego, though i try, i recognize it in me every day, every speach i make, every finger i point, every time i feel good to be right..
the EGO seems to be very deep within us, and very hard to rid yourself of..i dont believe anyone is ever truly free of the EGO as if u were to be free of it,, it would an alcohaulic or drug addict the ego would always be inside preaching its way back in!!
It is completely possible that he could have survived. The Dead Sea Scrolls would be a Treasure to read, Jesus' exact words without the Roman propaganda. I have heard translations and it seems to speak of the same brand of enlightenment that I teach.
new age, dou believe we were put here by God, or by the anunaki, geneticaly modified? do u believe life is everywre in the universe or i we the only ones?? im curious as to what u teach?
Hidden truth being kept from us by the very church we attend?

WHY is the roman catholic church so vastly wealthy wile being a NON PROFIT ORG?

Why have they changed their views on gays and gay marrage other than to keep their pupils?

Why have they came out and said life outside earth is believed, and doesnt change that God is real?
my thought on this one is simple, even if we were put here by another alien race, the question remains were did they come from, even in the evolution theory, the big bang,,once there was nothing,,then the bang, then evolution..question remains what caused the bang? and we evolved from apes,,,i havnt seen a man walk out of a ape enclosure anywere ever...i believe we evolve as we have over the last hundred years,,,but not from another speciese.. man is man and will always be man unless geneticly modified which is in our capeability's now...

the EGO seems to be very deep within us, and very hard to rid yourself of..i dont believe anyone is ever truly free of the EGO as if u were to be free of it,, it would an alcohaulic or drug addict the ego would always be inside preaching its way back in!!
Yes the ego is very much like a drug, but if you can recognize the ego when it pops up and learn not to give in to those urges those urges will become less and less frequent and it will become easier and easier to not give in to it.
i am curently reading a book about ego, and how it is what you think u are or who u are. the ego feeds off being recognized by others not urself,as if u recognize your ego withinn u can escape its grasp...sounds so easy, but i know everyones ego is intact as everyone wants to be right wile others are wrong..being right makes the ego happy..a life based on what uve done, who u are, all ego..its only your self that can know what u really are, just as they say the truth of two people seeing the same thing can describe it differently based on their point of view,,is it their ego that changes their view? i cannot let go of my ego, though i try, i recognize it in me every day, every speach i make, every finger i point, every time i feel good to be right..
What book are you reading may I ask. I assure you it is possible to transcend the ego and find true self awareness which will bring peace and understanding into your life. No it is not easy, the ego is a clever little devil, it takes years of practice, you must give great "Attention" to enlightenment.

Always be Aware of Space

Time is an illusion but the Earth is very Real

All things come and go but the Light remains Eternal

If you understand this then you are now in Paradise

Sounds so simple doesn’t it, but no that little bugger in your head will continue to grasp your Attention and thus your Will until it finally runs out of momentum, then the ego begins to lose its grip on you, mine has taken 7 years and it's still not dead.
now I am just throwing my thoughts out there but why would one want to do away with his ego...isn't the ego a part of us that makes us human... the part that helps us to chose the correct instinctual action to act we not move about by instinct ?
new age, dou believe we were put here by God, or by the anunaki, geneticaly modified? do u believe life is everywre in the universe or i we the only ones?? im curious as to what u teach?
Hidden truth being kept from us by the very church we attend?

WHY is the roman catholic church so vastly wealthy wile being a NON PROFIT ORG?

Why have they changed their views on gays and gay marrage other than to keep their pupils?

Why have they came out and said life outside earth is believed, and doesnt change that God is real?
my thought on this one is simple, even if we were put here by another alien race, the question remains were did they come from, even in the evolution theory, the big bang,,once there was nothing,,then the bang, then evolution..question remains what caused the bang? and we evolved from apes,,,i havnt seen a man walk out of a ape enclosure anywere ever...i believe we evolve as we have over the last hundred years,,,but not from another speciese.. man is man and will always be man unless geneticly modified which is in our capeability's now...

Yes I can see that you are a free Thinker like myself. Here from the emerald tablet " as all things were born from the one by means of the meditation of the one thus all things were born from the one by means of adaptation, all of this sprang forth from a single projection, how marvelous is its works, it is the principal part of the world and it's custodian". I love how the tablet, written thousands of years ago contains an adequate description of the big bang and evolution. "And surely we have created man from the dust of the ground, by way of the tiny germ cell uniting" Muhammad
I believe in evolution but it is also very evident to me that there is a conscious and intelligent Awareness that affects and controls the universe. I am an agnostic theist.

There is a great deal of propaganda in the New Testament, the Roman Empire is trying to gain control of the minds of the masses.
If you look at the very end of the new testament you will see anyone who takes away or adds to the words of this prophecy. ...... I forget the rest, but the reason it says this is because the Roman Empire doesn't want anyone messing with it and revealing the truth that Jesus was trying to convey. A perceptive reader can still decipher the wisdom of Jesus' word.
now I am just throwing my thoughts out there but why would one want to do away with his ego...isn't the ego a part of us that makes us human... the part that helps us to chose the correct instinctual action to act we not move about by instinct ?
Yes we move about by instinct, but the ego is the cause of all conflict and suffering in the world. So by getting rid of the ego we end conflict and suffering.
God "the Jesus" is already here, his name is George and he is a hairy cunt.

I am not God, nor Jesus, but I respect God and Jesus both.

Yes, I am "already here"! But, one day, I will die like all mortals. I hope that I will be remembered forever, so I can continue to teach My novel Message to all of the angels- My witnesses.

Yes, I am a hairy man, and I can't help the way I was born: but I wouldn't consider Myself a "hairy cunt". I am more of the (hairy) humble Prophet.

But, I appreciate that you remembered Me. I need more people like you that will advocate for Me, because I am only one person, and I need an "army" of online "soldiers" that will advocate for Me.

I can only reach so many people by Myself, but if other people can help Me build Paradise, Paradise will commence much sooner.

I don't have any problems with God or Jesus, its just that I am skeptical that God and Jesus exist. I would consider Myself an Agnostic Theist. But I have a lot of respect for people that believe in God and Jesus.

I, Christ George Manuel Oliveira, am the Prophet of the AGE of Aquarius.
