Well-Known Member
Football was made up by the "Freemason" they worship Satan, drink blood, sacrifice humans, summon demons and sodomize each other.
Football was made up by the "Freemason" they worship Satan, drink blood, sacrifice humans, summon demons and sodomize each other.
if you want to get technical about suppose to be a thread about cannabis...Do you like spamming a thread dedicated to GOD? With discussions of "Aleister Crowley" (a Satanist) Who here is a demon made up from evil witchcraft?
Football was made up by the "Freemason" they worship Satan, drink blood, sacrifice humans, summon demons and sodomize each other.
I am not a part of this world nor am I apart from this world, simply a witness, however I must add that the witness is the Knower of all things, "Allah is the Knower of all things", and that does have a tremendous effect. You all contain an Immortal Genius, Intuition is a marvel. What you are is a mortal human being, but who you are is pure Awareness, the Silent Witness, the Light; you are literally no thing, One with the whole of Space; how can you destroy nothing; you are unwavering, not fleeting as the things of this world are fleeting. You art in Heaven (Space); the day will come when the Earth will move and you will stay completely Still; will you awake again? I can not say for sure but it only seems natural. But as far as Heaven is concerned, and this is all strictly my opinion of course, Jesus was referring to Space (Eternity) when he said heaven and the Kingdom is the Earth, to become aware of Space is to become Aware of the kingdom of heaven, right here, right now. Come and dine with me in u believe in reincarnation? some children have been known to remember previous u believe in death our soul lives on? after my expierience i think there is somthing after this life,,something good..but my expierience was brief, as great as it was, i find myself wondering if it was a realistic dream other than death that brought me somewere...if u believe in life after death,, what is ur take on it? is it just the feelings i had, or is it another life? or a place were yoy know all the answers to the questions we had,,,do we become part of the concience being?
Very good post; I was twice diagnosed with cannabis induced psychosis, although judging by other symptoms I have diagnosed myself as a paranoid schizophrenic, I am not ashamed I was born with the disease and can remember symptoms in early childhood. Only % 50 of schizophrenics have self awareness, I am one. To anybody who has experienced a psychotic episode or is showing signs of schizophrenia I would highly recommend you talk to your doctor about the medication Risperidone, it is only a 10th of the cost of diazapam and was far more effective for me, they tried diazapam first of course, cash grab.Early Signs of Psychosis
Although most people think of psychosis as appearing “out of the blue,” this is uncommon. Most often, there are warning signs, months or years beforehand. Of course, these are easiest to recognize when looking back, but we are learning how to recognize warning signs when they first appear. Early recognition provides the best opportunity for early intervention and prevention of psychosis.
People sometimes describe the earliest change as having more difficulty screening out distracting information and sensations. They may have difficulty focusing or understanding what they are hearing. Visual experiences may become brighter or sounds louder. They may feel overloaded or find it harder to keep track of what they are thinking and what others are saying. They may feel more and more disconnected or just want to be alone. Gradually, they may become confused about what is real and what is not real, mistrustful, even panicky.
Other people may notice that someone is withdrawing, acting oddly, or just does not seem like him or herself. The person may become quieter, or begin struggling at school, work, or sports. He or she may even stop going to school or work.
Some of these early changes are not specific to psychosis. In other words, many young people with these signs and symptoms may have mental health problems other than psychosis or be experiencing a temporary reaction to stress. For those in the very early stages of a psychotic illness, however, these provide important warning signs. When several signs or symptoms occur or become more intense over time, or they occur in the context of a family history of psychotic disorders, it is particularly important to seek help early.
Early warning signs and symptoms to keep in mind include:
Early, non-specific changes
- Social withdrawal or isolation
- Decline in functioning (at school or work, in self-care)
- Depressed mood
- Anxiety
- Decreased motivation
- Reduced concentration
- Sleep disturbance
- Reduced emotional expression
- Problems with handling everyday stress
- Impairment in personal hygiene
Other early warning signs are more like the positive symptoms of psychosis, but are milder or more subtle. We call these attenuated psychotic symptoms.
Attenuated (mild) psychotic symptoms
- Suspiciousness
(e.g., Feeling increasingly uneasy around friends, family, or teachers without knowing why)- Odd beliefs or magical thinking
(e.g., Feeling confused about whether a dream actually happened; Wondering whether other people might be able to read your mind; Finding meaningful connections between unrelated events; Clear and frequent déjà vu experiences or experiences of unreality)- Unusual perceptual experiences
(e.g., Sounds seeming louder than usual; Seeing shadows that look like people or vague figures out of the corner of the eye; Finding that everyday noises sound like words or have special meaning)- Tangential/circumstantial speech
(e.g., Going off track while speaking; Using odd combinations of words)
The LORD revealed another secret of this World to me, another lie told to the Human race... Stay tuned...
Just listing a few told thus far...
Recently it has been brought to my attention that I was incorrect regarding the timeline break between Noah and Abraham. So the World is a lot younger then I thought, of course this interested me a lot.
One day GOD ALMIGHTY JESUS CHRIST, the KING of GLORY, gave me discernment to start investigating "Dinosaurs".
This is what has been revealed to me, "Dinosaurs" yet another lie told to mankind to manipulate and control. In a attempt to destroy Christianity the "Dinosaur" discoveries have been a hoax. ( I literally felt sick upon learning this) Now I don't expect anyone to believe this without proof, so lets get to it! (also some species of creatures have existed but what we know as "Dinosaurs" are a lie)
Well I suppose the best place is to start at the beginning...
The first discoveries of "Dinosaur" bones (which were "fragments") was by Sir Richard Owen in 1842... Richard was a member of the "Royal Society" aka "Illuminati" See link here
Shortly after this well planned staged event "Darwin" releases his book which is pushed by the "Illuminati" (1859). - Darwin is also part of the "Royal Society" aka "Illuminati" the Royal Society even gives out a "Darwin Medal" every other year. Darwin's parents are also Freemasons as well as part of the "Royal Society"
Then immediately after massive "findings" seem to emerge, but of course not from ordinary people, but from contractors who go forth looking for a needle in a haystack. No independent contractor has ever handled a "Dinosaur" bone. There is no known discoveries by anyone except persons of said interest.
Lets go even further back for a second, did you know that there is no mentioning of "Dinosaurs" bones in Native American culture?----
((((There is mentioning of giant Nephilim with red hair and six fingers, their skulls have been found and are in a museum in America, of course they are not displayed for the public - see link here
- they leave the fake "Dinosaur" bones for that lol. There has been huge monuments built here in America that can be compared to the Pyramids in Egypt. The Native Americans knew very much about the Nephilim which is why the "Illuminati" - (Fallen Angels, Nephilim) attempted a genocide among them, to preserve the secrets of this World, so they can build there "Infant Nation")))
---Nor any culture, they just showed; up as if over night. No evidence in history at all until after "Richard" gave his speech on what he found claiming to be "Dinosaur" fragments.. After this and "Darwin's theory" suddenly there was a large discovery in North America! Made in 1854 by Dr. Ferdinand Vandeveer Hayden but it was the first federally funded geological survey.. Like I said only people of interest..
They spend a lot of money on buying scientist after all "they" have all the money. Using research from Credit Suisse and Forbes' annual billionaires list, the anti-poverty charity was able to determine that the richest one percent of the world's population currently controls 48 percentof the world's total wealth. -Jan 19, 2015
And "they" spend a lot of money pushing "Dinosaurs" to children
National Geographic, which is owned by Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp. News Corp also owns 20th Century Fox, the makers of the "Ice Age" franchise.
Universal Studios, who made "Jurassic Park" and "The Land Before Time". These productions are owned by Comcast, whose main shareholders include JP Morgan and the Rothchild-owned investment company VanGuard.
Discovery Channel is owned by Discovery Communications, who also distribute BBC’s TV shows. N M Rothschild & Sons Limited are financial advisors to Discovery Communications.
The Rothchilds, are members of the Royal Society and Rupert Murdoch is a Knight Commander of the Order of Saint Gregory the Great. They are part of the "Illuminati"
Lets take a look at the bones
Many people are now realizing these animals bodies cannot support their own weight which has caused the "Illuminati" to change their story many times, many of these "Dinosaurs" look nothing as they did just five or ten years ago. They have to change the skeletal system when science does not support their theory. See link here
You may be surprised to know that no "Dinosaur" skeleton is on display.
Paleontologist, advisor for Stephen Spielberg in the making of Jurassic Park, host of Discovery Channels documentaries about dinosaurs, Don Lessem, defends this practise by claiming that dinosaur bones are too rare to put on display.
“In museums, bones are cleaned and cast and the copies attached to one another to make skeletons. The real bone is too rare to put out on display.”
The real bones are incarcerated in thick vaults to which only a select few highly placed researchers hold a key, which means no independent researchers. When people unaffiliated with the their private fraternity paleontological establishment, attempt to gain access in order to study these dinosaur bones, they are met with refusal upon refusal.
Not only has a private contractor not been able to research these "Fossils" but no independent researcher has ever even seen a "Dinosaur" skull! Including "Sue" the giant "T-rex" which was said to have been discovered with 80% of remains.