The forbidden TRUTH

Ah brother i use to hold that same thought until about a year ago. Im not here to debate and spew negativety over the internet but ultimately you nor I know its true shape koz we have never seen it "up" there in her true form. To say its round as nasa says is just continuing a lie and bad mindset and until there is a free body to go up there and prove it to us all its always going to be a touchy subject koz the can of worms it inself opens is enormous. Why do you think that treaty was signed by all nations that NOBODY is allowed to enter the arctic. The proofs up there how much proof do you need , start reading and do some research if you are unaware of what im talking about. There is too much evidence recored and published on flat earth and until a few hundred years ago it was known to be flat. Im no preacher im just awakening to THE TRUTHS of the universe and the system we are all slaves in, myself included.
There's all kinds of people who have been to the artic and they all agree that the sun is always visible for 6 months of the year and not visible for the other 6 months. Now here at the 45th parallel we experience between 12 and 17 hour days, the only explanation for this is that the earth is a sphere spinning on an axis. And btw, if you take a flight from Halifax to Moscow you will be flying over the artic, it is the shortest distance, because the earth is in fact a sphere.
Ah brother i use to hold that same thought until about a year ago. Im not here to debate and spew negativety over the internet but ultimately you nor I know its true shape koz we have never seen it "up" there in her true form. To say its round as nasa says is just continuing a lie and bad mindset and until there is a free body to go up there and prove it to us all its always going to be a touchy subject koz the can of worms it inself opens is enormous. Why do you think that treaty was signed by all nations that NOBODY is allowed to enter the arctic. The proofs up there how much proof do you need , start reading and do some research if you are unaware of what im talking about. There is too much evidence recored and published on flat earth and until a few hundred years ago it was known to be flat. Im no preacher im just awakening to THE TRUTHS of the universe and the system we are all slaves in, myself included.
I don't believe science is perfect, but I do believe the cheese has slipped off your cracker. Before you go off to the fringes you should become educated in the mainstream sciences. The shit you're saying is intellectually offensive. I think questioning science and dogmatic beliefs is important, (Rupert Sheldrake is a good example) but the best way to do that is through rigorous experimentation and the scientific method itself. Science as an establishment/worldview certainly has limitations, but you've thrown the baby out with the bath. The planet Earth is an oblate spheroid, period. You could literally prove that by taking some long road trips and a couple puddle jumper flights using an iPhone 5s. But you have to believe in the relative accuracy of all the science surrounding those measurements and the technology in the iPhone first. Wait, no you don't, they exist whether you believe in them or not. I am here to spew negativity when people say inexcusably ignorant things and spread time-wasting disinformation. I even believe in some vast conspiracies, but ...I can't even. Nobody is allowed to enter the arctic? Where are you getting this shit?
Ah brother i use to hold that same thought until about a year ago. Im not here to debate and spew negativety over the internet but ultimately you nor I know its true shape koz we have never seen it "up" there in her true form. To say its round as nasa says is just continuing a lie and bad mindset and until there is a free body to go up there and prove it to us all its always going to be a touchy subject koz the can of worms it inself opens is enormous. Why do you think that treaty was signed by all nations that NOBODY is allowed to enter the arctic. The proofs up there how much proof do you need , start reading and do some research if you are unaware of what im talking about. There is too much evidence recored and published on flat earth and until a few hundred years ago it was known to be flat. Im no preacher im just awakening to THE TRUTHS of the universe and the system we are all slaves in, myself included.
I know what your talking about.
pretty sure dish network knows the truth but they taint talking.
I'm more of hollow earther.
Hate all you want, try n make me look foolish and you keep believing what you are told and dont seek THE TRUTH, its your life. I am a retired teacher of maths science and english so you are telling me nothing i have heard before from others.BEFORE ABUSING ME OVER THE NET DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH BECAUSE ITS ALL OUT THERE and to dismiss it before even looking at it well im sorry for you. Yes even the arctic treaty its all made public info. Also you show me 1 and i mean 1 single plane today that flies over this no go zone and i will say im crazy ok...wont happen tho brother as there isnt 1 that's allowed to go anywhere near it and once again what im saying has all been documented since the 1930 so again look for yourself.
I watched the doc that showed the old maps and the Admiral Byrd tv interviews but cant remember why
flat earthers think the conspiracy would be required?
Meaning if this is true, Why would they need to hide it?
Holy shit, you're right, we're not allowed to see the North Pole.

I'm a guy who is pro-truth and anti-disinformation from cradle to grave, it is how I'm wired.

There's something going on up there, I agree. I don't know what, but I see no evidence, nor any path from "Can't go to the North Pole" to "The Earth is hollow or flat" - I'd really like to see an experiment that disproves the solid oblate spheroid model. Time will tell, but I don't see any support, mathematically, for hollow, or flat earth to be real.

Certainly there's something we're not allowed to see, as mere citizens of Earth, at the poles. You have opened my eyes to that, thanks. Holy weird shit, I apologize. I don't think you have an answer as to what is going on there, or why we can't look, but something is definitely afoot. I'll read more. Damn...

We don't know everything about our planet, that's for sure, we just discovered vast underground oceans of fresh water. So that's cool.
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Why do you think that treaty was signed by all nations that NOBODY is allowed to enter the arctic. The proofs up there how much proof do you need , start reading and do some research if you are unaware of what im talking about.

OK, why do I think this treaty exists? I don't know.
Why can we not enter the arctic, according to that treaty? I don't know.
The proofs up there? How much do I need? Some proof, any.
Did some research, mind blown.
No answers.
Not yet.
Making assumption that Earth is flat is a mistake.
We need data!
I don't believe science is perfect, but I do believe the cheese has slipped off your cracker. Before you go off to the fringes you should become educated in the mainstream sciences. The shit you're saying is intellectually offensive. I think questioning science and dogmatic beliefs is important, (Rupert Sheldrake is a good example) but the best way to do that is through rigorous experimentation and the scientific method itself. Science as an establishment/worldview certainly has limitations, but you've thrown the baby out with the bath. The planet Earth is an oblate spheroid, period. You could literally prove that by taking some long road trips and a couple puddle jumper flights using an iPhone 5s. But you have to believe in the relative accuracy of all the science surrounding those measurements and the technology in the iPhone first. Wait, no you don't, they exist whether you believe in them or not. I am here to spew negativity when people say inexcusably ignorant things and spread time-wasting disinformation. I even believe in some vast conspiracies, but ...I can't even. Nobody is allowed to enter the arctic? Where are you getting this shit?

Great post. +Rep...
I know what your talking about.
pretty sure dish network knows the truth but they taint talking.
I'm more of hollow earther.

I'm more of a middle-earther...

I will be making a much much longer in depth thread discussing all the things I have seen and have been a witness too. Please consider this a rough draft and crash course lesson.
Much like how man has used poisonous (man made drugs) like heroin, crack, ect. to keep the truth about marijuana, mushrooms and many many other natural remedies for our spirit and body from us,
man has done the same to the truth about God. Making religions and denominations and putting the false truth out among the people to keep YOU and others like you from knowing the truth and worshiping the Lord and his only beloved begot child Lord Jesus Christ, now I know what you're thinking you have heard about this before, but think again. What most people know about God and the Lord Christ is a lie, now I will begin to explain why.

First lets discuss the Holy bible, the Catholic church a group and Country that does not follow the Laws and the words of God, decided what gets to be "cannonized" which means what goes in the bible and what gets taking out. Because they are the ones with the money that produces copies of the bible. As you see by allowing people to remove the Words of GOD and to be in charge of such things when they don't believe the Holy Bible has created calamity.

One of the chapters that the Catholic Church and Country took out is the Book Of Enoch, It was completely removed and kept in secret, and in the book of Jude which is still in the Bible verify's Enoch as a Phrophet and quotes him about how what God said to him is coming true. I will copy and paste it--------"And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints, To execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him."

Archaeologist rediscovered the Book of Enoch in the dead sea scrolls also. Another biblical book removed is the testament of Solomon King Davids son. Now the Catholic Church will say that they took them out because it states some angels disobeyed God and that's blaspheme, They are LYING don't listen to that synagogue of satan. All angels like man have free will satan fell because of pride and other angels with him for various things, pride lust for women ect. Angels did rebel hence forth hell was made, and because they had the gift to pro create in heaven some fell and took daughters of men and made "giants" the "nephliem" like Goliath the one David killed. Most and many giants died in the flood of Noah but even WAYYY later some existed in Davids time as we can see.
I feel like this would be a acceptable time to stop and have you listen to the book of Enoch and the testament on Solomon on youtube look for the Richard Lawrence translated version. Also the Catholic chruch doesn't follow Gods laws Catholicism worships priest and saints and thinks they can forgive sin, Catholic church also uses idols which they think are blessed. I can't even begin to talk about the lies they teach I would be here all day. Also the Lord says that every herb, and plant is a gift to us ( in chapter Genesis) so don't let people fool you into thinking weed or shrooms are a sin. God bless I'll add more later P.s utube sky trumpets and blood moons. I will be explaining this at a later time but I'm sure everyone will want to hear the sky trumpets and see the blood moon, the next blood moon in oct, sky trumpets no one knows when they happen but what a awesome experience that was. Look for some vids on utube some people caught the sky trumpets on tape.
Another thing in the book of Enoch you will learn that satan and the rest of the devils are not in hell yet they are here and will be remaining here as "evil spirirts" them and there giant offspring until the day of Judgement. So when they come to you or someone you know don't be fooled they are not aliens, they are not ghost, that psychic saying she is talking to your dead relative is lying (or being fooled) she isn't talking to your relative but a evil spirit. People go to heaven or hell when they die, immediately after they die and we can not communicate from earth to anyone in hell or heaven except, Lord Jesus Christ and the Lord ALMIGHTY who is in Heaven.

both come from natural plants ect diff story guess