The forbidden TRUTH

Great. I was just thinking to myself, 'How the hell do I organize all the amazingly insightful crackpottery that GD posts?' Looks like you'll be doing it for us. You're a credit to this forum, and thanks for the updates...
Stay tuned for new videos!

Demons on tape and underground bases...

But what to do first.... I'm thinking demons...

if u are doing demons are u doing a cross section for names cross linking the names to description

and what text/cultures/regions/time period ....are u using

side note what is your thoughts on King Solomon works that was the original widely accepted work ........i have not finished china yet but same with different views on effects (how why and what to do to fix it) is india (jewish india china are the 3 oldest cultures on the planet )......if u are a bible thumper then u know 2

and i got to ask are u going to cross link that with aliens description ( got to think in the mind set of a simpler person before science and extend periods of schooling)
I wasn't going to do another shapeshifting video, I have some other projects in mind but when this video seemed to of been removed from utube, and I did already record it, I might as well repost it.

And I already posted this but it will probably make it more easy when I make a index

maybe you could tell everyone what yhwh or yhvh is...

I will I'm so sick of explaining that to the trolls on utube over and over... A link to a video would be useful..

I am that I am bitches!

yes we got it your a freemason....

Obviously you know that's blaspheme because that's what GOD said in THE HOLY BIBLE right?

All of your rituals are just based on what GOD hates in THE HOLY BIBLE.

You know that right?

You know that because Satan runs the group and this way he can bring more demonic presence in your life and your family's life.

If you don't want me to talk about your gang don't "Represent" your gang here.

Freemason is just a Satanic gang which I will not be intimidated by.
Joshua 23:10King James Version (KJV)
10 One man of you shall chase a thousand: for the Lord your God, he it is that fighteth for you, as he hath promised you.
I will I'm so sick of explaining that to the trolls on utube over and over... A link to a video would be useful..

yes we got it your a freemason....

Obviously you know that's blaspheme because that's what GOD said in THE HOLY BIBLE right?

All of your rituals are just based on what GOD hates in THE HOLY BIBLE.

You know that right?

You know that because Satan runs the group and this way he can bring more demonic presence in your life and your family's life.

If you don't want me to talk about your gang don't "Represent" your gang here.

Freemason is just a Satanic gang which I will not be intimidated by.
not a Freemason at all.
I'm reasonably priced at best.
free masons have no power at this point ......back in history aye they had some major pull but since the 1950's and them spot lights it became more like the Buffalo lodge from The Flintstones cartoons

i know ppl that are part of the 33 degree or is the 32 degree ......they are morons they do not make any choices that effects anyone lives anymore is just a club for men to hang out like a biker club

the one u should be ranting about is the world bank or MJ13 or G8
Jesus likes girls to get it in the ass...

And GD, we already know. These women are obviously satanic, alien, free mason shape-shifters sent by the pope...