The Fox Farm Soil + DWC Humbolt Perpetual


Active Member
holy shit m8 u got a hand full wen u get things dialed in ur gonna have a reall nice setup and grow cycle i think u should go with under current dwc better results and not so much bending and breaking ur bck and 280 aint bad thats about right depending strain and how they take it i start my clones in dwc with 260-320ppm with no problem they love it but i use advance nutes 2 part and i use well water that i leave out for 24 hours b4 use im trying my first dwc only 2 buckets tho to see how it turns out dam m8 thats alot of work u got in ur hands there jeez hey were here m8 if anything pm me ima stick around cheers m8
Condition those blocks as required? What do you mean?

I put those 7 clones in buckets today using only my 3 part humboldt nutes and calmag. I use calmag cause I'm using RO water so yeah.. They are like 280 ppm.. I think that's kinda high so I was going to take some water out and add some well water tomorrow to lower the ppm.. Is that cool?



Well-Known Member
By the way I did what U said and look at it now.

you do need to add more grow your putting way too much calmag and it might have locked it up. I didn't realize you were putting that much calmag until yesterday. I have never had a lock up only a defiency. In soil it takes time to see results. Probably a week or 2. You don't really need much calmag in soil really. I only add calmag when it is needed or once every 2 to 3 weeks in soil. Yes, even with RO water. If you really want to add with every feeding then you shouldn't use more than 2.5 ml. Just my 2 cents.


Active Member
you do need to add more grow your putting way too much calmag and it might have locked it up. I didn't realize you were putting that much calmag until yesterday. I have never had a lock up only a defiency. In soil it takes time to see results. Probably a week or 2. You don't really need much calmag in soil really. I only add calmag when it is needed or once every 2 to 3 weeks in soil. Yes, even with RO water. If you really want to add with every feeding then you shouldn't use more than 2.5 ml. Just my 2 cents.
Thanks for the tip, I don't use calmag in my soil plants usually ever. I don't even use chemicals in them..


Active Member
You know what.. I think all of my problems are due to pH being off.. You know, I'm always adding ph down and ph up cause my pH meter is always different every single day...

I went out and bought a new meter which is also a pile of shit, so I bought drops too..

I think my problems will be going away now...

What I did today was flush all 10 plants for a few hours with sledgehammer and then I put in 200-250ppm worth of week 2 nutes and calmag. BUT, on 4 of those -- I used well water instead of RO water and then no calmag. So we will see what the difference is. I think my pH is fine now.. I had a 100 dollar pH meter and I always had to calibrate it every day and so I would always have to add ph down and ph up in my buckets and shit so that probably destroyed them.. LOL

I got about 5 left out of the 15 sick ones I had, threw the rest away. Had them on straight water for a few days, now 550ppm nutes.


Active Member
they look rough. what are you doing to these?

I posted all my feeding schedules on those plants in my posts.. along with every other peice of information you would need to know.. Except I think it's my pH being fuked all the time. Got pH drops old fashioned way and a ph meter that barely works also.. unless it's me.. First bucket reads 5.8, the rest of the buckets read 1.0 and under.. lol wow.. but I used drops on them all and all are yellow so fugg it.


Well-Known Member
5.8 to 1.0, thats a big jump!

I have one more suggestion for you. grow less plants :) you can grow 4 DWC girls per 1000 watter and have a more manageable garden. I also suggest that you grow 4 of the same thing under each light, and connect the buckets with some tubing and grommets. Tie your 4 buckets to a 5th one and you can drain and fill all from one remote bucket. once you get the hang of it you'll be growing some big ol girls.
I fucked up a few rounds myself for some of the same reasons as you. I've gone through 4 ph pens in 18 months.


Active Member
5.8 to 1.0, thats a big jump!

I have one more suggestion for you. grow less plants :) you can grow 4 DWC girls per 1000 watter and have a more manageable garden. I also suggest that you grow 4 of the same thing under each light, and connect the buckets with some tubing and grommets. Tie your 4 buckets to a 5th one and you can drain and fill all from one remote bucket. once you get the hang of it you'll be growing some big ol girls.
I fucked up a few rounds myself for some of the same reasons as you. I've gone through 4 ph pens in 18 months.
Yeah man I should of it's just that before I started hydro I had so many plants I didn't know what to do with, I would just give them away and shit.. Throw clones away like candy.. So I had the funds and the clones to do it so I went with it. I'm done cloning anything in hydro until I get this right. I really think it all came down to pH.. I would be putting ph up and ph down in every bucket every day.. Someone was like what in the fuck is wrong with you so I went and bought a new pen.. Which is also junk lmao.. Just hope I don't get my slime problem again..

4 buckets per 1000 is what I'm shooting for anyways.. Let's see I have 10 + 7 + 5 + 2 = 24.. I shouldn't of cloned so many lmao.. I have 2 lights but my original plan was to have 6 in the bud room by the time I was ready to bud them. I had a big soil op until I dumped half of it into hydro so now I'm strugglin a little bit

Doesn't help when you give away a pound away a month for free -_-


Well-Known Member
your ph will swing accordling to what they eat mor of this or that and like i said you cann use hygro with no problems iin dwc
or if you want to get rid of the slime keep your water temps down or add some sm-90 thats the cure for that


Active Member
your ph will swing accordling to what they eat mor of this or that and like i said you cann use hygro with no problems iin dwc
or if you want to get rid of the slime keep your water temps down or add some sm-90 thats the cure for that
Got em down to 60 but my two big girls in the bud room are around 65.


Active Member
Looks like everything is looking better. I noticed my 7 I just put into buckets grew and so did all my others. Now that I got ph drops and a diff ph meter it seems I don't have to do any ph adjusting on anything.. Usually I would be every day so all my problems were probably based on bad pH levels lol..

I put my 5 sick ones in 350ppm solution today..

7 are around 200

the 10 are around 300

I put the 2 in bud at 1000 today

Well water
8mL Grow
10mL Micro
12mL Bloom

Tomorrow I think I am going to dump one out and use the botanicare nutrients i originally started with.. lol....



Active Member
5.8 to 1.0, thats a big jump!

I have one more suggestion for you. grow less plants :) you can grow 4 DWC girls per 1000 watter and have a more manageable garden. I also suggest that you grow 4 of the same thing under each light, and connect the buckets with some tubing and grommets. Tie your 4 buckets to a 5th one and you can drain and fill all from one remote bucket. once you get the hang of it you'll be growing some big ol girls.
I fucked up a few rounds myself for some of the same reasons as you. I've gone through 4 ph pens in 18 months.

You should give me some links and explain to me how to do this 5th res thing.

I've got like 24 plants right now it's pretty rediculous changing everything.. I'm trying to get it down to 5 plants per age and going to just start with a couple ages until I can grow it right. It would be nice to just have to mix nutes and shit into one big bucket.