The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

Don't worry about quantity, because it is all about quality here so no problem my friend….
When you say gentle sieving of dry buds do you mean dry sieve Moroccan style?? If so the 190 and 160 same as with water.

Yes, Moroccan or perhaps an attempt to approximate the Afghan "tapping" which seems very similar but maybe more gentle.
I will be giving the lecture Saturday at 3 PM at the Cannabis Life Skills center in the Grace Pavilion, just got the confirmation.
yes Charsi Afghani techniques are the oldest and considered the best. Morocco became a producing country a few hundred years back max
Nice Congratulations will this be your first lecture ? I hope TC will be filming it :)

I will be giving the lecture Saturday at 3 PM at the Cannabis Life Skills center in the Grace Pavilion, just got the confirmation.
yes Charsi Afghani techniques are the oldest and considered the best. Morocco became a producing country a few hundred years back max
Oh for sure your going to be a little nervous knowing the subject well or not, it takes you back to when you were a kid standing up in front of the whole class lol Congratulation you deserve it

I hope TC films it so those who would love to be there but can't can also get this valuable information Thanks Frenchy

Yep, first ever and at such an event a little stressful even knowing
my subject as I do
Like the old Seinfeld joke,
[h=1]“According to most studies, people's number one fear is public speaking. Number two is death. Death is number two. Does that sound right? This means to the average person, if you go to a funeral, you're better off in the casket than doing the eulogy.”[/h]
Public speaking can go bad when the speaker thinks too much about everyone looking and judging while trying to speak. You've done a fine job for the video camera Frenchy. I'd suggest you try to view the audience as the camera and try to focus on the subject at hand if you can. Just take the passion and love you have for hash making and focus on that. The rest will take care of itself. Subcool was nervous as hell when he did the school of Dank as well, it's normal and I don't blame you. Good Luck, just remember you have a lot to share.
I def wont be able to make it as Im far away, but also hope maybe I can catch it in vid form,,, shit just the audio would be all I really need.

Some good advice there on public speaking ^. I for one wont feel comfortable until I can do the whole thing without looking at the notes once,,, that means rehears rehears rehears. To be honest though I do really enjoy speaking as long as I know what Im talking about lol

Good luck man, Im sure you'll do great.

I am rehearsing like there is no tomorrow, anyway since it is literally my own made up story on the origins of concentrate I should know it you would think
Just be yourself up there and you'll do just fine frenchy. No different than talking to us on this forum, except you can make eye contact with who your talking to:)
Man, with your knowledge of the subject,you will do great ! You will be preaching to the choir so to speak and I know they will really appreciate your seminar. If it wasn't the other side of the continent I'd be there with bells on :)
I hope someone documents the event. En tous cas, Bonne chance Frenchy
I will be at emerald cup this year. Look forward to the class frenchy, you will do great! You have so much knowledge, i am so happy you teach!