The funny images thread


Well-Known Member
The cats in cars pics (mapquest and tikits n shit) made me choke on my coffee, I was only trying to lmao, but ended up drowning in the coffee. Those two pics are great!!!

Thaks for em' Girl


Well-Known Member
To each their own... I happen to think they are hysterical.
My first pet was a cat. My cat was a lazy fuck and always gave me dirty looks. I swear all it did all day was eat, shit, and sleep all day.
The only time my cat would come around is when he would hear the can opener opening up a can of tuna.
I ended up giving it to my neighbor because I wanted to get a dog.
I don't miss that cat one bit. Still to this day I celebrate the fact that I can walk into my laundry room without having to gag on the smell of some crusted over turd that's been sitting there over night.
Any pet that shits in my house I'm not intersted in. Which includes: Cats, birds, fish, rodents, and reptiles.
The ultimate pet is a dog. It shit's outside, it loves you when you come home, it still loves you when you beat it's ass, their obedient, loyal, you can take them on walks, they can protect you, and they'll let intruders beware.
Most of all I've trained my dog to shit on command. Don't piss me off, I'll have my dog shit on your porch.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Any pet that shits in my house I'm not intersted in. Which includes: Cats, birds, fish, rodents, and reptiles.
LOL... well it may surprise you to learn that I'm not a cat person either. I don't like cats because I don't like any animal that thinks they rule the roost. In my house I'M THE ALPHA DOG... pets either get in line or get the fuck out.

Still... there's something about those damn LOLCATZ pictures I can't get enough of....they just crack me up.... and there's no dirty litter box odor ;)

Most of all I've trained my dog to shit on command. Don't piss me off, I'll have my dog shit on your porch.

Mine too! In fact I can order him to poop or pee on command.... I've trained both of my last 2 dogs to do this. Comes in handy when it's raining out and I don't feel like standing around in the rain waiting for him to dump a load :mrgreen: