The Game is over Trump

A guy from usa got released from prison today after 32 years locked up for weed so i read earlier, i forgot the news link sorry.

Is this because of biden and his gang ?

your foreign accent is atrocious
biden reminds of a white obama
He doesn't really remind me of anyone, just a blank slate old white guy. I can't even picture his face outside of his smile atm.

We don't need any cult leaders, and I am really looking forward to the void that will come after not having to see the POTUS outside of major events.

what is a right wing ?
Whatever they define themselves as.
In business the law is not as black and white as people think. Often times you have the find out where the limit is and push past it, sometimes changing the law as you go. This is what I see with trump. He approaches the presidency and the election like he’s building homes on wetlands.