Well-Known Member
He wouldn’t have said shit if he hadn’t gotten covid from drump imho.
He wouldn’t have said shit if he hadn’t gotten covid from drump imho.
Wow. The Clinton school of political prostitution and deceptive double dealing are why we have corporate democrats. Bill brought it. Hillary perpetuated and exploited it. Not the people most are thinking. Lengthy list of actions that lead to alot of our problems.are you a nixon republicon?
the clintons are private citizens- how long are you going to beat this dead horse?
No actual hug fest. But a statement of intent to move on. Kumbaia. (however it is spelled.) You must be 2 decades older than me or one behind. Clintons are bad.Are you talking about Feinstein? I haven't seen anything about the next Demopocolyps hug fest.
Are you sure you are not just having propaganda flashbacks about the Clintons? There are always things to be upset about, but really do you think that they have been dirty? Because I don't see anything outside of lying about a bj in the decades of investigations that the Republicans ran on two people in the brightest spotlight in history, and a whole shit load of bullshit from the right to stop us from having a extremely competent woman in charge of the nation.
You are too used to Donald and overt threats, the most dangerous threats are spoken quietly, they are of the speak softly variety. Those who he spoke to understood, those who voted for them not so much. It ain't Joe they need fear though, it's not his job to make any honest citizen fear him, quite the opposite, it's the people he will appoint they need to fear. If they broke the law and constitution they will have plenty to fear, if not they need fear not anything. He doesn't need to tell them he will destroy them publicly, it is his sworn duty as POTUS to do so, all enemies foreign and domestic, they have declared themselves enemies of the constitution and therefore the enemy of every patriotic American.I must have missed the fist after the "we are going to move forward".
Eerily, yet expectedly like" I'm going to look forward. Not backward from 2012.
Wish I could share your optimism. And not wanting threats. Enough hot air and posturing. I want some pursuit of justice and an actual enforcement of the laws. A defense of the constitution and end to the criminals just letting the crimes continue.You are too used to Donald and overt threats, the most dangerous threats are spoken quietly, they are of the speak softly variety. Those who he spoke to understood, those who voted for them not so much. It ain't Joe they need fear though, it's not his job to make any honest citizen fear him, quite the opposite, it's the people he will appoint they need to fear. If they broke the law and constitution they will have plenty to fear, if not they need fear anything. He doesn't need to tell them he will destroy them publicly, it is his sworn duty as POTUS to do so, all enemies foreign and domestic, they have declared themselves enemies of the constitution and therefore the enemy of every patriotic American.
I figure the speech had a good balance and the message was clear to those who could hear, those who signed on to treason have enlisted themselves. Joe's concern and target are the 20% of republican voters who recognize him as POTUS, they are the soft targets among the republican base, you only need a few percent to destroy them as a political force.
Today Putin recognized Joe Biden as president elect and most of the republican senate and house have not, that speaks volumes. Look who he appointed to oversee domestic policy for your answer, Susan Rice, a national security heavy weight, someone who specialized in foreign threats is now in charge of dealing with domestic ones.
The majority of his sentence was on the racketeering and conspiracy charges. It had very little to do with marijuana.
Gangsters normally do more time for racketeering and conspiracy than they do murder and income tax evasion.
Those two charges are quite often a life sentence. The part that counts, anyway.
Wish I could share your optimism. And not wanting threats. Enough hot air and posturing. I want some pursuit of justice and an actual enforcement of the laws. A defense of the constitution and end to the criminals just letting the crimes continue.
Why is it so hard for people to admit it is all a ruse? It is blatantly obvious and repeated weekly.
Biden's picks? Career corporate shills and revolving door lobbyist and corporate profiteers.
I have no faith in either party. Beyond serving an interest other than the peoples.
In an attempt at sincere civility. I can only say you're either trolling or just distracted. The laws broken are so numerous at this point it is hard to keep track.
Sadly the public's apparent ignorance makes sense.
May you be enlightened one day.
And glad you are at least involved.
I'm awake now. Thank you. I'll dab one for you put about 5 seconds into it..?
so did i.
I'm awake now. Thank you. I'll dab one for you.
Enough this early. Going to enjoy my day. Hope all do as well.
Thanks and best wishes regardless.
Easier to let you think you did something. And more entertaining to walk while still humorous. Enjoy the ammo. You're welcome. Only help I have for you.that's okay most of you just stop posting and sneak away.
don't hold your breath.May you be enlightened one day.
I see.No actual hug fest. But a statement of intent to move on. Kumbaia. (however it is spelled.) You must be 2 decades older than me or one behind. Clintons are bad.
And we have no dog in the fight. Never will.
Thank you for the decency. I hear you. 50's here. Life long democrat. The Utah land deal began my scutinizing the Clintons. And NAFTA destroyed the wage base in manufacturing forever. Not right wing driven for me. Cause and effect. Actions not speeches and platforms.I see.
I respectively disagree with you about the Clinton's. For what it is worth I am in my early 40's. And especially disagree about the NAFTA and other trade deals being a bad thing for our nation.
That is not to say that there is not always ways we coulda/shoulda done better, but I know that the relentless attacks on them from the right wing media since the 90's has been pushing this relentlessly. And it's branding that Trump used as his platform has unfortunately stuck.
Always try, if I ever get shitty, just say something and I will take a step back, the trolling is endless and I am only human.Thank you for the decency. I hear you. 50's here. Life long democrat.
Which was brought up by the Republicans. Knowing what you do now, can you not imagine a world where this was propagandized as being something bad when it might not have been?The Utah land deal began my scutinizing the Clintons.
I remember the 80's, back then it was the Japanese that was getting the blame. I would also put more blame on robotics than NAFTA.And NAFTA destroyed the wage base in manufacturing forever.
I look more at Bill overseeing the longest economic expansion as the cause and effect for me.Not right wing driven for me. Cause and effect. Actions not speeches and platforms.
I am all for transparency (whenever possible). I agree on being hard to relate.The lack of complete factual disclosure has lead to our differing beliefs I believe. Or you own an international corporation or large stock holding in one or more. Really difficult to relate as a skilled laborer.
When you have to make six posts in a row, you probably have little idea which way is up, let alone what's really going on.
You are, in all likelihood, shouting at the rain.
Easier to let you think you did something. And more entertaining to walk while still humorous. Enjoy the ammo. You're welcome. Only help I have for you.
Once again peace.
But you once did? Glad you changed your ways.should i thank you?
we don't lock women folk in the attic anymore.