The Heavy Frutie Duty, The Nuken And JTR

OK a little BSB my first..



It's so cute how Hem always has little lady birds in his pics. I take it they are hard working for ya Hem?
Hey all just puttin this down so I don't forget
In a 20 gallon res put 1/2 ProMix
1/4 mushroom compost
1/4 miracle grow or lamberts soil
I will get 10 2 gallon plants
10 tablespoons of seabird guano
10 tablespoons of 0 12 2 guano
5 tablespoons of Miracle grow Blood meal
5 tablespoons of miracle grow bone meal
6 tablespoons of Epsom salts
Mix with drill
Nice I never got out to play in the recent good weather, never mind, the cold makes you play better lol.
ah, yer golfing antics must be some what reduced of late with little H around Westy. How long do you think it'll be before you get her along the driving range, hehe?
OK Gonna try to do a smoke report on the Black Sour Bubble.

Tastes like grape berry

Smokes smooth

nice cut thru high
nice stoney feeling
relaxing face stone
couch Lock
Can only make 3 word sentences
Lasted for about 4 hours
Chatty but relaxed
Buddy reports loss
of feeling in ears..LOL
Hes a smart ass
so he might pullin my crank...rat bastard!