The HK Journey


Well-Known Member
I've noticed the purpling stems, I have these on mine too. I think it must be that my flower area is too cold at night, although I REALLY think it is because they are lacking in nitrogen. But what do you do? They're in flower, I don't really want to add extra nitrogen this far into flower, and it's not affecting the leaves where they are starting to yellow. So, I just leave it.

I think what it may be is that the plants may be different sizes, thickness of stems etc, yet they are given the same feed as a smaller plant. Which just happens to be healthy and green all over.

This is the trouble with growing from seed, each plant is individual and will therefore require different feeds. This is practically impossible in many cases.

Long live the clones!
I'm not to sure what is causing the purple stems. I am using hydroponic nutrients and feeding them a real generous amount, and i just pumped them full of nitrogen before i started flowering.

Global warming is a bitch! Now that it's summer here the temperatures outside are like over 30*C most days and that means it's warmer in my grow room too. In my grow room the temps are creeping up on 30C during the day with the light on *yikes*. I keep the door closed (room is sealed) all the time and the light is 1 foot above the canopy, i can hold my hand/arm between the light and canopy for several minutes comfortably. Temps are usually about 27 - 29C in my grow room with the light on depending on the day. I have also checked the temperature just as the light comes on and it's about 23C, so i don't think i'm running too cold here. If anything i'm on the hot side...


Well-Known Member
Maybe you could run the lights at night. I changed mine so they are on from 12am to 12 pm. Much better for temps. VV


New Member
Well we have 2 completely different environments. GW is working the opposite in my country. Rain, rain and more rain. We've never had this much. Thousands of people have been made homeless in the past 2 weeks. Unbelievably, we have more rain to come.

So, it's not heat, it's not cold, nor nitrogen... what can it be? I suppose so long as they grow and the leaf stays green there's not much to worry about.


Well-Known Member
If the heat is really variable between day and night this results in a blackening of the stems from what I have noticed, phosphorus deficiencies can cause stems, leaf stems and main veins to turn red/purple.

I'm looking to see what else can cause red/purple stems.


Well-Known Member
A quick update; The tallest one is 35", three others are 32"(including the topped one), and one is 27". The tallest plant (in the left rear corner) is about 9" away from that 400w hps and seems to be doing okay, the others are 12" from the light. I am going to raise up some of the pots for a more level canopy and try to keep the light about 10" above the canopy.



Well-Known Member
Hey toke, are they still stretching on you. Dont want them to get to close, I did and Im sure im going to pay for it once harvest comes. Good looking plants.:joint:


Well-Known Member
Oh thats right your last grow was completly cfl,this one you are useing an 400 my son would say my bad,se you cant teach an old dog new lingo.


Well-Known Member
Thats the stretching you dont want. Im talking about the stretching that takes place in the first few weeks of flowering. Myne went from 5" to 32" in almost 3 weeks.


Well-Known Member
i though a plant stretched from being to far from the light,no.
Short answer would be yes.
Plants also stretch when you flower them, they can double or even triple in height through out the budding cycle. Most of the stetching seems to occur in the first weeks, because the plants are seeing shorter days and longer nights. The stretching will slow and bud growth should explode...


Well-Known Member
ya,that is what i meant it is good stretch during flowering,except when running out of room like 88 did,they really grow the first week in flower.


Well-Known Member
Damn nice pics Toke, your girls are looking ever so happy.
Your right about the humidity, but I assume it normally stays pretty low.
Other than that, fuck yeah.:blsmoke:


New Member
I wasn't going to post, but it won't let me plus rep you... must've done it recently.

They're looking nice, looking forward to the 4 week shot.