The Impeachment Of Donald Trump

I listened to an hour of Limbaugh today.

If you can stomach it, give it a try.

Some of the narrative...

The Obama administration was 100% incompetent & corrupt - the proof, Obama lied about "if you like your plan... (I am not making this up)" and the $151 billion in cash he gave to Iran (yes, he said $151 billion). The Trump administration is 100% competent and totally non-corrupt.

The Democrats are trying to have a coup. "The difference between the Democrats and the Republicans is that when they win elections, we play by the rules. We let them have their judicial appointments...". I nearly choked laughing.

"Even if you can't defend Donald Trump (why couldn't they defend him - he's 100% competent and honest?) this isn't about him. This is about stopping the Democrats from ripping up the Constitution!"

It's fucking amazing. Go to his website and read the transcripts. Use an incognito session.

For some reason my Spidey-sense sees you sitting in your nice, large EIB office chair while you were typing this.
I listened to an hour of Limbaugh today.

If you can stomach it, give it a try.

Some of the narrative...

The Obama administration was 100% incompetent & corrupt - the proof, Obama lied about "if you like your plan... (I am not making this up)" and the $151 billion in cash he gave to Iran (yes, he said $151 billion). The Trump administration is 100% competent and totally non-corrupt.

The Democrats are trying to have a coup. "The difference between the Democrats and the Republicans is that when they win elections, we play by the rules. We let them have their judicial appointments...". I nearly choked laughing.

"Even if you can't defend Donald Trump (why couldn't they defend him - he's 100% competent and honest?) this isn't about him. This is about stopping the Democrats from ripping up the Constitution!"

It's fucking amazing. Go to his website and read the transcripts. Use an incognito session.

If I knew Rush, I would go all out to get him all the oxys he wanted at cost.

They're perfectly safe, have another few.
Are you ok with Trump giving the Russians our citizens polling data that they then used to attack our vulnerable with online propaganda?

Was just going to respond, not reply, but, you actually asked a Q and did't start throwin' fecal matter, so I respectfully will reply: IF he were (I have only seen sources pointing to the exact OPPOSITE {'twas NoBama and Billery...})... I certainly would NOT approve...
Was just going to respond, not reply, but, you actually asked a Q and did't start throwin' fecal matter, so I respectfully will reply: IF he were (I have only seen sources pointing to the exact OPPOSITE {'twas NoBama and Billery...})... I certainly would NOT approve...
Cool then we have common ground.

It all starts with Russian trolling Hillary and Obama, so it is not a surprise that you have seen the Russian/Trump spun narrative. The Russians have been pissed at Obama and Clinton since Dec 2011 when Clinton called out Putin for rigging the Russian elections. 2012 was too soon and Obama won a second term, so being the most likely Democratic nominee, Russia started a propaganda onslaught of Clinton leading into 2016. They made all sorts of fake news sites to push the facts that fit their narrative while planting in some fake news here and there to really sell what they want their readers to believe.
Screen Shot 2019-08-08 at 6.51.34 AM.png
SS Mueller report

In 2013, Snowden landed in Russia with NSA data files and by 2014 Russia had sent agents across the United States to figure out our most divisive topics to use to create fights between people in our country so that any discussions about politics would get so distorted that inevitably people would start to fight and any good conversation would be impossible. They did this by trolling these topics (like racial issues) from both sides. If they could not get people to fight, they would just fight with themselves on sock puppet accounts.
Screen Shot 2019-10-08 at 7.33.01 PM.png
ss of New bipartisan Senate Investigation paper.

In early 2015 Cambridge Analytica was founded and used all of the data people produced (from purchases with credit card/credit, house values, race, gender, education levels, misspelled words, which kind of messages have been liked/shared, who your friends & family are and how they have acted online too. All of this was used to figure out people using A.I. and data analysis to figure out what people most care about and how to attack them with personalized propaganda that would help lead them to vote the way that Cambridge Analytica programed them to. There first major experiment was with Brexit.

At the same time in the United States, Trump who already had a troll going with National Enquirer (who was getting gobs of Saudi money) on his behalf suppressing stories (illegally) and attacking his enemies with their normal lies, hired Paul Manafort and Carter Page in early 2016, Page was already on the radar of the feds from before 2007.
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ss of Page's FISA

As soon as Trump hired the known Russian assets, he was screwed, either by the Russians who knew they now had Trump compromised (by just leaking that they had ties to Trump) if they didn't have anything else before hand or by our government who would be forced to look at Russian contacts with Trump.

But the part I have a huge problem with was Trump's campaign (through Manafort) giving a data stick with the polling data of our battle ground states. The buck stops with Trump, it was his campaign, and his responsibility to keep our citizens data safe.

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So now the Russians who have been using the '5000 data points on every Voter' to get a personality profile for all of us, are now able to pinpoint us down to the state/district that we live in. This has allowed them to cat fish us on a different level (which is why I believe AOC was able to win her seat) to find those 80,000 votes needed to get Trump elected (even though Hillary had about 3 million more votes than Trump in total). By turning people who wouldn't vote for Trump but supported Bernie for multiple reasons against Hillary in key states.Screen Shot 2019-09-23 at 5.47.19 AM.png
ss of Russian indictment

How they did it in Michigan was by suppressing votes in the Black and Arab populations with propaganda about how much Hillary eats babies and will destroy their communities, to drive down their vote while using religious/sexist/immigration/ whatever towards the people who would fall for it to rile people up to vote for Trump. They did this across the other battle ground states too.
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SS of Mueller report.

Estimated 126 million people were reached with the Russian propaganda on just those groups. That doesn't mention every single comment section or forum like here on that has been infested. This is why it is so hard to have a intelligent conversation about much before people get so worked up they start trolling each other. This mental warfare has been going on against us for years.
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After re-reading that something pokes out at me.

July 6th: Russians seem generally interested in the 'conflict between Hillary and Bernie' because they are estimating only a 25% chance of Trump winning.

August 2nd: Trump's campaign gave the Russians our polling data helping them pinpoint us by state/voting history.

This gave Russia a way to flip a few key states by less than 80,000 voters to get Trump elected despite having about 3 million votes less than Hillary Clinton. It is a lot easier to pinpoint attack a couple hundred thousand vulnerable people with a AI cyber attack on their personal devices to figure out what websites would offer the biggest impacts in those vulnerable voters 'news' feeds.

Edit: What really really really pisses me off, this was right around the time I remember trying to explain to my dad and brother that chemtrails were bullshit while working on my plants. I just blew it off, maybe I shouldn't have, but who knows I didn't know it was a Russian attack on us at the time and may have made it worse.
most divisive topics to use to create fights between people in our country so that any discussions about politics would get so distorted that inevitably people would start to fight and any good conversation would be impossible.
Wow my head hurts trying to think about running through all that right now. I Quoted that because, that is where BOTH far side radicals (some label me one, I care not... I seek CIVIL discourse), to me, it seems, are actively DESTROYING (not trying , DOING it!) ANY hope of aforementioned CIVIL DISCOURSE... LIES and EMOTIONS abound, in that realm and TRUTH, LOGIC and COMMON SENSE matter NOT... it's fucked on both sides... I'm almost ready to throw up my hands, or, ACTUALLY... Throw hands! It is Crazy town... BATSHIT version... We need to be PULLING together as a REPUBLIC, not, well... flinging SHIT at each other, and yet, here we are, LAPPING up all the DIVISIVENESS our own particular SIDE can cram down our throats... it's TRULY pathetic, really... I admit myself even getting CAUGHT up in it... no more.
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Don't assume the Senate would *never* remove Donald Trump

First: I NEVER said never... I have underestimated the DEPTHS of their GALL and BLIND HATE of Trump more than I care to admit...
Second: You actually sourced a CNN vid in response to a Trump supported....THAT leves me very greatful to you, sir, for providing me with the belly laugh of my day... THANX a million!
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First: I NEVER said never... I have underestimated the DEPTHS of their GALL and BLIND HATE of Trump more than I care to admit...
Second: You actually sourced a CNN vid in response to a Trump supported....THAT leves me very greatful to you, sir, for providing me with the belly laugh of my day... THANX a million!
Learn to spell. Your mispellings makes you look even dumber.
"Where's the whistleblower?"

Screams Trump, Limbaugh and Hannity (et al). Limbaugh has literally asked this five times in the last two minutes.

But five people have testified under oath fully corroborating the whistleblower's account.

This is like somebody witnesses a bank robbery and jots down the license plate of the car - that's the whistleblower. And then, upon investigation, a video tape of the robber is found that identifies him as the person that was witnessed, all the bank employees identify him in a lineup, the GPS unit in the robber's car confirms that the vehicle was at the bank at the time, the money is found in his possesion - and the robber is asking "where's the witness"? despite the fact that his testimony is not necessary.
First: I NEVER said never... I have underestimated the DEPTHS of their GALL and BLIND HATE of Trump more than I care to admit...
Second: You actually sourced a CNN vid in response to a Trump supported....THAT leves me very greatful to you, sir, for providing me with the belly laugh of my day... THANX a million!
List your sources of reliable and honest news, I and others await your list of media outlet's that you think are credible. Fox news is saying the same things about Trump (the news part of fox news, not Hannity), as CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, PBS, CBC, CTV Global and the BBC, to name but a few TV outlets, oh yeah CSPAN too.

Even the republican newspapers speak the truth about Trump, that he is corrupt, incompetent and unfit for office, why can't you?

We await your list of "true" sources of facts and analysis...

Usually when people are bitch slapped back to reality this hard they take pause and think things through, you should too.
Do you think its odd that the news reported that trump will never be elected? After election they demanded numerous recounts? After officially winning the ballot counts the left called on the electoral college to go against the voters of their districts? Then it was russia. Then it was he's racist. Then its he's misogynistic. Then numerous attempts to hold a impeachment by Al Green. Now its the Ukraine convo. There are many more.

I know about the popular vote but I also know presidential elections are won by electoral votes. Does it ever occur to you that he won because people voted for him? What if this whole impeachment thing is a flop, just like all the others. What happens if trump wins again? What if he evens wins the popular vote? What if the left is the new minority? Would it be 4 more years of resistance from the left? Or would you all bind the majority of americans as deplorables?

Not trolling, just curious of opinions. Discussion, you know...
Was just going to respond, not reply, but, you actually asked a Q and did't start throwin' fecal matter, so I respectfully will reply: IF he were (I have only seen sources pointing to the exact OPPOSITE {'twas NoBama and Billery...})... I certainly would NOT approve...
you seem confused and stupid
Wow my head hurts trying to think about running through all that right now. I Quoted that because, that is where BOTH far side radicals (some label me one, I care not... I seek CIVIL discourse), to me, it seems, are actively DESTROYING (not trying , DOING it!) ANY hope of aforementioned CIVIL DISCOURSE... LIES and EMOTIONS abound, in that realm and TRUTH, LOGIC and COMMON SENSE matter NOT... it's fucked on both sides... I'm almost ready to throw up my hands, or, ACTUALLY... Throw hands! It is Crazy town... BATSHIT version... We need to be PULLING together as a REPUBLIC, not, well... flinging SHIT at each other, and yet, here we are, LAPPING up all the DIVISIVENESS our own particular SIDE can cram down our throats... it's TRULY pathetic, really... I admit myself even getting CAUGHT up in it... no more.

do you think your use of insults towards our first black president is helping to keep discourse civil?
Hey man, I was thinking about a thread for it, but figure maybe just ask you.

What do you feel about Mark Zuckerberg's stuff about Facebook. They are just thumping their chests about booting a couple pages to Russian trolls and one from Iran, but I can't find anything about all of the posts that the people in those groups made, or how many of the accounts in those pages were halted either.

Is it just advertising that they are limiting, but not posts? I know that is not like here, but it is interesting how that relates to here.

Fighting Foreign Interference
Combating Inauthentic Behavior
Over the last three years, we’ve worked to identify new and emerging threats and remove coordinated inauthentic behavior across our apps. In the past year alone, we’ve taken down over 50 networks worldwide, many ahead of major democratic elections. As part of our effort to counter foreign influence campaigns, this morning we removed four separate networks of accounts, Pages and Groups on Facebook and Instagram for engaging in coordinated inauthentic behavior. Three of them originated in Iran and one in Russia. They targeted the US, North Africa and Latin America. We have identified these manipulation campaigns as part of our internal investigations into suspected Iran-linked inauthentic behavior, as well as ongoing proactive work ahead of the US elections.
We took down these networks based on their behavior, not the content they posted. In each case, the people behind this activity coordinated with one another and used fake accounts to misrepresent themselves, and that was the basis for our action. We have shared our findings with law enforcement and industry partners. More details can be found here. As we’ve improved our ability to disrupt these operations, we’ve also built a deeper understanding of different threats and how best to counter them. We investigate and enforce against any type of inauthentic behavior.
However, the most appropriate way to respond to someone boosting the popularity of their posts in their own country may not be the best way to counter foreign interference. That’s why we’re updating our inauthentic behavior policy to clarify how we deal with the range of deceptive practices we see on our platforms, whether foreign or domestic, state or non-state.

I think it would be interesting to hear your guys views on how you handle your site vs how Facebook does theirs, what you think they should be doing maybe.

Sorry Man, I didn't build this website, and I am not on Facebook.

First: I NEVER said never... I have underestimated the DEPTHS of their GALL and BLIND HATE of Trump more than I care to admit...
Second: You actually sourced a CNN vid in response to a Trump supported....THAT leves me very greatful to you, sir, for providing me with the belly laugh of my day... THANX a million!
You’ve been a member for 9 years now

Can you show me your hatred of cnn predates trump, so that you can demonstrate that you haven’t been brainwashed by a racist child raping conman?

Do you think its odd that the news reported that trump will never be elected? After election they demanded numerous recounts? After officially winning the ballot counts the left called on the electoral college to go against the voters of their districts? Then it was russia. Then it was he's racist. Then its he's misogynistic. Then numerous attempts to hold a impeachment by Al Green. Now its the Ukraine convo. There are many more.

I know about the popular vote but I also know presidential elections are won by electoral votes. Does it ever occur to you that he won because people voted for him? What if this whole impeachment thing is a flop, just like all the others. What happens if trump wins again? What if he evens wins the popular vote? What if the left is the new minority? Would it be 4 more years of resistance from the left? Or would you all bind the majority of americans as deplorables?

Not trolling, just curious of opinions. Discussion, you know...
Your memory is fucked dude

You need to go see a doctor