The Impeachment Of Donald Trump

He's already been elected, you do understand that right?
Now its actually his job to stop corruption lol,I wish the squad wouldn't have talked Nancy into this trap. It's not helping any of the dems right now. Except for maybe Tulsi 2020 :hump:

It’s been a month. Nancy’s numbers are up. Support for impeachment and removal is the highest ever. Trumps numbers are down. Tusli the Russian is still at 1%

When does this trap spring, glovelube?
If I cant provide my kids with food, then I fail as a parent and should be deemed unfit. If people cant take care of their own, they shouldn't be having kids. I would do anything to not watch a kid struggle, but letting their parents sit on their ass all day and taking my tax dollars to make up for their incompetence is what Im talking about.

And cat fishing and trolling you speak of is basically anyone who disagrees with the left? See how members are attacking me with their keyboards? I am not trolling for a reaction but I kinda knew what to expect. This just kind of proves the point I was trying to make. You don't have to agree with me, but when someone resorts to name calling when i was honestly trying to have a discussion or at least give my own opinion. I didn't like obama but would never react the way people do when I say I voted for trump. Honestly I think we all can agree that there are better candidates, I just with they were on the ballot.
You're seriously comparing Trump to Obama? GeeeeeeeTFOH
So why keep someone like Donald Trump in power? He just gave himself and other millionaires a huge tax break. We're telling you to vote for someone that would take from them not you, ya maroon.
I pity the poor family that does thanksgiving with you
As I completely expected no real response just more feces flinging... I should just ignore your ass on here but sometimes you make me laugh too damn hard to
You never answered my post, cut the bullshit about 3 months of telephone intercepts that happened 56 years ago. Trump is commiting high crimes today. Get with the program and current reality.

List your sources of reliable and honest news, I and others await your list of media outlet's that you think are credible. Fox news is saying the same things about Trump (the news part of fox news, not Hannity), as CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, PBS, CBC, CTV Global and the BBC, to name but a few TV outlets, oh yeah CSPAN too.

Even the republican newspapers speak the truth about Trump, that he is corrupt, incompetent and unfit for office, why can't you?

We await your list of "true" sources of facts and analysis...

Usually when people are bitch slapped back to reality this hard they take pause and think things through, you should too.
Hell I'm sorry I got caught up and Uncle Buck hijacking our conversation. I'm at work right now. I wasn't bullshiting that kind of surprised me I will look at that and see if I can't find what else I have actually seen on my own and post it.
Here is an ad from a source you should trust, Republicans, that's right, this ad was made by actual conservatives, the real thing, not the fake ones who support Trump, they are just racist scum and traitors. Republicans for the Rule of Law are the real thing, Trumpers are phony's.
Promises Made, Promises Broken

President Donald Trump promised to “drain the swamp.” He promised to get foreign money out of American politics. And he promised to put America first. He has broken all of those promises.
Looks like I can get on board with this one too and I absolutely will admit and involuntary at least 6 months media blackout on my part my blood pressure was taking a toll it appears a lot has happened in the last 6 months. The only one level-headed enough I can listen to is not a news source but a pundit... Lionel Nation he's live twice a day from New York I will peruse this it definitely seems there's a lot of common ground here I'm not a trump blind follower I just like a lot of what he's done I have been using Google speech to text I hope this is at least somewhat coherent LOL
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Looks like I can get on board with this one too and I absolutely will admit and involuntary at least 6 months media blackout on my part my blood pressure was taking a toll it appears a lot has happened in the last 6 months. The only one level-headed enough I can listen to is not a news source but a punfit... Lionel Nation he's live twice a day from New York I will peruse this it definitely seems there's a lot of common ground here I'm not a trump blind follower I just like a lot of what he's done I have been using Google speech to text I hope this is at least somewhat coherent LOL
Here is an ad from a source you should trust, Republicans, that's right, this ad was made by actual conservatives, the real thing, not the fake ones who support Trump, they are just racist scum and traitors. Republicans for the Rule of Law are the real thing, Trumpers are phony's.
Promises Made, Promises Broken

President Donald Trump promised to “drain the swamp.” He promised to get foreign money out of American politics. And he promised to put America first. He has broken all of those promises.

P.S. I can definitely get on board with Convention of States to drain the swamp among many other issues to be fixed. I can also get on board with Young American foundation and though none of those are news sources ...there you go anyway
at least 6 months media blackout on my part my blood pressure was taking a toll
This can be effective for lowering BP and promoting the self regulation required for lifestyle changes. There is a lot of science behind this, check it out for your health, it's one of the things it's used for. A local course is best, but it's expensive, this is free, medically certified and evidence based. If you have hypertension it is highly recommended and depending on the cause can have a big impact on BP and happiness in general.

Another link, have a look at this video, not the whole story, but a big part of it. Practice builds out your brain in just 8 weeks, same as any other fitness program. Buddhist geeks are shrinks, scientists and psychologists for the most part.

It can help with BP, if you practice for an hour a day or more you become very self disciplined in a couple of weeks. This leads to diet and exercise changes without much effort, just put the effort into practicing every day, it's mental exercise and works like it.
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The onion used to be good, but it can't compete with reality in the era of Trump, the regular news reads like the onion used to!
This can be effective for lowering BP and promoting the self regulation required for lifestyle changes. There is a lot of science behind this, check it out for your health, it's one of the things it's used for. A local course is best, but it's expensive, this is free, medically certified and evidence based. If you have hypertension it is highly recommended and depending on the cause can have a big impact on BP and happiness in general.

Another link, have a look at this video, not the whole story, but a big part of it. Practice builds out your brain in just 8 weeks, same as any other fitness program. Buddhist geeks are shrinks, scientists and psychologists for the most part.

It can help with BP, if you practice for an hour a day or more you become very self disciplined in a couple of weeks. This leads to diet and exercise changes without much effort, just put the effort into practicing every day, it's mental exercise and works like it.
Confirmed. Although I will say this I don't have hypertension, just serious anger management issues that have developed over the last 5 years in my life or so. I really don't like the change at all. I actually would like to find a local Southwest Michigan Kundalini yoga instructor. I believe Kundalini yoga is where science meets religion and would definitely like to make a transition and pursue that in my life... But I have also recently begun to wonder about a couple other avenues I may be able to take. One of those would be actually throwing my hat in the political ring woah to me! Another would be joining an oath keepers group of former and active military and first responders who are going around arresting a lot of these pedophiles that are running around loose in the world especially here in our country. I'm not actually sure if that's part of oath keepers or something completely different. And another is to actually pursue my medical grow license and join a dispensary and help addicts as best I can. Or join the DEA and I do mean that in all seriousness
The onion used to be good, but it can't compete with reality in the era of Trump, the regular news reads like the onion used to!

The Onion and New Yorker's Borowitz Report are funny.

The real news hasn't been funny at all lately.

This country's constitution is under siege and damaged. We need some serious repair work, while there's still time. Look at Turkey and Hungary for Trump's template. Fucking authoritarian corrupt criminals shouldn't have a 35-40% approval rating, it reflects horribly on the rest of the country.

It's like 4 out of 10 don't know right from wrong or don't care. Sickening.
Confirmed. Although I will say this I don't have hypertension, just serious anger management issues that have developed over the last 5 years in my life or so. I really don't like the change at all. I actually would like to find a local Southwest Michigan Kundalini yoga instructor. I believe Kundalini yoga is where science meets religion and would definitely like to make a transition and pursue that in my life... But I have also recently begun to wonder about a couple other avenues I may be able to take. One of those would be actually throwing my hat in the political ring woah to me! Another would be joining an oath keepers group of former and active military and first responders who are going around arresting a lot of these pedophiles that are running around loose in the world especially here in our country. I'm not actually sure if that's part of oath keepers or something completely different. And another is to actually pursue my medical grow license and join a dispensary and help addicts as best I can. Or join the DEA and I do mean that in all seriousness
Anger management is one of the reasons I started a practice many years ago, works like a charm for that too, there is lot's of science and the site I sent has yoga on it too, Yoga is a mindfulness practice too. Your practice connects you to your body, where the emotions first arise (think of a cat) when you can sense your emotions arise you can intervene effectively. Like I said you have to try it, if you don't, you don't know anything about it, it's experience based. It's like learning a trade, experience and doing count far more than book learning, you can read about exercise, but that won't do any good, doing the exercise will.