The Impeachment Of Donald Trump

I totally agree. I've been to a protest or two, and I have seen antifa counter with violence.
Where at?
Confirmed. Although I will say this I don't have hypertension, just serious anger management issues that have developed over the last 5 years in my life or so. I really don't like the change at all. I actually would like to find a local Southwest Michigan Kundalini yoga instructor. I believe Kundalini yoga is where science meets religion and would definitely like to make a transition and pursue that in my life... But I have also recently begun to wonder about a couple other avenues I may be able to take. One of those would be actually throwing my hat in the political ring woah to me! Another would be joining an oath keepers group of former and active military and first responders who are going around arresting a lot of these pedophiles that are running around loose in the world especially here in our country. I'm not actually sure if that's part of oath keepers or something completely different. And another is to actually pursue my medical grow license and join a dispensary and help addicts as best I can. Or join the DEA and I do mean that in all seriousness
I don't think there is any coincidence that 5 years ago Russians started to attack our democracy by pinpointing exactly what will trigger us into becoming angry enough to stop talking to people so that their lies can propagate.
I'm telling you now this ain;t gonna end pretty. These crazy republicans are whacked in the head. Start prepairing for a real sh*t storm.
"Rick Wiles warns that if Trump is removed from office, veterans, cowboys, mountain men, and "guys that know how to fight" will hunt down Democrats and kill them."
I think it will be a lot like Will Farrells "We are going streaking moment". At least I hope. But either way triggered white males are only going to hurt themselves in the long run, right now their crazy gets a free pass, but as soon as they are deemed 'terrorists' all that white privilege will be wiped away.
I'm telling you now this ain;t gonna end pretty. These crazy republicans are whacked in the head. Start prepairing for a real sh*t storm.
"Rick Wiles warns that if Trump is removed from office, veterans, cowboys, mountain men, and "guys that know how to fight" will hunt down Democrats and kill them."
It does seem like that is what the Trump cabal is angling for. Limbaugh is popping lies faster than he and he supporters pop Oxys. He claims that no Republicans are allowed in these proceedings, popular support for the President is rising, there is no whistleblower, and anything else he can think of to spin the lie that this is a DEEP STATE coup. He is doing everything he can to stoke the outrage of his listeners who are too dumb to seek other news sources but who he routinely calls "high information" voters.

I'm not sure where they ll expect this to end. The only outcomes possible are a lot of bloodshed that results in a failed civil war or a dictatorship.

I guess Putin would be fine with either outcome.
I'm telling you now this ain;t gonna end pretty. These crazy republicans are whacked in the head. Start prepairing for a real sh*t storm.
"Rick Wiles warns that if Trump is removed from office, veterans, cowboys, mountain men, and "guys that know how to fight" will hunt down Democrats and kill them."
you can tell rick wiles that some of us know how to fight too, so bring it on, trumpkins.
i AM a cowboy, i AM a mountain man, and i fucking hate trumps stinking goddamn guts. there are just as many "guys who know how to fight" that feel the same bring it the fuck on, trumpkins
you can tell rick wiles that some of us know how to fight too, so bring it on, trumpkins.
i AM a cowboy, i AM a mountain man, and i fucking hate trumps stinking goddamn guts. there are just as many "guys who know how to fight" that feel the same bring it the fuck on, trumpkins
Big5 has a pretty good sale going on for Ruger Mini-14's and 556 ammo........just sayin ;)
you can tell rick wiles that some of us know how to fight too, so bring it on, trumpkins.
i AM a cowboy, i AM a mountain man, and i fucking hate trumps stinking goddamn guts. there are just as many "guys who know how to fight" that feel the same bring it the fuck on, trumpkins
I thought of you as a level headed and educated person. One person doesn't speak for everyone. And some people who voted for trump are good people. I would like to include myself in that category. You calling out "trump supporters" as a whole is no worse than the prejudice you preach against. For a twitter comment to trigger you like that surprises me.

There are muslims who preach violence to non muslims, and blacks who want to kill white people. I find it hypocritical for people to condemn violence from one side but not violence or hate groups as a whole.

Same with any trump supporter who wishes bad on me because I voted for obama twice.
I thought of you as a level headed and educated person. One person doesn't speak for everyone. And some people who voted for trump are good people. I would like to include myself in that category. You calling out "trump supporters" as a whole is no worse than the prejudice you preach against. For a twitter comment to trigger you like that surprises me.

There are muslims who preach violence to non muslims, and blacks who want to kill white people. I find it hypocritical for people to condemn violence from one side but not violence or hate groups as a whole.

Same with any trump supporter who wishes bad on me because I voted for obama twice.
Break the law, constitution and try and try to make treasonous Trump king, then American patriots will kill you, nothing wrong with that at all, it's called freedom. One has to meet violence with violence, civil behavior only works with civilized people. Remember the Trumper who was first to make these death threats against democrats who followed the law and constitution? Is Bill Barr's DOJ gonna deal with it? Bill is going to prison for what he has done on the Ukrainian scandal alone, a judge and jury will send him there, not the democrats.