The Impeachment Of Donald Trump


Well-Known Member
After watching the debates.. I agree. Very humorous. Not one align with my views. What happened to my party of the working class? It changed to the party of free loaders.
Don’t you support the guy who is borrowing money from China to pay farmers not to sell to China so we can all pay more for the goods we get from China?

I guess $30 billion dollar giveaways are fine as long as they go to mostly white farmers eh


Well-Known Member
After watching the debates.. I agree. Very humorous. Not one align with my views. What happened to my party of the working class? It changed to the party of free loaders.
Party of free loaders. The Democratic base includes just about all lower wage earners. Have you ever worked in a blue collar job? Explain free loader when the hardest working people in the US tend to make lower wages.


Well-Known Member
No more than I would allow creepy Joe to rub her shoulders and smell her hair. I was not a Trump supporter in last election, I expect I will vote for him this time around based on his performance.
Did joe Biden ever brag about walking in on unsuspecting naked underage children?

Anyhoo, I don’t make any distinction between pedophiles and those who support pedophiles. So I’m gonna call you a pedophile now

radiant Rudy

Well-Known Member

Kevin McCarthy is implicated in the scandal he doesn’t want investigated.

McCarthy received money both personally and in the guise of his Protect the House PAC from Igor Fruman and Lev Parnas, the grifters at the core of the influence operation that led to Trump’s quid pro quo conversation with Volodymyr Zelensky. He also keynoted an event with the grifters. While he has said he’d donate the money to charity (though has not yet, as far as I know, shown that he did that), there is no way to unring the bell of their support. He became Majority Leader with the support of men who have since been indicted for that support.

That is the face that is leading opposition to impeachment.



Well-Known Member
Is this the reincarnation of
Howdy Doody? Democrat trumpster ass kisser traitor from NJ Who voted against impeacHment. And leaving part of his KKK outfit in his jacket pocket. Collin Peterson,
What a phony. And representing Atlantic City area which Trump destroyed with his bankrupt casinos.View attachment 4414928

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Surviving his primary will be quite the feat, patriots and the democratic base will want his head on a stake.;)