The Impeachment Of Donald Trump


Well-Known Member
There is no plan, these traitors are idiots.
There has been much more planning by the GOP than most want to admit. tRUmp has packed the courts with radicals and criminals, he has also neutered some of the institutions that are there to put a check on him. He has appointed nearly 1/4 of all fed appeals court judges, this doesn't happen by chance. tRUmp is no mastermind but he is probably a useful idiot for those pulling the strings.


Well-Known Member
There has been much more planning by the GOP than most want to admit. tRUmp has packed the courts with radicals and criminals, he has also neutered some of the institutions that are there to put a check on him. He has appointed nearly 1/4 of all fed appeals court judges, this doesn't happen by chance. tRUmp is no mastermind but he is probably a useful idiot for those pulling the strings.
You are right. He is no mastermind, nor is he an ideologue. Trump is for Trump and he will seize whatever ideology is evil enough and whoever's supporters are dumb enough to serve him. Republicans fit this bill exactly.

It's in the Bible. I think it is in Two Corinthians.


Well-Known Member
I don't think trump picked up a single vote or state since 2020, I figure he has lost tens of millions of votes and a half dozen or more states. I believe this will be a disaster for the GOP down ticket too, from the white house to the state house right down to dog catcher this has got to hurt in 2020. America elected Obama twice and the middle third of the country is democratic or will be by election day, election turn out in 2020 will be historic and I figure the majority of people are gonna vote democratic right down the ballot from the top to the bottom. If the republicans acquit Trump he is gonna go nuts between then and election day, and the democrats will have additional public impeachment investigations at least.

As it stands now I don't see Trump or the GOP having much of a chance in 2020, I figure they are damned if they do and damned if they don't. No sensible person could vote for them, and no patriot would Patriots only have one choice this time and into the foreseeable future, the democrats. An interesting statistic to ponder is that only 46% of democrats describe themselves as progressive, the fight between left and right is taking place inside the democratic party. The GOP's no longer has an ideology, their only concern is serving Trump's interests and surviving his tweets, Trump owns the GOP base and Putin owns Trump, it's really very simple. Trump might as well lead them to disaster in 2020, the reckoning will come, with him or with out him.


Well-Known Member
You are right. He is no mastermind, nor is he an ideologue. Trump is for Trump and he will seize whatever ideology is evil enough and whoever's supporters are dumb enough to serve him. Republicans fit this bill exactly.

It's in the Bible. I think it is in Two Corinthians.
I'm in the camp of I think votes were changed in 2016, data scientists have said their are glaring inconsistencies in some of the swing states. Michigan would only need 1 or 2 votes per voting precincts to change the out come. There's a reason they have basically shut down the FEC, they are going to try and steal this one too. Only this time they have more people on the inside to help steal it.


Well-Known Member
Trump betrayed America and it's allies, Nancy is far too nice, but she is practical and skilled though. Donald still has no idea what he is up against with this lady, Mitch McConnell does though and he fears and respects her abilities, Donald can't see past appearances, though he does have a nose for weakness and exploits it, she has none he can work on...
Speaker Nancy Pelosi: Trump Undermined Our National Security, To The Benefit Of The Russians


Well-Known Member
Way this dramedy is playing out , no big asteroid in the sky waiting to press a planetary reset
( FFFFFUUUUCCCKK ! ) .... I figure I need to finish my XB 9000 rocket . Realigning the dilithium crystal matrix and MARS HERE I COME !

Taking some dank Durban Poison .... hope red soil is myco loaded ... oh well.




Well-Known Member
The Trump Impeachment Trial Could Look A Lot Like The Kavanaugh Hearings
While Senate Republicans are pledging to conduct a fair trial should the Trump impeachment reach that chamber, there is reason to suspect Senators may ignore damning testimony and vote to clear the President anyway.