The Impeachment Of Donald Trump

Cant debate? Lets resort to name calling. disagree? Lets call eachother names. Thats very productive.

I don't hide behind a keyboard and throw insults.
Debate what? There is nothing to debate with you. Yes you do hide behind a keyboard and throw insults and yes politics do ruin your day.
You mean, like Tusli Gabbard, right?
Definitely more moderate but as you can see, the left is already labeling her as a "russian".

I think she is a smart woman with a great background. I'm just willing to bet that the left will silence her. I can see its already happening here. There is no way anyone like her would be on the ballot.
Debate what? There is nothing to debate with you. Yes you do hide behind a keyboard and throw insults and yes politics do ruin your day.
Come see me. Grand Rapids MI. I wouldn't send you my home address but we can meet up anywhere and talk, i'm not afraid, Ill even buy you lunch. I would just hate for you to send me a bomb or poison or something and kill my kid because I voted for trump.
I've stayed consistent and I'm not here for respect. I wish you all the best but honestly can care less what each and all of you think about me.

I don't agree with any hate group of any color, but I defend their right for freedom of speech, freedom of thought, and freedom that we all have as a right. Just like you, we may not agree on things but I will defend your right to think and say what you want. Your feelings are no more important than mine, or even uncle buck. We all lived our own lives and from experiences that weve lived through shaped our thoughts and feeling in one direction or another. And as much as I feel I am right, so do you.

Its easy to sit here behind a screen and talk smack, but I bet in reality most of us would not say the things we do face to face.
Then make your posts consistent with these stated beliefs. I do not agree that freedom of speech is unlimited and the SCOTUS already agrees with me on some of these issues, hate speech is not free speech and bad ideas do not carry the same weight as good ones. You live in a free country, for now, but if Trump were to have his way, it would not be a free country for long. You have a right to believe what you wish, you need to take responsibility for your words and deeds however, and be prepared to defend them in honest and open debate. You also have to live with the consequences of your words and deeds, and they spring from your thoughts and beliefs. The next Trump won't be nearly as stupid as this one, and then you will be a slave, whether you supported him or not.

The majority of people in America will soon have a very low tolerance for treason after the truth comes out, and the new government will act to protect the country from treason and social division. They have no choice, America is a large modern multicultural society today and this makes such countries highly vulnerable to social division based on bigotry and racism. Look around at other countries like mine, Canada, we have laws and human rights commissions to nip such foolishness in the bud. Donald Trump did not just betray America, he betrayed my country as well and here he would be considered a legal traitor. If you commit espionage against a NATO ally, you can be charged in every other NATO county, Donald Trump committed treason and is committing it daily, this is by far the most important issue. What is the thread's title? America and you, are now in grave danger from an unstable sociopath, that you elected
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Come see me. Grand Rapids MI. I wouldn't send you my home address but we can meet up anywhere and talk, i'm not afraid, Ill even buy you lunch. I would just hate for you to send me a bomb or poison or something and kill my kid because I voted for trump.
Get real, only Trumpers do that shit, they are the ones who make the death threats and the vast majority of terrorists. You are being foolish and facetious, implying that Amber would murder your child for your stupid act. Grow the fuck up, she is a friend of mine and you owe her an apology for such a baseless and bass accusation. You voted for Trump, that is nothing to be proud of, it is a mark of stupidity that you were conned so easily, by such an obvious phoney. Racism is like love, it blinds us to the faults of those we love and whose promises we want to believe. "Grab them by the pussy", explain that one to your kid and why you voted to destroy your country and their future, there's that fear and hate as your intention, again. Explain it to them next year, while you teach them the hate that has crippled your common sense. Maybe they can grow up to be a sucker too.
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Come see me. Grand Rapids MI. I wouldn't send you my home address but we can meet up anywhere and talk, i'm not afraid, Ill even buy you lunch. I would just hate for you to send me a bomb or poison or something and kill my kid because I voted for trump.
You are totally creepy! Lmao. I would never meet you for lunch!!
You are in need of a serious reality check. Hahaha
I said in my first post I am not a trump supporter.

You voted for him and even in the face of him being the most corrupt, lying, dishonorable, draft dodging, womanizing, traitor the nation has ever seen you'll vote for him again.

You ARE a Trump supporter. If you weren't, you'd vote for anybody, even Satan himself to make a step in the right direction.
You voted for him and even in the face of him being the most corrupt, lying, dishonorable, draft dodging, womanizing, traitor the nation has ever seen you'll vote for him again.

You ARE a Trump supporter. If you weren't, you'd vote for anybody, even Satan himself to make a step in the right direction.
And if its warren vs trump, I will do it again.
If I cant provide my kids with food, then I fail as a parent and should be deemed unfit. If people cant take care of their own, they shouldn't be having kids. I would do anything to not watch a kid struggle, but letting their parents sit on their ass all day and taking my tax dollars to make up for their incompetence is what Im talking about.
Then what happens to those kids?
Then what happens to those kids?

I was that kid. I know what it feels like, and I made sure my kids will never have to suffer or live the life I did, and they don't. Spoiled brats, I tell you. MY nieces and nephew too. I take care of my own, why is it hard to ask others to do what I do everyday?

I'm all for the kids, but how do we help the kids without enabling the parents?

Too lazy to work, food stamps, section 8, cash assistance. Now they don't want to get a job because they actually make more doing nothing? I see this first hand. Its amazing how people will work when they don't have any other choice, but give them a choice and you know what they will chose. People on government assistance eat better than i do.

In my opinion, issue the parents a warning, give them help for 6 months, if they cant do it then, they risk losing their kids.
If I cant provide my kids with food, then I fail as a parent and should be deemed unfit. If people cant take care of their own, they shouldn't be having kids. I would do anything to not watch a kid struggle, but letting their parents sit on their ass all day and taking my tax dollars to make up for their incompetence is what Im talking about.

You know, sometimes people's circumstances change. Did you ever consider that perhaps some people had children into a reality where they could provide adequate care at the time, and then that reality subsequently changed? If you were hit by a bus tomorrow and could no longer provide for your family, does that make you incompetent? That's just one example, everyone's situation is unique. Perhaps you could try some compassion. Just because someone is in need doesn't automatically make them incompetent or lazy.
A little history about myself.

Poor mom on drugs, dad died when I was really young. Lived in the housing project until 20 years old. Me, my brother, sister and one other white kid. My nickname was "white boy" growing up. Ran with gangs, sold drugs, commited crimes. Went to prison. Lived with savages. Murder and violence was a daily part of life.

I got out, changed my ways, my mindset. I met a good girl, I went to college, had some kids, started my own business, hired a layer and got my record cleared.

I am out of debt, I have numerous assets and live a good life. I am extremely grateful for everything and getting a second chance at life. My best friend, way more successful than me. Great guy coming from a really shiity situation. Most of the people we grew up with are in prison or dead. Everything I did, I did on my own. I did it for my kids and my family.

My brother and sister are still on hard drugs. Always asking for money and help. When I help them, they blow it. I take care of their kids. I buy them all their school supplies, clothes, everything. I make sure they have everything they need but I cant change their parents. They choose to do what they do. That's the difference here. I chose my kids well being, when they get all the government benefits I explained above. They sell thier food stamps for cash for drugs. They will never change. Its sad. Same blood, same upbringing, same parents. What made me change and they cant? I wish I could understand.

To me, its self control, self motivation, self discipline. Its amazing what a person can do when they put their mind to it.
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You know, sometimes people's circumstances change. Did you ever consider that perhaps some people had children into a reality where they could provide adequate care at the time, and then that reality subsequently changed? If you were hit by a bus tomorrow and could no longer provide for your family, does that make you incompetent? That's just one example, everyone's situation is unique. Perhaps you could try some compassion. Just because someone is in need doesn't automatically make them incompetent or lazy.
I am compassionate, I have a trust fund for my kids, short and long term disability, a 401k with a whole lot of money in it. A million dollar life insurance policy. My kids are my life and I bust my fucking ass everyday to make sure they have everything they need.
A little history about myself.

Poor mom on drugs, dad died when I was really young. Lived in the housing project until 20 years old. Me and one other white kid. My nickname was "white boy" growing up. Ran with gangs, sold drugs, commited crimes. Went to prison. Lived with savages. Murder and violence was a daily part of life.

I got out, changed my ways, my mindset. I met a good girl, I went to college, had some kids, started my own business, hired a layer and got my record cleared.

I am out of debt, I have numerous assets and live a good life. I am extremely grateful for everything and getting a second chance at life. My best friend, way more successful than me. Great guy coming from a really shiity situation. Most of the people we grew up with are in prison or dead. Everything I did, I did on my own. I did it for my kids and my family.

My brother and sister are still on hard drugs. Always asking for money and help. When I help them, they blow it. I take care of their kids. I buy them all their school supplies, clothes, everything. I make sure they have everything they need but I cant change their parents. They choose to do what they do. That's the difference here. I chose my kids well being, when they get all the government benefits I explained above. They will never change. Its sad. Same blood, same upbringing, same parents. What made me change and they cant? I wish I could understand.

To me, its self control, self motivation, self discipline. Its amazing what a person can do when they put their mind to it.
Kinda seems to me like you are taking your own situation and projecting it onto everyone else, as if to say that your reality must reflect everyone else's reality.

I'm gonna let you in on a little secret.. There are a lot of people who have worked hard and continue to work hard, but due to the luck of the draw they still aren't quite able to tread water. Personally I think it's a much better option to give folks a helping hand, rather than let them drown and smell their rotting bodies later.
And cat fishing and trolling you speak of is basically anyone who disagrees with the left?
Not at all, it is actual paid foreign trolls that have infected every website forum/facebook/youtube comments, kids video game chat rooms, on and on that are just seeing what people react to and how they react, and recording the data so that their analytics keep constantly updating and they get a better and better picture of how to identify and attack our vulnerable citizens. They spam propaganda, pick fights so actual conversations get drowned out. They set up 'News' outlets (Like OANN) that won't cover any story that is not in their narrative, and slip in some false stories here and there, that are really just click bate to get cookies on your computer so they can see which websites you go to, on and on. It sucks.

See how members are attacking me with their keyboards? I am not trolling for a reaction but I kinda knew what to expect. This just kind of proves the point I was trying to make.
Ignoring that you came into a political section 'to make a point'. Please understand people have been dealing with a nonstop spamming of this website for years, and are quick to escalate. I like to think you are a real person behind the keyboard, but I have no clue for real, and I could be wasting my time responding to you because this is exactly how the last 5 trolls started out before they showed their true colors.

You don't have to agree with me, but when someone resorts to name calling when i was honestly trying to have a discussion or at least give my own opinion.
Thats the ignore button thing.

I didn't like obama but would never react the way people do when I say I voted for trump. Honestly I think we all can agree that there are better candidates, I just with they were on the ballot.
It sucks that you represent Trump for people when you say that, I think a lot of it is Trump's constant trolling of people who take a stance to disagree with him. Obama never did that, and he got a lot of shit thrown at him.

The next 4 years just need someone stable that has a nice long resume of being a known quantity of not being a Russian tool. There is so much easy shit that needs to be cleaned up right off the bat, and hopefully avoiding a war with Russia/N Korea and China (trade or otherwise), Get election machines/counting for the nation a major overhaul to avoid any interference from any outside country, maybe get that last 8% of the American citizens that need it insured, get our alliances back in order maybe with some good bipartisan stuff that won't be erased by the next president, and right about the time that is all wrapping up it will be time for the next presidential election.

I think Biden would be a good 4 year president, and let everyone from both sides start out fresh after this Russian election mess is settled.
I was that kid. I know what it feels like, and I made sure my kids will never have to suffer or live the life I did, and they don't. Spoiled brats, I tell you. MY nieces and nephew too. I take care of my own, why is it hard to ask others to do what I do everyday?
No I meant more do they go to a relative to be taken care of? Or do they become wards of the state which costs us all more money than keeping them with a family but giving some assistance. It's not hard to ask it, but it is just not reality, a small percent of people are just not going to be functional in society, who knows why that is.
Too lazy to work, food stamps, section 8, cash assistance. Now they don't want to get a job because they actually make more doing nothing? I see this first hand. Its amazing how people will work when they don't have any other choice, but give them a choice and you know what they will chose. People on government assistance eat better than i do.
A lot of these things are short term safety nets while people are between jobs who have families or people who have an actual need. Most people work though, it gets to a point that saying these things about how unfair it is for people to get help without any evidence other than I knew someone who said that someone stuff.
Kinda seems to me like you are taking your own situation and projecting it onto everyone else, as if to say that your reality must reflect everyone else's reality.

I'm gonna let you in on a little secret.. There are a lot of people who have worked hard and continue to work hard, but due to the luck of the draw they still aren't quite able to tread water. Personally I think it's a much better option to give folks a helping hand, rather than let them drown and smell their rotting bodies later.
I dont dissagree. Life is hard sometimes. Help people. But lift people up at the same time. Make them do work for the help, make them find a job in 6 months, send social workers to check the kids. Set them up to succeed. But to live on welfare should not be an option.
A little history about myself.

Poor mom on drugs, dad died when I was really young. Lived in the housing project until 20 years old. Me, my brother, sister and one other white kid. My nickname was "white boy" growing up. Ran with gangs, sold drugs, commited crimes. Went to prison. Lived with savages. Murder and violence was a daily part of life.

I got out, changed my ways, my mindset. I met a good girl, I went to college, had some kids, started my own business, hired a layer and got my record cleared.

I am out of debt, I have numerous assets and live a good life. I am extremely grateful for everything and getting a second chance at life. My best friend, way more successful than me. Great guy coming from a really shiity situation. Most of the people we grew up with are in prison or dead. Everything I did, I did on my own. I did it for my kids and my family.

My brother and sister are still on hard drugs. Always asking for money and help. When I help them, they blow it. I take care of their kids. I buy them all their school supplies, clothes, everything. I make sure they have everything they need but I cant change their parents. They choose to do what they do. That's the difference here. I chose my kids well being, when they get all the government benefits I explained above. They sell thier food stamps for cash for drugs. They will never change. Its sad. Same blood, same upbringing, same parents. What made me change and they cant? I wish I could understand.

To me, its self control, self motivation, self discipline. Its amazing what a person can do when they put their mind to it.
Did you go to college after you met your girl?

And life is weird, a slip up here and there and I would have been in real trouble as a kid, and who knows. I kind of think of it like a plant, sometimes shit happens and it is just never going to be healthy and thrive. But I just rip them out of the ground, we really don't have any easy options for people.