The Impeachment Of Donald Trump

Imma just drop a hit n' run...

IMPEACH Trump... ROFFLMMFAO!!! Yeah, good luck with that, let me know how it goes... but don't forget TWO things:

1.) IF (NO it ain't happened YET, for those who are a little slow on paying real attention...) It happens, They give Trump DISCOVERY... THEY DON'T want that LOL...crooked - assed SWAMP -DWEELERS...

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3. The nutless GOP controlled Senate have Trump's back and Russia's money. They won't follow through with the impeachment trial.
Vote first! Then the inquiry! That's the order Hannity says. Covfefe!!
Right, because criminals always get to sit in on the criminal investigation. That's just how it works. Logic, duh.

The best thing is that this imbecile thinks that the Dems won't impeach (they will) because they don't want Dimwald to get "discovery"! Yeah, like he's been totally shut down and gagged as President.

What a rube. Amazing how many of them there are. Putin must have known how many idiots there were in this country just waiting for their chance at dumbness on a national scale.
Imma just drop a hit n' run...

IMPEACH Trump... ROFFLMMFAO!!! Yeah, good luck with that, let me know how it goes... but don't forget TWO things:

1.) IF (NO it ain't happened YET, for those who are a little slow on paying real attention...) It happens, They give Trump DISCOVERY... THEY DON'T want that LOL...crooked - assed SWAMP -DWEELERS...

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Don't assume the Senate would *never* remove Donald Trump
Imma just drop a hit n' run...

IMPEACH Trump... ROFFLMMFAO!!! Yeah, good luck with that, let me know how it goes... but don't forget TWO things:

1.) IF (NO it ain't happened YET, for those who are a little slow on paying real attention...) It happens, They give Trump DISCOVERY... THEY DON'T want that LOL...crooked - assed SWAMP -DWEELERS...

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Are you ok with Trump giving the Russians our citizens polling data that they then used to attack our vulnerable with online propaganda?
Of course he doesn't mind it. He's obviously one of the vulnerable Sheeple!

After all, he just posted one of the russian-made memes. :lol:

Hey man, I was thinking about a thread for it, but figure maybe just ask you.

What do you feel about Mark Zuckerberg's stuff about Facebook. They are just thumping their chests about booting a couple pages to Russian trolls and one from Iran, but I can't find anything about all of the posts that the people in those groups made, or how many of the accounts in those pages were halted either.

Is it just advertising that they are limiting, but not posts? I know that is not like here, but it is interesting how that relates to here.

Fighting Foreign Interference
Combating Inauthentic Behavior
Over the last three years, we’ve worked to identify new and emerging threats and remove coordinated inauthentic behavior across our apps. In the past year alone, we’ve taken down over 50 networks worldwide, many ahead of major democratic elections. As part of our effort to counter foreign influence campaigns, this morning we removed four separate networks of accounts, Pages and Groups on Facebook and Instagram for engaging in coordinated inauthentic behavior. Three of them originated in Iran and one in Russia. They targeted the US, North Africa and Latin America. We have identified these manipulation campaigns as part of our internal investigations into suspected Iran-linked inauthentic behavior, as well as ongoing proactive work ahead of the US elections.
We took down these networks based on their behavior, not the content they posted. In each case, the people behind this activity coordinated with one another and used fake accounts to misrepresent themselves, and that was the basis for our action. We have shared our findings with law enforcement and industry partners. More details can be found here. As we’ve improved our ability to disrupt these operations, we’ve also built a deeper understanding of different threats and how best to counter them. We investigate and enforce against any type of inauthentic behavior.
However, the most appropriate way to respond to someone boosting the popularity of their posts in their own country may not be the best way to counter foreign interference. That’s why we’re updating our inauthentic behavior policy to clarify how we deal with the range of deceptive practices we see on our platforms, whether foreign or domestic, state or non-state.

I think it would be interesting to hear your guys views on how you handle your site vs how Facebook does theirs, what you think they should be doing maybe.
Are you ok with Trump giving the Russians our citizens polling data that they then used to attack our vulnerable with online propaganda?
He's posting Russian memes that they have flooded Instagram with, he is doing their work for them, just like a traitor would. When does freedom of speech become treason (literal)?

40% of America still think Trump is OK and another 10% just can't swallow enough to stay on board, if Trump shut up and stopped tweeting his poll numbers would be over 50% inside a month, fuck the facts. America has death camps for minorities in it's future, the next Trump won't be nearly as stupid as this one, 40% of the population would be OK with exterminating 30%+ of the population. I think recent events make this very clear and only a fool would fail to apprehend the danger, it will be a fight to the death (literally) from here on out. If hate wins, it will quickly destroy America, the constitution would be powerless to stop it, Trump says it's phony anyway...
Joe: Senators Aren't Rushing To Attack Mitt Romney | Morning Joe | MSNBC
The president is chastising Republican lawmakers, Sen. Romney in particular, for not sufficiently defending him in the escalating impeachment fight. Aired on 10/22/19.
Bill Taylor’s testimony today is said to be the most damaging yet. The full testimony 15 pages long was posted on huffpost . Unfortunately I got to page 6 and there was an upload issue and couldn’t read the last pages. What I read was incredible detail of corruption and I have a feeling he might be the whistle blower being protected.
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I listened to an hour of Limbaugh today.

If you can stomach it, give it a try.

Some of the narrative...

The Obama administration was 100% incompetent & corrupt - the proof, Obama lied about "if you like your plan..." (I am not making this up) and the $151 billion in cash he gave to Iran (yes, he said $151 billion). The Trump administration is 100% competent and totally non-corrupt.

The Democrats are trying to have a coup. "The difference between the Democrats and the Republicans is that when they win elections, we play by the rules. We let them have their judicial appointments...". I nearly choked laughing.

"Even if you can't defend Donald Trump (why couldn't they defend him - he's 100% competent and honest?) this isn't about him. This is about stopping the Democrats from ripping up the Constitution!"

It's fucking amazing. Go to his website and read the transcripts. Use an incognito session.
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Joe: Senators Aren't Rushing To Attack Mitt Romney | Morning Joe | MSNBC
The president is chastising Republican lawmakers, Sen. Romney in particular, for not sufficiently defending him in the escalating impeachment fight. Aired on 10/22/19.
I am starting to think he might be removed from office or, at least, come very close. The lies they will spin to defend him will rival the Nazi's "Germany was not defeated on the battlefield, the Jews stabbed us in the back!"