Well-Known Member
What did you do to get locked in prison for, white power guyI cant change history, Buckaroo. But what I can do is treat others how I wish to be treated myself. Im proud of that too.
What did you do to get locked in prison for, white power guyI cant change history, Buckaroo. But what I can do is treat others how I wish to be treated myself. Im proud of that too.
What did you do to get locked in prison for, white power guy
My black friends and I robbed some white people. We got caught.
My black friends and I robbed some white people. We got caught.
I was. 20 years ago, did the crime, did the time. I got out, graduated college, made a successful business, have a great family. Hired a lawyer, got my felony expunged and all rights restored. Living a good life, my man.And you weren't charged with a felony?
My black friends and I.
I see accomplishments not skin color.
Im very proud to be white.
But isn't that what affirmative action is? It actually disables the level playing field making minorities more hireable than a white person with a better resume or qualifications.
I never participated in any of the events in history you reference.
Great work, buddy. Way to waste your time. Half of those comments were made sarcastically for bucky. But you get an A for effort.
The free square is smart cause it was going to happen at some point
I was. 20 years ago, did the crime, did the time. I got out, graduated college, made a successful business, have a great family. Hired a lawyer, got my felony expunged and all rights restored. Living a good life, my man.
True that, practice makes perfect. Im trying to catch up.I was shooting the whole time you weren't
There’s that undeniable bitter white supremacist coming outGreat work, buddy. Way to waste your time. Half of those comments were made sarcastically for bucky. But you get an A for effort.
Now go slap yourself in the face for being white. You nazi.
I thought of you as a level headed and educated person. One person doesn't speak for everyone. And some people who voted for trump are good people. I would like to include myself in that category. You calling out "trump supporters" as a whole is no worse than the prejudice you preach against. For a twitter comment to trigger you like that surprises me.
There are muslims who preach violence to non muslims, and blacks who want to kill white people. I find it hypocritical for people to condemn violence from one side but not violence or hate groups as a whole.
Same with any trump supporter who wishes bad on me because I voted for obama twice.