The Impeachment Of Donald Trump

Prepping is not very democratic lol. The far left is the party of free stuff,taking from the wealthy and giving to the poor,sharing everything including bathrooms haha.
@doublejj you sure about that statement "vote Republicans out" :roll:
Digging foxholes with a trencher sounds alot like trumps wall,why would a staunch democrat like yourself want to keep people from coming to your land?
Dont worry ,I'm sure buckles locks his door every night and has nightmares of some Russian troll asshat breaking it down to smash his face in lol.
First rule of prep club,dont talk about prep club;)
These idiots think the government will just take care of everything when disaster hits lmao.
Prepping is not very democratic lol. The far left is the party of free stuff,taking from the wealthy and giving to the poor,sharing everything including bathrooms haha.
@doublejj you sure about that statement "vote Republicans out" :roll:
Digging foxholes with a trencher sounds alot like trumps wall,why would a staunch democrat like yourself want to keep people from coming to your land?
Dont worry ,I'm sure buckles locks his door every night and has nightmares of some Russian troll asshat breaking it down to smash his face in lol.
First rule of prep club,dont talk about prep club;)
These idiots think the government will just take care of everything when disaster hits lmao.
And that's why you support Tusli Gabbard?

Lol. You suck at this.

You don't know jj.

I don't agree with him about foxholes but two people can disagree on something and both be right.
He is free to do as he wishes and he's no Trumper, he appears to live in special circumstances and has a lifestyle conducive to survival. When we are constantly obsessed with survival, it usually means we are not very happy, but worried about the future and are self absorbed. The bunker builders are fear driven and operating under delusion for the most part.

The average preper is a paranoid asshole and most often a Trumper. It's easy to get lumped in with them, if you are just trying to live an independent simple lifestyle. Being a part of a larger community is the key to survival in such circumstances, isolated communities would be to only ones to survive, they would kill their own lone wolves sooner or later.
As long as there is an us, you might survive as part of an isolated community, just remember the community part and ya might just make it. If you are over 50 though, health issues will probably do you in a doctor is of limited value with out the technology that stands behind him/her. Just remember, if food is scarce and helicopter fuel is available...
I'm fortunate to have a really good bunch of neighbors around me....pot farmers all of them. Most are self made and very independent and self reliant. Your right that health will be an major issue for everyone in times of disaster. Having a reliable source of clean water and waste sanitation is something that will drive millions from the cities very quickly. I was an army medic in Vietnam and still remember a few things about first aid, and my wife is a retired RN. Having a solar well with unlimited supply of clean water is our real ace in the hole.
I just try to encourage everyone to take responsibility for themselves, and everyone should be prepared for rainy days. Best of luck to you..
He is free to do as he wishes and he's no Trumper, he appears to live in special circumstances and has a lifestyle conducive to survival. When we are constantly obsessed with survival, it usually means we are not very happy, but worried about the future and are self absorbed. The bunker builders are fear driven and operating under delusion for the most part.

The average preper is a paranoid asshole and most often a Trumper. It's easy to get lumped in with them, if you are just trying to live an independent simple lifestyle. Being a part of a larger community is the key to survival in such circumstances, isolated communities would be to only ones to survive, they would kill their own lone wolves sooner or later.
Boy you sure changed your tune here quickly, careful now you need all the help you can get here lmao.
Pussy,typical sheeple wannabe psycho analyst lol
Call that the timmy Horton's doughnut ya did a lil 360 pivot there haha
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No I support her because I want to bang her,same reason you were so hot for Hillary last cycle haha:hump:
Psycho revenge sock and a Trumper, typical antisocial personality. Buck must have fucked you over real good, I'd like to hear him tell us how he did ya. You must have liked getting your butt reamed real good, cause yer here thirsting fur more like some horny twink.:D:D:D
Psycho revenge sock and a Trumper, typical antisocial personality. Buck must have fucked you over real good, I'd like to hear him tell us how he did ya. You must have liked getting your butt reamed real good, cause yer here thirsting fur more like some horny twink.:D:D:D
Finish apologizing to doublejj punk,you dont want none of this sizzle right now :hump:
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Boy you sure changed your tune here quickly, careful now you need all the help you can get here lmao.
Pussy,typical sheeple wannabe psycho analyst lol
Call that the timmy Horton's doughnut ya did a lil 360 pivot there haha
I'm self consistent about my beliefs and you are consistently an asshole. Knowing the intentions of others helps us to figure them out pretty quickly, just look at your intentions here, you are easy to figure out. I haven't bothered with you much because I figure the people around here like fucking you over when you post and they do every time too! To me fucking you over would be animal cruelty and I'm in training right now, so I need to limit such indulgences. Animals have hearts and you have none, so there is no heart to hurt, is there? It's still corrosive to my character though and since Trump and the GOP are finished, I don't really see the need. I still like to Troll the Trumpers and assholes like you though, so I need to do some more work on mellowing out!

A typical Tim Horton's donut has about 360 calories though and I don't eat too many. In fact since I've been practicing over an hour a day my self discipline has improved quite a bit, I've got a food journal on the go for a couple of weeks, I'm more active and haven't even had the slightest desire for a toke. Life is good and my heart is full of joy for the most part and I expect to form a local meditation group after the new year.
I'm fortunate to have a really good bunch of neighbors around me....pot farmers all of them. Most are self made and very independent and self reliant. Your right that health will be an major issue for everyone in times of disaster. Having a reliable source of clean water and waste sanitation is something that will drive millions from the cities very quickly. I was an army medic in Vietnam and still remember a few things about first aid, and my wife is a retired RN. Having a solar well with unlimited supply of clean water is our real ace in the hole.
I just try to encourage everyone to take responsibility for themselves, and everyone should be prepared for rainy days. Best of luck to you..
Sorry for any misunderstanding Doublejj, I respect veterans, they know how to put others before themselves, it's how we live our lives that matters and not what we leave behind. I like and respect an independent lifestyle, you are not one of the prepers of whom I speak, your just independent, as are your neighbors and friends. @Glovelove said I should, "finish apologizing to you" and I agree, it's also a good opportunity to show him how a man behaves, cause he can't figure it out on his own and never will.
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Sorry for any misunderstanding Doublejj, I respect veterans, they know how to put others before themselves, it's how we live our lives that matters and not what we leave behind. I like and respect an independent lifestyle, you are not one of the prepers of whom I speak, your just independent, as are your neighbors and friends. @Glovelove said I should, "finish apologizing to you" and I agree, it's also a good opportunity to show him how a man behaves, cause he can't figure it out on his own and never will.
No need to apologize brother....we're all here to help each other. I was just trying to raise awareness to what I see is a potential for real trouble in the near future. Trust me it's much easier to dig a foxhole before the shooting starts than laying flat on your of luck to all
As long as there is an us, you might survive as part of an isolated community, just remember the community part and ya might just make it. If you are over 50 though, health issues will probably do you in, a doctor is of limited value with out the technology that stands behind him/her. Just remember, if food is scarce and helicopter fuel is available... You are a Vietnam vet...
I'm not referring to the validity of his plan. I'm referring to your claim he lives in fear. You don't know the person if you make that claim.
A never Trumper former republican and patriot, this guy is sharp and a keen observer. Don't agree with him ideologically, but it's hard not to respect his personal integrity, opinions and arguments.
‘The Force of Trump’s Lying Has Ruptured the Space-Time Continuum’: Steve Schmidt on Impeachment
By James D. Walsh

Before his hiatus in January, Steve Schmidt was a fan favorite for many MSNBC viewers. As a lifelong Republican, his screeds on the political and constitutional morass of the Trump era had a special credibility for many MSNBC viewers. As a strategist, Schmidt advised the campaigns of George W. Bush, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and John McCain. He was as famous as a political strategist could be, thanks to Woody Harrelson’s portrayal of him in Game Change.

Schmidt was a charter member of the Never Trumpers and officially renounced his membership in the Republican Party last year, calling it “fully the party of Trump” and saying the GOP had become “corrupt, indecent, and immoral.”

Last week, Schmidt returned to MSNBC after an eight-month hiatus, which included a stint as an advisor to Howard Schultz’s brief and inglorious flirtation with a third-party run. Intelligencer caught up with Schmidt on the phone this week and asked him about impeachment, the Schultz debacle, and the Democratic field.

A few days ago you said that we’ve entered the “consequences stage” of the presidency. What are the consequences you foresee?

I think what’s missing from the coverage in the middle of all of the chaos that Trump produces, and the daily drama that emanates from this White House, is the degree to which Trump has been an extremely consequential president. There is an argument to be made that he is the most consequential president since FDR, because he is systematically unraveling, at an extremely fast pace, the U.S.-led global order that was architected by FDR, built by Harry Truman, and maintained from Eisenhower through Obama. And everywhere around the world, all of the countries and all of the groups that we don’t want to see winning on the field of geopolitics — Iran, Hezbollah, ISIS, Al Qaeda, Russia, Turkey — are advancing while American interests are retreating.

He has completely remade the American presidency through his debasements of its traditions. He has pitted the country against each other in a cold civil war and he is the first president purposefully who, with each and every utterance, he seeks to incite and divide as opposed to unifying around core principles. He is attacking and degrading our institutions and the concepts of the rule of law that are necessary for the maintenance of the constitutional republic from within. He is utterly infidelitous to his oath to preserve, protect, and strengthen the Constitution of the United States. That makes him, not a clown and a joke, but a dangerous and profoundly consequential figure. I caveat “consequential” by saying it’s not a celebratory statement — it’s one of alarm.

There are people out there who make the argument that his presidency, so far, is also proof that the framework or system is working. Whether it’s his attempt to roll back health care or even backing down from the G7 at Doral, but from your perspective his presidency is proof it’s cracking. Where is the weakness?

The Doral example is a singular instance of retreat amongst hundreds of examples of heretofore unacceptable acts of corruption and self-dealing and enrichment in the use of the office. He has thoroughly remade the presidency. He has shattered the systems and the boundaries and the protections that exist within the system around the president and he has made the country weaker and more isolated and assaulted the values that the country at its best stands for.

Is he going to face consequences?

If you read Federalist 65 and 66 — what the Founders wrote, what Alexander Hamilton wrote, about the importance of impeachment, which he advocated for — it was a protection against a president who is described in perfect detail by Hamilton: Someone who abuses the public trust. The standard isn’t criminal, it’s political. It’s high crimes and misdemeanors. It’s about abuse of power. So Trump has forced a question. And the question is: Does Donald Trump get to ride above the law? Does he get to do whatever he wants? Can he target, through the power of his office, Americans for persecution for political reasons because of political differences? Or is the co-equal branch of government constitutionally obligated to begin a process to correct the abuse of power that was built into the system by the geniuses who established the American republic?

I think that Nancy Pelosi is exactly correct. She said that Donald Trump had left them no choice but to move forward with the impeachment inquiry. Whether that leads to an impeachment should be done on the facts and the basis of evidence and should accord Trump every due process protection that he’s entitled to.

But there’s certainly a scenario where Trump could be impeached, acquitted in the Senate, and reelected. And an impeached, acquitted, and then reelected Donald Trump is a Donald Trump without any constraints on him. I think that would be extremely dangerous. I think that one thing that’s missing from all the coverage is the possibility that Donald Trump could be reelected. It’s not talked a great deal about speculatively. You look at the standings right now, he has a historic cash advantage. Republicans have a significant technology advantage. Most Americans have made their minds up and this will be a very narrowly decided election.

At the same time, just yesterday there was a poll that said for the first time 50 percent of Americans believe in going forward with this impeachment hearing. So there is evidence of sentiment changing.

What the polling indicates is growing majority awareness that he crossed a line that he had not yet crossed and that his behavior warrants, if not impeachment, an impeachment inquiry. I think it’s a mistake to interpret that number as fixed, concertized, or that there’s a popular mandate to remove Donald Trump from office. Impeachment we know, even if you believe like I do, that it’s mandated, that it’s duty-required. A very careful examination of the facts, and what we understand to be true here. On the testimony, that none of this has been made public, accounts from behind closed doors, that is insufficient evidence of wrongdoing. All of this will need to play out at the appropriate time and the appropriate moment. The American people are extremely troubled by this behavior and understand this to be an abuse of power, but what it doesn’t mean is that Americans have reached the conclusion that he needs to be removed from office. It doesn’t account for the tremendous division that will accompany this.
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I'm not referring to the validity of his plan. I'm referring to your claim he lives in fear. You don't know the person if you make that claim.
You are correct, I misspoke and made amends. He is not a typical preper, he is independent.

Prepers live in fear, as do most gun nuts and all such prepers are gun nuts too. Along with the horde of food is a cache of weapons and a lot of ammo, more bullets than beans in most cases.
Everyone’s favorite Tweet Twat bringing Saturday‘s latest ......


President Donald Trump is scheduled to spend the weekend at Camp David for the event celebrating his daughter and son-in-law, according to the White House official. The White House official told CNN the anniversary party is being paid for personally by the couple, stating that "expenses at Camp David are covered by the family. Jared and Ivanka will be paying out of pocket."

But the President tweeted Saturday that he would be the one paying for the wedding anniversary.
SURE YOU WILL ..... While your at it pay the security costs you fucked most cities out of for your rallies.

Trump to make a 'major statement' on Sunday - White House

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump plans to make a "major statement" at the White House at 9 a.m. EST (1300 GMT) on Sunday, White House spokesman Hogan Gidley said late on Saturday.

Gidley gave no further details, and it was unclear what the topic of Trump's statement might be.

There was speculation, however, that Trump might have news about Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the elusive militant who has been the subject of an international manhunt for years.

The president gave an indication that something was afoot earlier on Saturday night when he tweeted without explanation, "Something very big has just happened!"

Trump has been frustrated by the U.S. news media's heavy focus on the Democratic-led impeachment inquiry, which he calls an illegitimate witch hunt.

He has also faced withering criticism from both Republicans and Democrats alike for his U.S. troop withdrawal from northeastern Syria, which permitted Turkey to attack America's Kurdish allies.

Trump was expected to make the statement in the White House Diplomatic Reception Room, which he has used to make a number of major announcements.

Just last week he used the same room to announce that a ceasefire between Turkey and the Kurds had taken hold.

Another business as usual DEFLECTION to his presidential troubles no doubt. Unconfirmed statements ( lies ) as with deficit ,
trade with China momentum, Colorado wall , accomplishments, etc ... ( verbal diarrhea ) .

Dad Fred Trump should have left the jizz stain on floor instead of birthing a world wide dumbfuck ...

Read he was gonna divorce Melanie and marry Mitch McConnell...
Prepping is not very democratic lol. The far left is the party of free stuff,taking from the wealthy and giving to the poor,sharing everything including bathrooms haha.
@doublejj you sure about that statement "vote Republicans out" :roll:
Digging foxholes with a trencher sounds alot like trumps wall,why would a staunch democrat like yourself want to keep people from coming to your land?
Dont worry ,I'm sure buckles locks his door every night and has nightmares of some Russian troll asshat breaking it down to smash his face in lol.
First rule of prep club,dont talk about prep club;)
These idiots think the government will just take care of everything when disaster hits lmao.
Stooge how TF do manage to survive? A human sporting a rodent brain is very halloweenish. But when halloween passes its back to a vile, brutally ignorant leechsel.

Your beliefs and (mis)understandings sound like a demented, intolerant senior citizen from the previous century. Your thoughts, as dull as they are harmless, disposable and immediately forgettable, serve only as fodder for your own humiliation.

Trump to make a 'major statement' on Sunday - White House

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump plans to make a "major statement" at the White House at 9 a.m. EST (1300 GMT) on Sunday, White House spokesman Hogan Gidley said late on Saturday.

Gidley gave no further details, and it was unclear what the topic of Trump's statement might be.

There was speculation, however, that Trump might have news about Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the elusive militant who has been the subject of an international manhunt for years.

The president gave an indication that something was afoot earlier on Saturday night when he tweeted without explanation, "Something very big has just happened!"

Trump has been frustrated by the U.S. news media's heavy focus on the Democratic-led impeachment inquiry, which he calls an illegitimate witch hunt.

He has also faced withering criticism from both Republicans and Democrats alike for his U.S. troop withdrawal from northeastern Syria, which permitted Turkey to attack America's Kurdish allies.

Trump was expected to make the statement in the White House Diplomatic Reception Room, which he has used to make a number of major announcements.

Just last week he used the same room to announce that a ceasefire between Turkey and the Kurds had taken hold.

Another business as usual DEFLECTION to his presidential troubles no doubt. Unconfirmed statements ( lies ) as with deficit ,
trade with China momentum, Colorado wall , accomplishments, etc ... ( verbal diarrhea ) .

Dad Fred Trump should have left the jizz stain on floor instead of birthing a world wide dumbfuck ...

Read he was gonna divorce Melanie and marry Mitch McConnell...
For a joyous moment i imagined that the announcement could be The Swine Will Resign


"im not a crook"