The Insidious Effect of Political Correctness by Dr. Ben Carson

words have meanings, ya know.

when you call some kid who is walking home from the store with skittles and iced tea who has never been in a fight in his entire life a "thug", that's pretty clearly coded speech.

when you call someone with a violent and uncontrollable temper who will attack at the slightest provocation a thug, that's a proper usage of the word. especially when that person has tried to smash his momma's head in with a hammer, inflicted a classmate with a serious head injury, and attempted to stab a friend to death over the radio station they were listening to.

see how that works?

i properly apply the word. you and your buddies over in politics 2.1 abuse and rape the word for your own coded racial reasons.

why don't you go scurry back to that shithole where you belong.
In no way is Dr. Carson a thug. You are a racist. I think your upset that you can't go over to politics 2.1 and call people names. How very childish of you.
Can we have one damn discussion without the race card being played? We're all in this together. For the Buck ups, the issue is political correctness which is dumbing down America. Not race, ya retards. Keep your fuckin' racist fixations and thoughts to yourself Uncle Buck. It's getting old.

What a fuckin' waste of time this place is.

i only mentioned facts about the welfare baby, affirmative action using, inner city detroit THUG in your OP.

canna and winter came in screaming that facts are racist.
In no way is Dr. Carson a thug.

what about the time he tried to smash his momma in the head with a hammer because of his choice of clothes?

what about the time he tried to stab someone to death over a radio station?

what about the "major head injury" he inflicted on a classmate over a locker?

ben carson is an inner city detroit THUG, and a product of welfare and affirmative action.
what about the time he tried to smash his momma in the head with a hammer because of his choice of clothes?

what about the time he tried to stab someone to death over a radio station?

what about the "major head injury" he inflicted on a classmate over a locker?

ben carson is an inner city detroit THUG, and a product of welfare and affirmative action.
The man rose above the issues he had by being raised by an illiterate single mother. He is now a world renowned pediatric neurosurgeon and professor of neurosurgery, oncology, plastic surgery and pediatrics and he was the director of pedi neurosurgery and John Hopkins.

If that is a thug to you then something is wrong in your head.

You are still a racist.
The man rose above the issues he had by being raised by an illiterate single mother. He is now a world renowned pediatric neurosurgeon and professor of neurosurgery, oncology, plastic surgery and pediatrics and he was the director of pedi neurosurgery and John Hopkins.

If that is a thug to you then something is wrong in your head.

You are still a racist.

sociopaths make great doctors and lawyers, ya know.

once a THUG, always a THUG.
The liberals have copied the communist strategy to eliminate opposing speech and viewpoints .
It is in fact an attack on America. Its #1 targets are Christianity, morals and
non liberals with an emphasis on white males.

It is often seen on this forum , and can be readily identified in most common liberal narcissistic personality disorders.
The PC indoctrinated tend to unknowingly evolve into racists and bigots.
The liberals have copied the communist strategy to eliminate opposing speech and viewpoints .
It is in fact an attack on America, Its #1 targets are Christianity,morals and
non liberals with an emphasis on white males.

It is often seen on this forum , and can be readily identified in most common liberal narcissistic personality disorders.
The PC indoctrinated tend to unknowingly involve into racists and bigots.

you poor white christian males. it must really be tough with all that persecution you face as a white christian male. blacks don't even act as grateful to you as they should.

poor you.
what about the time he tried to smash his momma in the head with a hammer because of his choice of clothes?

what about the time he tried to stab someone to death over a radio station?

what about the "major head injury" he inflicted on a classmate over a locker?

ben carson is an inner city detroit THUG, and a product of welfare and affirmative action.

I would say that this man is the one out of six African Americans that has an IQ above the average white American IQ. He in fact, is probably well above the average white IQ.

That in mind, he was born emerged in his native culture, and bashing skulls and the like is the natural tendency of a population where the males have 16% higher levels of free testosterone. Aggression.

But he was smart, he looked around and decided he as surrounded by idiots, and decided not to be like them.

So he emulated other cultures and placed some value on hard work and education. As a result he is a success.

End of story.
you poor white christian males. it must really be tough with all that persecution you face as a white christian male. blacks don't even act as grateful to you as they should.

poor you.

he liberals have copied the communist strategy to eliminate opposing speech and viewpoints .
It is in fact an attack on America. Its #1 targets are Christianity, morals and
non liberals with an emphasis on white males.

I am in know way responding to this user but instead wish to demonstrate a
text book example of the issue being discussed. Without being offensive can any
of you point out the PC indoctrinated drivel and racism in the above post as well as the
attempt to quell the speech of others

You may refer to the bold text as referenced above to help you recognize this vile disease.

he liberals have copied the communist strategy to eliminate opposing speech and viewpoints .
It is in fact an attack on America. Its #1 targets are Christianity, morals and
non liberals with an emphasis on white males.

I am in know way responding to this user but instead wish to demonstrate a
text book example of the issue being discussed. Without being offensive can any
of you point out the PC indoctrinated drivel and racism in the above post as well as the
attempt to quell the speech of others

You may refer to the bold text as referenced above to help you recognize this vile disease.

alright then, let's put it in bold and see if that helps.

you poor, christian white males. it must be so difficult to be a christian white male in america not only nowadays, but historically as well.
alright then, let's put it in bold and see if that helps.

you poor, christian white males. it must be so difficult to be a christian white male in america not only nowadays, but historically as well.

It is important to recognize how the PC indoctrinated individual attempts to distract
us from the disease by spamming.
Forum members please know the above distraction from fact
is once again an attempt from the liberal/communist playbook
to stifle speech.

As we all can see I didn't double post but instead re posted a small
part and requested rollitup members use it as a reference to help recognize
the pc/communism going on

it is again noted the user attempts to distract with repeated spams and lies
in a desperate attempt to distract from reality.
The liberals have copied the communist strategy to eliminate opposing speech and viewpoints .
It is in fact an attack on America. Its #1 targets are Christianity, morals and
non liberals with an emphasis on white males.

The liberals have copied the communist strategy to eliminate opposing speech and viewpoints .
It is in fact an attack on America. Its #1 targets are Christianity, morals and
non liberals with an emphasis on white males.

It is important to recognize how the PC indoctrinated individual attempts to distract
us from the disease by spamming.

Forum members please know the above distraction from fact
is once again an attempt from the liberal/communist playbook
to stifle is again noted the user attempts to distract with repeated spams and lies
in a desperate attempt to distract from reality.

reported as spam.
I think a lot of PC is over the top...still societal intolerance for words and behaviors is a self leveling fluid...
- at one time it was OK to shit in your cave...we evolved
- at one time it was OK to screw your hairy cave woman in front of the kids ...we evolved
- now we find offence in every crevice, word or behavior and enforce it with real world punishments...

I'm not saying its OK to use the N'word without retaliation...i just wonder if you should be fired for using it 20yrs ago...

this thing will eventually work itself out....