Well-Known Member
And did your coverage change? Perhaps it became more difficult for them to drop you in the event of serious medical issues?
perhaps? that's codified into law now.
And did your coverage change? Perhaps it became more difficult for them to drop you in the event of serious medical issues?
perhaps? that's codified into law now.
And did your coverage change? Perhaps it became more difficult for them to drop you in the event of serious medical issues?
Nope. Blue Shield sent me a letter explaining that the new regulations set in place for PPACA increased their previous costs. For 8 years it was only $12.
I actually have less coverage. Besides the $7 hike, I now have to get meds only through mail, and can't use a pharmacy anymore.
Nope. Blue Shield sent me a letter explaining that the new regulations set in place for PPACA increased their previous costs. For 8 years it was only $12.
I actually have less coverage. Besides the $7 hike, I now have to get meds only through mail, and can't use a pharmacy anymore.
what tactics?
ben carson is a THUG. that's a fact.
i'm sorry you don't like my tactic of stating facts.
Holy Cow Buck, sincere thanks for enabling me to say I told you so... (even though I do not think you were a member back in those days.) It looks like I was too lenient in my predictions of failure on the part of the whiz-bang genius in the White House. He has clearly exceeded my most dire predictions of feckless ineptitude. Thanks Bucky, you have reinforced the validity of those long ago concerns and now accurate predictions. It appears that I was much more than correct, this bozo of a POTUS is on his way to achieving his distinct place in history as the biggest dummy ever to have held the office of POTUS. His pathological mendacity rolls off of you as water off of a duck. And your desperate and silly defense of his blinding stupidity and incessant prevarications is paving the way for the Republican party and all of those smelly old white guys (whose graves you were gleefully dancing upon less than six months ago) to regain control of the Senate! And barring any unforeseen political development, the White House. Well done, Obama sycophants all....outstanding!weren't you baboons spewing the same nonsense before obama got reelected in yet another electoral landslide?
yep, you sure were. and i have the (lol) copy and pastes from you to prove it.
nice job, waffle.
at least that wasn't a copy and paste, although no less retarded than your current agenda driven rhetoric.
still waiting on that stagflation, oh master of predictions that NEVER come true.
you just can' help yourself from repeating the talking points. too easily duped, you are.
i can keep going with these.
not sure why this came up, but very interesting how you make such nasty and personal judgments on the president without EVER naming an actual policy position (strike 1), the way you derisively sneer at him as a "community organizer" in the same way a stormfront member would (strike 2), and now your support for the most racist figure in american politics (strike three) tells us everything we need to know about why YOU hate the president so much.
it's skin deep.
nah more pressing things..topping in texas and supercropping in texasThat would seem obvious, you are still unwilling to come out and actually engage in conversation about your little chainmail bombs. Wavel, it seems that the past is the past doesn't apply to Obama and his "past" associations. Why is that?
Holy Cow Buck, sincere thanks for enabling me to say I told you so... (even though I do not think you were a member back in those days.) It looks like I was too lenient in my predictions of failure on the part of the whiz-bang genius in the White House. He has clearly exceeded my most dire predictions of feckless ineptitude. Thanks Bucky, you have reinforced the validity of those long ago concerns and now accurate predictions. It appears that I was much more than correct, this bozo of a POTUS is on his way to achieving his distinct place in history as the biggest dummy ever to have held the office of POTUS. His pathological mendacity rolls off of you as water off of a duck. And your desperate and silly defense of his blinding stupidity and incessant prevarications is paving the way for the Republican party and all of those smelly old white guys (whose graves you were gleefully dancing upon less than six months ago) to regain control of the Senate! And barring any unforeseen political development, the White House. Well done, Obama sycophants all....outstanding!
Carson is a doctor of the highest order.
You're a thug of the lowest order.
And therein lies the key to the upcoming Progressive Waterloo.if all of this is true and you were saying it back in 2010, then how the hell did he get reelected in an electoral landslide (yet again)?
reality hates you.
And therein lies the key to the upcoming Progressive Waterloo.
It is now 2014.
Wake up and get a clue, or not...lol
so tell me about how well democrats do historically in low turnout midterm elections while holding the presidency then.
fucking a thesaurus won't erase history.
So is this to be construed as your concession?
Seems a little premature.
So, you are therefore asserting that a two-term POTUS always loses control of the house and senate in the midterms?
You better check that out a little.
Why is there going to be "low turnout"?
I wonder how you know that this "low turnout" is seemingly inevitable?
What happened to Hope and Change?
Enjoying that "Hope and Change", are we?
So... single payer healthcare?
Calling someone a thug is code for calling someone the n word. That makes you a racist.