The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
I ordered from attitude on Friday for the firtst time during their June promotion,spent 90 odd quid including p&p and got 10 free fems.
If you order with attitude put 420 into the discount code box for 10% off,the code is courtesy of mdjenks.

The last order I made with the Irish seedbank was about 3 weeks ago and I got 5 fem Venus from Nirvana for 15 euro.


Well-Known Member
cool, just wanted to make sure they were legit and that. there deal discount video is from march! Im going to bed man, night! thanks again for all your help. :)


Well-Known Member
got the wife a recommendation for insomnia and pms tension. Right after we went to the green door and we both got a free pre rolled spliff of grandaddy purple.



Well-Known Member
yeah we were bombed after that. not sure if you irish boys are familiar with the rapper 2 chainz but a couple hours after we left the dispensary he came and on his way out he got robbed. He is famous in the states and he is from atlanta. Show your ass in SF and you get served.

[video=youtube;liZm1im2erU][/video] 2 chainz is the guy doing the chorus. he is the one with all the gold on his neck.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Of course it's wrong that it happened but with those big flashy chains the rappers wear he was asking for it,I'm sure he stood out like a sore thumb.
Thought most of those guys have security with them wherever they go.


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah he had an entourage with him but when a few dudes with guns roll up on you what are going to do plus the mission district is the hispanic hood, not all of it is bad especially where he was at but like you said he was showing off and the street thugs don't like that especially from outsiders. I don't agree with it either but it happens he is just lucky he wasn't across the bay in oakland he would have probably been shot or even worse killed.


Well-Known Member
Those rappers are some of the biggest assholes on the planet and I can see how the ordinary street hood is not gonna like to see them acting the maggot on their patch.
I thought SF was acity of lovers not fighters:)


Well-Known Member
Those rappers are some of the biggest assholes on the planet and I can see how the ordinary street hood is not gonna like to see them acting the maggot on their patch.
I thought SF was acity of lovers not fighters:)
Most of SF is very cool but you have the mission, hunters point, and bay view. Like any big city it has its bad parts.


Well-Known Member
According to one of those articles he wasn't co-operative with the cops and told them he wanted to handle it himself.
I can definitely understand why he would want to,his pride and ego dented and all but WTF can he do about it,I'd say absolutely nothing at a guess.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
gotta say ae that i didnt enjoy the 4th season of underbelly m8, fuck it was almost like a musical at points all that silly music cut over the scenes, also thought it was cheaply made they didnt have the budget to go back to the 20s-30s and make it realistic, and the accents ffs lolol 1st 3 seasons loved but that 4th was a disapointment.

always good to see lozac anywhere, that man created the monster that is the uk thread lmao

didn`t bother with series 4 sambo, sorry dude or i would hav mentioned.. that other thing is on its way and thats all good .....from start to finish, well so far theres new series starting soon..