The Irish Growers Thread!

how is everyone? good I hope! I am just enjoying my day off for the 4th our independence day, hitting up some green crack which is an up high and not to overpowering good to go out and see the sights and celebrations can't wait to get zuted for the fire works I think I may roll a blunt for that.
well we`ll see if the theroy is right about "happpy wife-happy life"... just got photoshop working (thanks fx) on herselfs lappy, and see she was like a thundering cunt earlier so now she has her 900 euro toy....

(no i did in my arse pay for it, i`m a member of a weed growing site after all)

torrentèd it from our favorite site tpb...;)
how is everyone? good I hope! I am just enjoying my day off for the 4th our independence day, hitting up some green crack which is an up high and not to overpowering good to go out and see the sights and celebrations can't wait to get zuted for the fire works I think I may roll a blunt for that.

your ears musta been burning i was just going to say you haven`t been about... happy 4th by the way buddy...
how is everyone? good I hope! I am just enjoying my day off for the 4th our independence day, hitting up some green crack which is an up high and not to overpowering good to go out and see the sights and celebrations can't wait to get zuted for the fire works I think I may roll a blunt for that.
Happy 4th roll one for us
that would have broken my heart to do... and i mean tears and all...

think i`m looking at solid 9 week finishers... which is such a relief after the lemmon haze for so long, these seem to be flying out of it...

was at the veggies earlier, birds have eaten half of all the red strawberrys on the kids, not even eating them all, the bastards.... how goes you own...
I was just wondering today if birds eat berries from tree/bushes. Unlucky on that one, those fresh red strawberries picked at the right time are to die for! Have you seen how expensive they are in shops, crazy money for something so easy to grow :( Things are quiet on this end, got about 100 bok choi/100 cabbage seedlings started. The plot should be more full fairly soon! I'd love to be able to start this amount of cannabis seedlngs but the lads wouldn't take too kindly to it :p
its the kids that are rageing, as each ripe one is half eaten and they were so looking forward to them, but alls not lost we still have a fair percentage of green ones so have them well wrapped in straw and i`ll have to get a small tunnel tomorrow for them..
@ fred where u just using perlite for seeds? perlite is a fast draining substrate so ur seeds would dry out. vermiculite is better for seeds. best of all is ordinary compost. people are going to too much trouble with seeds just plant keep moist and warm, thats all thats required. ive had 99.9% success rate with this method.

I put the seeds into rapid rooters,spread a half inch layer or perlite along the bottom of the propagator and dampen that.
I have it here but haven't watched it yet.
Have you watched the Dark Knight?

downloaded it for herself an me to watch over the last few spliffs of this harvest, shes away to bed like a cunt, so looks like i`ll be watching it on my todd... wouldn`t mind but i got her the photshop and all, tought that would have shut her up hahahaha...