The Irish Growers Thread!

They are dead as dodo's, the top half of the stems, leaves and cotys just dried out and shrivelled up.
Jay could be right and maybe it was to do with the unwashed perlite affecting then ph, anyway next germination will be the idiot proof way in a damp paper towel.
bahahahahaha....idiot proof... you trying to say something....hahahaha...

there are shit loads of ways to germ, but yeah the paper towel suits me and always works, think harrekin favors the glass or water , dark press type, and didn`t someone bite there seeds before setting them in water???

or kangs easy way of straight into soil.. its all good once they take off, pity you have had a run of bad luck fred, but i think in the long run you`ll be a better grower for it, and as they say... no such thing as a free education...
I always germed with the paper towel and had 100% germ rate then I got this propagator and started losing loads of seeds but all except two or three died as seedlings, the others didn't germ at all.
I wouldn't consider myself an experienced grower but experienced enough not to lose so many so I do feel like the idiot, got complacent perhaps.
Gonna feed the LSD's today and not going to filter the water to see how they get on with pure spring.

something with a bit of culture, just to raise the tone of the thread..;)

hey we all have bad run`s, some fight def`s and lockouts all the way through, others get to the final stage of flower and they go hermi, so maybe you saved yourself hasstle looseing them early, glass half full and all that...;)

feed them say a little now, little this eve and another drop before sleep, so if they don`t like it you`ll notice the difference and can stop before theres damage done... i do think they should be fine fred, and wouldn`t worry about every little burn or spot on a leave, its damn hard to get a plant through the cycle without a leaf being affected here and there..
Was the HH one of the plants you had to move?
Perhaps the stress hermied her.

yep, thats what i`m leaning toward aswell, the 2 week re-veg just didn`t take to some, and even tho they showed fem preflowers you can never know just how they`ll take it, lucky tho i still have some good plants to clone from...
They are dead as dodo's, the top half of the stems, leaves and cotys just dried out and shrivelled up.
Jay could be right and maybe it was to do with the unwashed perlite affecting then ph, anyway next germination will be the idiot proof way in a damp paper towel.

Could be that or your propagator could be getting too warm for them....
Gutted for you, least you have defo 3 ladies though..

3 og kush and 3 hh so should get yeild jay, how much and if they get seeded after the bro`s hermi bitch, and of course the weekend i was away she showed nanners ... just hope i got it out in time, it looked like imature balls so fingers crossed..

hows your comeing along, you flowering?

something with a bit of culture, just to raise the tone of the thread..;)

hey we all have bad run`s, some fight def`s and lockouts all the way through, others get to the final stage of flower and they go hermi, so maybe you saved yourself hasstle looseing them early, glass half full and all that...;)

feed them say a little now, little this eve and another drop before sleep, so if they don`t like it you`ll notice the difference and can stop before theres damage done... i do think they should be fine fred, and wouldn`t worry about every little burn or spot on a leave, its damn hard to get a plant through the cycle without a leaf being affected here and there..
That's what I'll do, one of the LSD's has a def, from pics I've seen it looks like molybdenum def and apparently is caused by ph that's off, her sister has gotten the same and is helathy and green, one is Sat dominant and the other is more indica looking so that might explain it as well so I'm thinking the spring water won't do no harm.
I just downloaded a 15 disc set of Ennio Morricone music, was almost 5gigs,he was playing in Dublin recently I think but the tickets were 160 yo yo's
Could be that or your propagator could be getting too warm for them....
I wondered about the heat from 8w and the tray only feels slightly warm to the touch, anyway just ordered 3 sweet cheese autos from the Irish seed bank.I'm gagging for a smoke must be at least 3 months.
try mandarin chineese..hahahahaha...

wanted to go to to ennio but couldn`t afford it, shame too cause he`ll probably never come again..
try mandarin chineese..hahahahaha...

wanted to go to to ennio but couldn`t afford it, shame too cause he`ll probably never come again..

I'm just about getting used to English.
I thought about going as well but adding up 50 for the train, 160 for the ticket and probably a night in a hotel plus food etc and you have a dear day out.
same boat here fred, the cost alone for the night would feed the household for three weeks, and i just couldn`t afford to go, much as i would have loved too....

i don`t know chineese either but a girl i used to go out with was studying it to be a translator, sorry to say it but i can`t even speak irish, and as you can tell from my spelling on here, i also am not too good at the english hahahaha....

popping the lemmon haze now, to keep the flow going in the room, think i`ll pop ten as there regs i`m bound too loose some, and with my luck theres no chance they`ll all be fems....
You wouldn't know and hopefully you'll have a few fems at least.
Never learned Irish either, left school at 14 but thought I knew it all:)
The cost of Ennio would be hard to justify alright.
Can't get over the price of the cambelt kits, the belt itself is only a few quid
I just had a quick look on a couple of websites that check the prices in a few different places so there could have been a quote from a main stealer in there, anyway prices ranged from 160-180 for the kit,tensioners, pulleys etc
I just had a quick look on a couple of websites that check the prices in a few different places so there could have been a quote from a main stealer in there, anyway prices ranged from 160-180 for the kit,tensioners, pulleys etc

the fit is just a belt tensioner and a bolt for said tensioner.... i`d chance the local maindealer, jus sometimes you can get lucky.. i know sumps for the vw golfs and that are cheaper in maindealer than motor factors... but thats a fault with them so rather than do a recall you get the bits cheap...

is that a kit for your nissan? as an import you might need to dig a bit deeper, with engine codes and sometimes you even have to have the belt off to ensure the amount of teeth on it are the same, you can be out as much as ten teeth or as little as one sometimes with imports..

and depending on engine code it might even be a timeing chain model, micras have chain driven engines so they pop up anywhere....