The Irish Growers Thread!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
lovely day here all day.
got lots done

got a small job, clutch on a 1.4 car. well what should be a small job, every nut and bolt has fought its way, the long drive is seized solid in its carrier bearing so won`t come ou of the bo, and so the box is seizd ono the engine, havent got it in me yet to be jumping up and down from under the car to under the bonnet to wiggle the box loose, and hospital tomorrow so looks like wednesday (if its dry) will have to do...


Well-Known Member
got a small job, clutch on a 1.4 car. well what should be a small job, every nut and bolt has fought its way, the long drive is seized solid in its carrier bearing so won`t come ou of the bo, and so the box is seizd ono the engine, havent got it in me yet to be jumping up and down from under the car to under the bonnet to wiggle the box loose, and hospital tomorrow so looks like wednesday (if its dry) will have to do...
told u sledge hammer.


Well-Known Member
Just looking at ioffer website and looks like Ebay except even dodgier, stuff is sent straight from chine and all fakes by the looks of it

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
not one for those kid of sites even ebay, i need the things for free, like apps and te like of what we just been through, all so it won`t cos a fortune in tokens o keep herself happy...

that an films, easy fix`s etc the web is brilliant for...

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member

heres one with the subs.... not as good in places but better in others than the first film...


Well-Known Member

heres one with the subs.... not as good in places but better in others than the first film...
yeah I've seen it n the 1st was waaaaay better. Remember the nerd guy that freaked out at the start...from then on I was sold lol awesome flick. They invite a serial killer into battle royal 2 some creepy fella lol
Cadbury cream eggs have gotten waaaaay smaller, fecking cowboys

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
so has all there bars... getting away with murder them lot, even bags of crisps ave gotten that bit lighter... few tayto in the bag is all you get....


Well-Known Member
Ur bang on there mate, a Twix use to be 85g now mother fucking 50g...some men like to watch the world burn!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
bit of an update:

so theres three plants in there all females, out of the three theres some great looking phenos, one is indica dominant with the broad fingers and one is sativa dominant with the thin finger like leaves, the last one is a mix of the two...

the first, lets call her plant A (indica), is of decent size for her young age @ about 15inchs tall, great colour and structure and has begun to flower in ernest....

plant B (sativa), is the same in height but with more of a gap between nodes, and the top has begun to turn white... now they can turn slightly pale around the flowering head when they begin to flower but this is white, white... almost begining to worry about her at this stage, puting it down to the severe drop in temp as i`ve noticed a slight purp in the beginings of the flowers..

plan C ... what can ii say, shes smaller, @ half the size of the others, and at least a week behind the other two flowering wise other than that shes good tho....

vegging pots all look good, great colour and that but held back with the temps at the minute...