The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
bit of an update:

so theres three plants in there all females, out of the three theres some great looking phenos, one is indica dominant with the broad fingers and one is sativa dominant with the thin finger like leaves, the last one is a mix of the two...

the first, lets call her plant A (indica), is of decent size for her young age @ about 15inchs tall, great colour and structure and has begun to flower in ernest....

plant B (sativa), is the same in height but with more of a gap between nodes, and the top has begun to turn white... now they can turn slightly pale around the flowering head when they begin to flower but this is white, white... almost begining to worry about her at this stage, puting it down to the severe drop in temp as i`ve noticed a slight purp in the beginings of the flowers..

plan C ... what can ii say, shes smaller, @ half the size of the others, and at least a week behind the other two flowering wise other than that shes good tho....

vegging pots all look good, great colour and that but held back with the temps at the minute...
throw some pics up next time ur out there mate I wanna seee. My tallest is about 12-15 inches n the rest are catching up.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
throw some pics up next time ur out there mate I wanna seee. My tallest is about 12-15 inches n the rest are catching up.
found my sd card (small and all as it is) and the dongle of the said card bt the phone it fits is nowhere to be seen just yet.. will do tho, soon as its found...


Well-Known Member
found my sd card (small and all as it is) and the dongle of the said card bt the phone it fits is nowhere to be seen just yet.. will do tho, soon as its found...
no worries buddy ill be throwing more up during the week. Id thrown up a great before n after with my dog after she nearly died from thirst n then an hour later back like nothing happened lol

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
funny how that works is`nt it, bit of water and there right as rain... better that problem than watering and no reply from the plant... man theres so many ways for it too go wrong we been haveing it easy really, me with me cold and you wiht your plant abuse hahahahahaha....


Well-Known Member
Yeah I've been lucky bud but since its my first run I've been trying as much as possible to see what fits me but fuck they love a bit of abuse n all the problems I've seen with noobs is over doing everything so im doing the opposite n its working lol lovely bushy bitches I got n their only yellow on the leafs I've damaged in some way (sausage fingers) when man handling em...ive even dropped the pots a few times haha.


Well-Known Member
nah, haven't got anything on the go atm. Got some autos I wana try. Gotta wait for the weather to get a bit better.I always have major problems with slugs, so often im left without a crop. :(


Well-Known Member
Oh n once the time cones for vegetables ill be attacking you for tips mate, im really looking forward to some veg might even go mad n do some cabbage.


Well-Known Member
nah, haven't got anything on the go atm. Got some autos I wana try. Gotta wait for the weather to get a bit better.I always have major problems with slugs, so often im left without a crop. :(
you Irish? Wtf are U doing growing outdoors in Ireland lol what autos U got ? I got a freebie dinagem auto widow imma throw in next run for some early yum yums


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah! Got auto mazar atm. Like I said though, last few years slugs keep getting them! you need strains that are mould resistant, but cos autos have ruderalis in them, theyre often really good.


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah! Got auto mazar atm. Like I said though, last few years slugs keep getting them! you need strains that are mould resistant, but cos autos have ruderalis in them, theyre often really good.
ruderalis have very low levels of thc naturally I much so that autos have only gotten good the last few years thanks to selective breeding programs...buuuut I might be wrong. I've seen a few solutions about for slugs but im sure you 2 have seen em if not more....sorry didn't read ur post properly excuse the stupidity haha

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
nah, haven't got anything on the go atm. Got some autos I wana try. Gotta wait for the weather to get a bit better.I always have major problems with slugs, so often im left without a crop. :(

not a great beliver in pellets but salt layed around the ground will deter tem suckers.. and its cheap to replace "whenever" you can visit your plot, thing is tho the white ring can draw people to see what its doing in the wild...


Well-Known Member
I must admit, Ive never tried the salt. Must try the pink rock salt, it might blend in a bit easier. You're bang on right with the thc level relax, but I don't mind missing a few % if I get to prevent the crop from mould. Ruderalis is the weed bit in weed. The pure ruderalis can grow anywhere!


Well-Known Member
I must admit, Ive never tried the salt. Must try the pink rock salt, it might blend in a bit easier. You're bang on right with the thc level relax, but I don't mind missing a few % if I get to prevent the crop from mould. Ruderalis is the weed bit in weed. The pure ruderalis can grow anywhere!
I've only ever smoked complete shite from outdoors but im sure U can find quality especially with the cracking summer we had

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
needed in this climate, means at least you get a yeild, lord knows with our weather its a crap shoot putting out plants, no matter if there vegged up or not it can still go tits up...

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
I've only ever smoked complete shite from outdoors but im sure U can find quality especially with the cracking summer we had

hahahahaha made life hard on a few lads i`d say, hauling water to gardens all the way ot where they were, unless your lucky and live in country that can be planted easy, in towns like mine its so spread out and so much farm land you have to go proper miles to get to suitable outdoor land, even then theres so many lads out shooting etc its still dodgy...


Well-Known Member
Yeah fuck that for a buzz, my game plan is pop 5 more beans after this so that I don't need to battle the heat in the summer n that's indoors lol n ill have a nice little supply ALL FOR ME MWAHAHAHAA

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
bet you the weight of you first yeild that you won`t stop growing.... even with a couple of jars you`ll jst mess more with them when the pressures off...;)