The Irish Growers Thread!


hey guys,havent had a chance to get on here lately!hope all is well with ye and yer gardens,coming to the end of my first harvest,think next Wednesday ill be chopping,really excited now im counting the days down,its all I can think about really! have had a few problems with it lately,seems like I stunted growth at a very bad time cos they don't seem to be bulking up,hardly will in their last ten days or so?ill be happy with whatever I get off of it as Ive learned a lot but hope it does the job


Well-Known Member
hey man, what happened to the pics lol have you got any PK? or any sort of bloom booster? cuz that would really help out.


Well-Known Member
yeah mother fuckers my canna nutes arrived today with loads of free stuff lol wooohooooo im seriously sorted for a few years lol no joke can finally chill now n not worry about running out of anything imma switch to the canna now n start bumping up the feed the dates on the canna products are amazing n looking online their grand even after they expire but im sure they will be gone within 2-3 years lol.had a look at me girls there n they are happy ladies gonna repot em tomorrow into 6ltr pots with canna pro plus


hey man, what happened to the pics lol have you got any PK? or any sort of bloom booster? cuz that would really help out.

well dude,yeah have been using plagron green sensation and added molasses the last watering,to be honest i think its slowed since ive started using green sensation prob used too much of it but its prob too late to change anything as they will be ready sometime next week,i must try put up the pics again but im a little disappointed with them but trying not to be if ya get me,hows your grow going dude?


Well-Known Member
Have you checked the trics? Id say they could do with another little gonna flush b4 harvest or what? Mine are good, been underfeeding but no defs on the leafs but another member mentioned it so imma start bumping things up for the next 2 weeks then flip.


Well-Known Member
Hello all. Took a while to catch up on posts. This no internet at home thing is a pain in the ass. Good to hear all crops doing well. Nothing much to report. My ph pen arrived minus the calibration solution. Seriously pissed. Emailed seller and he is sorting it out. The weather here is shite. Going to stay indors tonight and play Duex Ex.


only have a x2 magnifying glass for looking so its hard to see,none seem amber yet anyway,ill post a few pics later of how they are doing now,how long you think they have to go bud?yeah i think ive underfed along the way too :( should them buds bulk up more?


haha no worries dude,they were pics i took last week when i was trying to put them up,ill take pics later when lights are on and put a few up,maybe they do need a little longer but seemingly for the strong white widow stone these girls go 7 - 8 weeks,there white widow x big bud,i aint seeing to many big buds though lol


Well-Known Member
The lads will be able to give a better finish time than me. They are looking well though. You can pick up a magnifier from adverts for between 5-8 euro. I just ordered one today. I was using a set of those cheap binoculars turned upside down but thats a pain in the ass and really awkward. I would love to get one of those microscope you connect to a laptop/pc and can take pics. But thats a fair bit down the list.


Well-Known Member
only have a x2 magnifying glass for looking so its hard to see,none seem amber yet anyway,ill post a few pics later of how they are doing now,how long you think they have to go bud?yeah i think ive underfed along the way too :( should them buds bulk up more?
I saw some cheap magnifying glass in the pound shop the last day but im sure U could find something somewhere. Id go by trics so im no help but when ae is about he will sort you out, he has for the rest of us haha. Yeah underfeeding is just as bad as over lol but I didn't take any notice since my leafs were good but sure it will be grand. N id say they could bulk up more n im sure they will but yet again wait for ae or mds opinion first.


Well-Known Member
Hey @R31. Not bad dude. Watching the clock here waiting for this class to end. Seriously bored. How are you? Working tonight? Good to see you got your canna dude. You have anything else on order?


Well-Known Member
So high I forgot to write what it is haha that's the magnifying glass I have got it off eBay for fuck all n works a treat. Im off mate thank fook.


Well-Known Member
Thats pretty sweet @r31. It looks like it can do a couple of things. Shame I just ordered a bog standard one 10 min ago.You have any plans for the night off?


Well-Known Member
Once it does the job ur laughing bud.nothing, just gonna relax n smoke all day lol how's ur lady looking buddy?


Well-Known Member
Looking a bit sorry for herself but chugging along. Be another day or two before I know if yellowing halted. Will just have to learn my lesson and feed earlier and not overwater. Gonna crack the Mazar this weekend if I can get the time to prep a bit of room.


Well-Known Member
Im sure she's gonna improve mate U got on top of the watering n now the feeding imma cop onto the feeding myself n see what happens haha.